Thursday, February 28, 2008

If You Really Wanted.......

When you were an infant, you couldn’t even crawl. As you got to be a few months old, the crawling began. It wasn’t easy at first, but after a while, you got the hang of it, an off you went.

Then, you graduated to standing up! Whoa, that was a hard one. Walking was even tougher. Every time you stood up, you fell down. But, you kept on standing up until eventually you LEARNED how to walk.

Maybe as a kid, you decided you wanted to play the piano. So your parents signed you up for lessons, and you began to LEARN how to play. If you liked it, and you liked your teacher, you would continue to practice and play until you got good enough to play in front of an audience. From there on, if you continued to LEARN and practice, you simply got better and better.

Success in achieving ANY worthwhile goal is achievable. You do NOT have to be some brilliant genius to succeed. You just need to LEARN the WINNING FORMULA and follow it.

As I continue to study and analyze the most successful people in the world, the blueprint they leave behind shows us all the way to achieve their same level of success. Since I am a true believer of entrepreneurship, and how anyone can LEARN how to become a successful entrepreneur, I have focused many years learning and studying these people and their blueprints.

I know these formulas’s work, because I have applied them in my life to achieve everything I ever really wanted, and I know that if you were to LEARN and apply them as well, you would begin to see the same results.

The paths to financial freedom are few. There are millions more paths that will lead you to nowhere compared to the few paths that actually do lead you to success. Most people spend their lifetime going down a path that leads them to struggle. Unfortunately, that’s the only place their path leads them to. They have no chance for financial freedom unless they win the lottery or inherit a bunch of money, and my guess is, they’d blow it if they ever got it.

Do you want financial freedom? Do you want it sooner than later?

If you answered yes, what exactly are you doing to make that a reality in your life?

I would suggest to you that if you decided right now that over the next 36 months you WILL BECOME a successful entrepreneur, and began to LEARN the “winning formula”, you’d be AMAZED by what you could accomplish in just 36 months.

What else can you do in the next 36 months to move your towards you goal of financial freedom that will position you for success better than this???

Most people either have a job (Just Over Broke) or they say they’ve got a business when in fact all they’ve really done is bought themselves a job. That isn’t what WE want to do!

Our intention is to create freedom. It’s to create wealth. And while many people say that’s what they want, only a small percentage has the “winning formula” that can take them to their dreams.

If you really wanted to become financially free, you’d be doing everything you could to LEARN how to make that a reality. Are you? If you aren’t, why aren’t you?

Before you enter the game, you need to study and LEARN and practice and prepare yourself for your chance. Otherwise, you’ll fall flat on your face. We want to make sure you’re doing the right things and creating the right mindset for success.

Success is a journey, not a destination. Steady and consistent gets it done. Let’s make sure your life is filled with exciting opportunities that can take you exactly where you want to go.



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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have started learning and finding that in 36 months I will have my own business, service oriented and plan to have 1 million dollars in 10 years. I plan to follow a sucessful businessman who has created his wealth through real estate and commercial business property. I will work my current job until I can aquire assets or passive income to support us.

7:13 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

If you want to win, you'll want to learn and keep on learning.
There's plenty of information loaded here on the blogs.
Larry E.

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With that in mind, I'd have to say that in the last 6 months my life has changed tremendously.

I have opened my eyes to more new concepts and information than at any other point in my life.

Although I haven't reached the 'FREEDOM' bell yet, I am certainly pushing people out of the way in the trenches. I'll be there before I know it.


11:29 AM  

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