Thursday, December 20, 2007

It Took Me the Longest Time.........

One of the greatest benefits of studying successful people and the strategies they used to achieve their success, is that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You can simply follow their strategies and get the same results.

That doesn’t mean that you don’t have a learning curve and that you will still have to force yourself to grow. It means you’ll save a lot of time along the way. It means that what took someone 5 years to figure out and do, you can now do in 18 months.

It's taken me a long time to understand one guiding principle that has made all the difference to me since I’ve begun applying it. Don’t wait until you’re my age to figure this one out.

When observing the most successful people I personally know in life, and looking at the lives of the most successful people I’ve studied, THIS ONE ESSENTIAL INGREDIENT IS COMMON.

To be extraordinarily successful, you will need to form YOUR TEAM. It is virtually impossible to be highly successful without the help and cooperation of other people.

Henry Ford always talked about the idea that he surrounded him with folks WHO WERE SMARTER THAN HIM. If he needed a great designer for his team, he found one. If he needed a great marketer for his team, he found one. Whoever he needed to find and add to his team, he did. He called that HIS MANAGEMENT TEAM. Relying on the performance of each member of the team in their area of expertise made Henry Ford a wealthy man. Their meetings were in fact, what Napoleon Hill refers to as a Mastermind Meeting.

In the past couple of years, as I have moved away from Corporate America and into Entrepreneurship America, I have finally begun to truly understand this concept of team and mastermind.

To be a truly successful entrepreneur, there are many areas where you need to be a MASTER, or have access to a MASTER. There are simply too many areas that come up for you to personally take the time to learn and MASTER the topic.

What’s the major shortcut to HUGE financial success? Decide EXACTLY the GOAL you want to accomplish, figure out the plan to accomplish it, decide which areas you will personally tackle, and decide which areas you will EMPLOY the skills and expertise of others.

In our personal lives, we need to begin to create our TEAM. For most of us,, the team will include your doctor, your dentist, your barber/stylist. A critical missing factor for virtually every person I ever meet is a FINANCIAL WEALTH BUILDER COACH. Someone on your team to help you in an area that is critical to your financial success. Someone on your team to help you improve your money management skills, your income generating skills.

As you go through your day, keep in mind the idea of building your team, your GO TO guys/gals in the areas of life that are important to you. Build your team relationship by relationship. Assemble them regularly for mastermind meetings. Learn to depend and rely on them just as they can depend and rely on you.


One of my goals for 2008 is to build and grow several mastermind groups of self motivated, positive, enthusiastic, energetic, and success focused individuals who are looking for a way to LEAP INTO A NEW FINANCIAL LIFESTYLE, and are willing to put in the price of time, energy and money to make their dreams a reality.

This is the SHORTCUT to achieving success at a large scale. If you fit this description, or IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE who fits this description, I’d like to hear from you.

Start today to find your team. Pick people you respect. Get to know them and make sure they resonate with you. Find high energy people, who charge you up rather than wear you down. Find positive people, who are solution oriented instead of problem focused. Find people you genuinely like. Find people who are MASTERS at what they do. When you have a team of MASTERS, and you also happen to MASTER what you do, there can only be one ultimate result.



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Blogger Jeff Evans said...

One of the things that I realized while reading your previous blogs and looking back on my past, is that I could have been so much further ahead if I had used this tool.

I think for me it was a matter of my ego getting in the way. Sure, we all want to be successful and make millions and have live the good life, but my thought process was, I can do this on my own, I don't want anybody to show me.

This really got in my way, and I know realize that this is faulty thinking. Because of this, I now have to different people helping me right now to achieve things that are important to me.

12:18 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

I too thought I should know it all before I began my charge but the task of knowing kept getting larger and I never felt prepared.
The charge is larger than the sum when there is more than one working together, it's called synergy.
Larry E.

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I declared 2007 "My Year of Leverage" -- and did almost nothing about it until the last couple of months!

Now I have several great team members in place for technology support, bookkeeping, and occasional personal assistance. Plus I hired a young business school graduate to help me build my internet marketing operation.

The biggest missing piece throughout my life has been a trustworthy financial coach. Most of the people who've given me advice in the past have been struggling themselves, even if at a higher level, and they did more harm than good.

For 2008, I'm ready for a mentor who has actually cracked the code of financial freedom!

Needless to say, I am definitely interested in the proposed mastermind teams.

8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff, just started reading your posts from most recent till I got to this one. I've currently got a coach, but would be interested in knowing more about what being involved in your Mastermind group entails. I've applied Harv's Jar System really well into my own finances and have helped Sean (my husband) with his as well back when we were still dating and had separate finances. I am currently building my money management coaching business, but don't know much about investing. Could really use your expertise.

11:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mastermind group makes sense. I think it is important to surround yourself with educated sucessful people. You must be the coach and delegate to the rest of your team the end game for a specific period. It grows from the seed planted.

7:29 AM  

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