Monday, March 17, 2008

Will You be Able to Climb High Enough?

Most people are wimps! They think small! They think fear! And as a result of their thinking, they struggle their whole lives.

This blog is dedicated to the top 5%, the people who have COMMITTED to taking complete control of their life and succeed at whatever they choose to do for themselves.

Once you realize that YOU are completely RESPONSIBLE for YOUR own life, YOU can begin to do something about it. YOU can think whatever you choose to, but the simple fact is YOU control your thoughts, your feelings, your income, your happiness, your relationships, well…..practically everything.

Today, people are blaming the economy for all their problems. The fact is, there will always be reasons for failure. That’s why only the top 5% are really successful. It’s so much easier to fail. Successful people overcome EVERYTHING. They don’t accept any excuse, they push on in spite of all odds.

In his best selling book THINK AND GROW RICH, Napoleon Hill laid out his philosophy of success and the principles that made it up. He demonstrated that regardless what someone’s original surroundings were, whether they grew up rich or poor, had education or not, had physical handicaps or other challenges, EVERYBODY has the seed of potential greatness within them if they can find a way to wake it from its slumber and raise its desire to a passion.

One of the greatest frustrations I see with my clients is in their approach to money and success. I can predict with certainty that the vast majority of people I meet with will all be struggling with money their entire lifetimes if they don’t get off the road they're on and get on one that can take them to freedom!

The problem that most people don’t realize, or else they don’t seem to know what to do about is that they will NEVER reach freedom from a JOB! If you BELIEVE that your best path to financial freedom is through a JOB, I hope you’re paid based on performance and results. But if you have a salary, or get paid by the hour, you have a CEILING on your income. Except for a bonus or a small raise, you can predict what your income will be.


There are millions of roads you can hop on over your lifetime. Unfortunately only a very few of them lead you to freedom. Most of them take you down roads of struggle. Even worse, those roads are like parking lots from all the traffic congestion. What’s really great is that the roads that lead to freedom have very little traffic. That’s because few people take the time to find out about them.

As you grow yourself and your skills you climb higher up the mountain of success. And the higher you climb, the easier it is to spot the roads that lead to freedom from the roads that lead to struggle.

The roads to success are already there. The trailblazers who carved these roads may be long gone, but their directions are there if you want them. And the higher you climb up the mountain, the more of them you can identify.

All you have to do then is find the road that suits you best, and off you go.

Are you on a road that can take you to your financial freedom? If you aren’t, are you planning on doing anything about it? If you really want success, take control of your life, take control of your mind, and decide right now that you will COMMIT to getting on a road that will lead you to your success, however you define it!

Most important, stop reading, stop planning, and START DOING!! Get in the game, and give it all you’ve got.

Remember that when you read, you’re on the sidelines watching the game. It’s a passive activity. When you take action, when you start doing, you’re in the game. It’s an ACTION activity. We want to develop the habit of getting in the game. That’s where it’s won or lost. Not on the sidelines.

Believe that you are awakening the GIANT WITHIN YOU, as Tony Robbins likes to say. Because you truly have a giant within you, a force so incredible that if you ever unleashed it, you would be in for the ride of your life.

Climb high my friend, and spot those roads to success. You can only get high enough to spot them through constant improvement, personal development, and a COMMITMENT to your reaching your full potential.

I want to hear from you! Let me know what you think! Reading my blog is a passive activity. Writing a comment requires you to think and DO! Are you on the sidelines, or do you want to get in the game? It’s up to you.



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Blogger Larry E. said...

The higher you go, the better the view. Now, on to find a road to the top.
Larry E.

10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very inspirational. I have learned extensive information from your blog and will raise the level of my game. I am working on what I truely want and the vehicle to get me there.

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Reading is the foundation for gathering new information in an area that you would like to change.

But as you stated in your blog, there has to be an action step involved.

Doing anything, no matter how small it may be, is better than nothing at all.


3:33 PM  

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