Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Are You Bigger Than Your Problems?

Anyone who has read through the past 8 postings about their WEALTH FILES will testify that this review is worth A MILLION TIMES the time and energy invested in it.

Your WEALTH FILES determine your FINANCIAL FUTURE! They determine if you will find the ways to achieve your financial dreams, or if you will be like most everybody else, the other 95%ers who struggle and worry about money every day of their lives.

The goal should be to become FREE! When you win the money game, you are FREE to DO whatever you truly want in life. At the age of 54, I am truly a blessed person to be able to live life on my terms. It didn’t happen overnight, and it didn’t happen by accident.

It’s the end result of living these philosophies and creating MY OWN WEALTH FILES for over the past 39 years. It’s the result of studying the greatest minds in the areas of money and success, and applying them in my life. It’s the result of many, many failures, and many disappointments along the way.

The next WEALTH FILE we are going to look at is one that is the CORE of my philosophy of success. It is so vital you understand this that I want you to promise yourself that you will read this over at least one more time, so that you truly grasp this concept and adopt it as a PERMANENT part of your WEALTH FILES.

Harv Eker’s Wealth File #9

Rich people are bigger than their problems.
Poor people are smaller than their problems.

Rarely is success easy. If it was, we’d all be successful all the time. We’d all be rich! We’d all be happy! But the fact is, the reverse is true.

Here we are living at the wealthiest time in the history of the world, in the wealthiest nation in the world, but most everybody is struggling! In fact, from what I see daily in my practice, most people are struggling big time!

Getting rich isn’t easy. It isn’t a piece of cake. It requires a lot of time and energy (at least at first), and there are a million challenges that must be met and overcome.

Most people don’t want to put themselves through that. They don’t want the headaches, they don’t want the hassles, and they don’t want the problems.

That creates an even bigger problem because poor people are smaller than their problems, and they aren’t GROWING so that they can become BIGGER than their problems. And until they GROW big enough to take on bigger problems, they can never get rich.

Rich people on the other hand, take on challenges with zest and enthusiasm. Their attitude is “Bring it on”. They know that there is a solution to every problem, and that they will find a way to continue to move forward. Rich people take on bigger and bigger challenges constantly, and continue to grow with the experience and confidence that comes from taking action. The bigger the challenges you take on, the richer you will become.

Poor people will do virtually anything to avoid problems. The irony in that is that they end up with one of the biggest problems of all, they’re BROKE! The key is not to shrink from your problems, but rather to prepare yourself and grow yourself BIGGER than your problems.

Everybody has problems. Rich people and poor people have them. There is no way to avoid them. If you’re breathing, you’ll have them. The size of the problem is never the issue. The issue is ALWAYS the size of YOU!

This is the KEY! In life, your success will always be about YOU! Believe it or not, you control your life. Not your parents, not your spouse, or your kids, or your boss, or anyone else. You are responsible for your life and your success, your finances and your happiness. If you don’t believe this, you are DOOMED. You have to believe that you are capable of GROWING yourself into a HUGE SUCCESS. It’s all up to you.

What’s currently in your wealth file? Are you bigger than your problems? Are you smaller? Until you can fill your WEALTH FILES with BELIEFS that you are someone who is capable of learning and growing, you won’t see the kinds of success we’re talking about here.

Now, put your hand on your chest and repeat out loud…




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Blogger Larry E. said...

Problems aka challenges-can make you bigger, smarter and better.
Look forward to a challenge for the rewards it offers.

10:15 PM  
Blogger jamieyk4 said...

I loved this post. My challenges have always turned into great growth and learning. I am ready to tackle this new challenge and make success from it

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staying positive and working towards a solution is the best way to get through a situation. I like to know that I can control my future.

7:03 AM  

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