Friday, December 28, 2007

This Guy IS the man...

Any of you who know me at all have heard me talk about this man. You’ve all read my writings about this man. He is a man whose life and teachings have been an incredible daily blessing in my life.

What makes someone SPECIAL to you? Do YOU have a lot of special people in your life? Are YOU special to people in your life? HOW are you special to the people in your life?

For me, this man is special because his KNOWLEDGE has created more A-HA! moments in my life than any other person in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD.

Do you know what an A-HA moment is? If you do, I don’t have to explain. If you don’t, it’s kind of like….Wow Man, that’s a great idea! Let’s do it!

When I was 15, every single idea that came out of Napoleon Hill’s mind was an A-HA moment for me. WHEN I WAS 15!

And the older I got, the wiser he became. This man, Napoleon Hill. Until I got old enough to realize that he was a MASTER in his field, which was in teaching others to become MASTERS of their financial life by becoming MASTERS OF THEIR FINANCIAL THINKING. That’s why he called his book “THINK and Grow Rich”.

He’s got it nailed. I am a living testament to it. If everyone did exactly what Napoleon Hill teaches, everyone would be living a lifestyle so much greater in quality in every way that it would be unimaginable for most people.

Obviously, few do exactly what he teaches, and as a result, few achieve the kind of success this blog is dedicated to.

Napoleon Hill came first for me, back in 1969. Then came Dale Carnegie, and the floodgates of other special people began, each providing me with tons of A-HA moments.

The greatest A-HA person I know personally is my friend Harv Eker. As an entrepreneur, he is brilliant. Watching him has created many A-HA moments for me. As a program designer, he is brilliant. Seeing what he’s created, and how he’s created it, has created many A-HA moments for me. As a trainer/speaker, he is brilliant, with stage presence and charisma that’s incredible, and that’s created many A-HA moments for me. But more than anything, the content that Harv delivers is right on.

The more A-HA moments you have in your life, the more successful your life is going to be. I seek them out. I’m looking for as many A-HA moments as I can find throughout the day. They’re everywhere. They’re easy to find. Especially now that the Internet provides so much information to your fingertips. Some call it a thirst for knowledge. I know it is for me.

As New Year approach, I hope you will focus on setting a goal of achieving multiple A-HA moments every single day next year.



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Blogger Jeff Evans said...

Greetings...... I haven't made it all the way through "Think & Grow Rich", but I really like the book. I can see how you would read it over and over again.

As for special people...... To be brutally honest, I have many special people in my life. My Mom & Dad, brothers, sister, family, and friends, and girlfriend.

I'd have to say though that non of my A-HA moments are coming from this circle right now. Most of them are created from my own desire and quest for knowledge while working on my inner game. They are coming from sources like Harv, Napoleon Hill, and the most important person, ME. And yes, I am developing my skills at reconizing these moments when they pop up.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

A-HA moments can presented to me by someone or something and help to give meaning to my life. It's a glorious day when I get one of those moments.
Larry E.

9:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What strikes me most about your post is your humility in allowing yourself to learn from master teachers.

I am inspired to make that my own commitment at this crucial stage in my business evolution.

OK Jeff, it's the first of the year -- 2008, which I have named: THE YEAR OF JON WARD, ENTREPRENEUR.

This has two very specific meanings for me. They are really paradoxical!

On the one hand, it's time for me to step out with pride and clarity, allowing my talents and contributions to be recognized. This may sound like ego (which I guess is always part of the equation). More importantly, it's a business decision. As a creative thinker and teacher, my personal brand has more potential (dollar) value than I have allowed it. In the past, I have found it more comfortable to tuck myself into the safety of other people's slipstream. It's time to come forward in my own name, and realize that value.

The other meaning is about "entrepreneur": creating systems that generate income when I'm not working. To do this, I have to be ready to step out of the picture and let the system take over.

That's quite a dance! I can only pull it off if I follow your example and allow myself to be taught by those who have mastered this path ahead of me.

Thank you for your inspiration as this exciting New Year begins.

May your 2008 be filled with a higher level of success and fulfillment.

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A-HA moments takes my energy level and turns it up a notch. Recognizing and learning from those experiences increased over the years. I think I never let the moment sink in.

7:39 AM  

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