Do you see opportunities or obstacles?
First, what I've been referring to as the 5%ers club is more like the 1%ers club! So few people are winning the money game that it's scary!
Second, most people are horrendous money managers. Since this is the single most important skill all wealthy people have, you'd hope that people would have a winning system for managing their money. Unfortunately, most don't.
Third, while everyone says they'd like to become financially free, NO ONE is actually doing anything to make it happen. And the few that are doing something are doing it all wrong, or half hearted, or going down a path that can never lead them to financial freedom.
Fourth, virtually no one understands that until they create enough PASSIVE INCOME to pay for their expenses that they will ALWAYS BE A SLAVE TO THEIR JOBS. Yet, most people have NO current passive income, nor are they creating streams of passive income. They are on the road that leads to nowhere.
I could go on and on.
If you are reading these words, take a moment and understand that there are winning ways of thinking and then there are all the rest. If you have made up your mind that you want to take your life, and especially your financial life to a whole new level, TRUST me when I tell you that everything you read here has worked in my life and can for you too. Nothing is difficult to do, it simply means you will need to change a few things. And we all know how difficult change can be!
One of your biggest challenges is to get into your WEALTH FILES and discover what your true beliefs are in these critical areas. It might be time for you to revise or update these files.
Harv Eker’s Wealth File Number 5
Rich People focus on opportunities.
Poor people focus on obstacles.
FEAR! It’s amazing how POWERFUL fear plays into our lives. To some extent, all of us are affected by fear, some more than others.
The important question as far as you’re concerned is “how much is fear affecting my life, my wealth, my success?”
If your basic nature is fear based, and you are someone who constantly worries, now is the perfect opportunity to get it out on the table for you to evaluate and perhaps change.
When it comes to the mind, we all have our own “conditioned” mind. Our “conditioned” mind has one primary job, and that’s SURVIVAL. It DOESN’T care at all about your success, only your survival. Throughout your entire lifetime, it just wants you to survive. It would rather you not even try to change because change is the unknown, and there lurks DANGER in the unknown.
If you’re not sure what I’m referring to here, I’m talking about that little voice that’s having a conversation with you all day long. It’s the little voice that says “You can’t do that”, or “you better not try that”, or “what if”, or “why bother”, or practically anything that will dissuade you from doing something you normally don’t do.
It wants to keep you in “your comfort zone”. As long as you stay in “your comfort zone”, your conditioned mind is content, because it knows you are already surviving in “your comfort zone.”
Change, however, requires moving out of your comfort zone and trying something different. It means moving into your “uncomfort zone.” And for you to grow, you have to move outside of your “comfort zone”, which doesn’t make your conditioned mind happy at all.
Ask most people the definition of FEAR and they’ll say false evidence appearing real. But that’s just an acronym. FEAR is THE ANTICIPATION OF PAIN. Is fear based in the past, or in the future? The future. And your conditioned mind will anticipate future imagined pain, and then do everything in its power to move you in another direction. IT WILL STOP YOU IN YOUR TRACKS IF YOU LET IT!
Most people live in fear. They expect the worst and plan for it. They look to the obstacles in every new opportunity so that they won’t have to get out of their comfort zone. As a result, most people ARE POOR!!
Wealthy people have overcome their fears. They might still have fears, but they’ve learned how to deal with their fears and TAKE ACTION REGARDLESS what that “little voice” in their head is saying to them.
As a result, wealthy people look for the opportunities surrounding them every day. They focus on the potential profits. The poor? They focus on the potential losses.
The middle class have a little more optimistic point of view. They are more inclined to think….”I’ll give it a try and hope it works.”
Rich people take full responsibility for their lives. Their attitude is “It’ll work because I’LL make it work!” Their WEALTH FILE is filled with CONFIDENCE, that they WILL succeed, and if things don’t work out, they’ll be able to RECOVER.
There is always a risk to get the reward. Rich people are willing to take risk. But they do their homework in advance, and once they have all the facts, they choose to take action or not.
On the other hand, poor people expect to fail, and have little confidence in themselves or their abilities. As a result, all they see are the obstacles they don’t believe they can overcome, and they won’t take the risk. No risk, no reward.
The Law of Attraction includes focusing on what you want in your life. Rich people focus on opportunities, and as a result, opportunities abound. Poor people focus on the obstacles in their life, and as a result, obstacles abound.
Your view of life will determine what you find. Look for opportunities and that’s what you’ll find. Look for obstacles, and that’s what you’ll find. As far as rich people are concerned, when they run into obstacles they deal with them and then keep moving forward, always focused on their goal, and putting their energies into achieving their results.
I tell my clients this all the time. Rich and successful people focus on 3 things when it comes to money. They focus on earning it, keeping it and growing it. Poor people focus on just one thing, spending it! What we focus on expands!
Rich and successful people also understand that they can’t wait until they are experts to make decisions and move forward. They gather the best information they can as quickly as they can, they make a decision and go. Their WEALTH FILE is set for READY, FIRE, AIM. In other words, take ACTION and make corrections along the way.
There is no way for anyone to know everything that can happen in the future. It’s unrealistic to think you can anticipate and solve every single potential problem in advance. In life, we can only see so far into the future.
Jack Canfield (from Chicken Soup for the Soul fame) uses the example of driving a car at night from Los Angeles to New York. With your lights on you can only see a few hundred feet ahead of you. Once you get there, you can see the next few hundred feet. As long as you’re on the right highway, you can drive all the way from Los Angeles to New York in the dark, seeing just a few hundred feet ahead of you at any one time.
Life is a lot like that. Rich and successful people know that when they get to the next turn in the road, they’ll deal with whatever comes up. More importantly, they’re on the road and they’re moving forward. Getting on the road is critical. Poor people stay home so they can avoid any accidents.
Harv Eker calls it “getting in the corridor. The idea is to get in the game with whatever you’ve got from wherever you are.”
For example, when I chose to become a full time entrepreneur and leave Corporate America, I realized that I didn’t have the necessary skills to be successful. In fact, every business I’d ever tried crashed and burned, and so did all my money with it each time. I knew that I needed specific skills before I’d succeed. In my search I accidentally bumped into my old friend Harv Eker, and then spent the next year as Harv’s Chief Operating Officer helping build Peak Potentials Training into one of the fastest growing business and personal success training companies in the world.
More importantly, I got to work with one of the world’s MOST BRILLIANT marketers and entrepreneurs, and see first hand exactly what it takes to build a MEGAMILLION dollar business from scratch in a short period of time.
When my project was up and it was time to move back home to Phoenix, I was completely prepared to start my own business. I’d seen what I needed to see, and learned what I needed to learn.
By the way, when I accidentally bumped into my old friend Harv it had been almost 25 years since our last connection. Yet, just 5 minutes after I began searching the internet for ideas, I found Harv and the Peak Potentials web site. Coincidence?
My attitude is that TALK IS CHEAP. ACTIONS speak much louder than words. Rich people are action oriented. They get started and THEY DON’T STOP. They move confidently towards their dreams and goals. Poor people will talk and plan and strategize and meet, but they won’t DO anything, because they simply don’t have the belief in themselves that they can succeed. They are locked onto the obstacles.
What’s your WEALTH FILE filled with, opportunities or obstacles?
Now, Place you hand on your chest and say…
Labels: entrepreneurship, financial freedom, Harv Eker, money management, opportunity, success, Wealth files
Thanks for your reminder here, Jeff. Your 1% club pretty much describes me till now, and I have certainly experienced a lot of fear especially these past few days.
At the same time, I have packed my business life with growing opportunities over recent weeks. I do have a plan now for passive income and I'm building the machine to produce it. And I am taking action 15 or 16 hours a day.
So I see myself in both parts of the story here! Hopefully, part 1 is the past and part 2 is the future...
And I thought it would be a 6% club by now. Being a decent money manager has been important to me. Now, on to being an excellent manager. I'm getting fired up and ready for opportunities!
Larry E.
I have worked on money management and have appreciated the pay yourself first concept. Fear used to stop me from going forward. I have worked on fear and have taken action despite the little man on my shoulder. I know he is there but the more times I go forward and ignore him the easier it gets. Looking back, I had nothing to fear.
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