Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's Exciting!

For almost 3 years now, I’ve been posting to this blog. It is something I do with passion, because I truly believe in the depths of my soul that the information here can transform people’s lives.

I believe it because everything I write about I live.

I believe it because at the age of 54, I have accomplished more, accumulated more, experienced more, journeyed more than just about anyone else I’ve ever known. I am free to take my life in any direction and to pursue any dream I want.

I believe it because the people I learned from are the most brilliant minds I can find on the face of this planet.

I believe it because every single day I have people in my office, or on the phone, or via email that thank me for inspiring them to improve some area of their lives.

I believe it because every time I meet with a client, their financial lives have improved.

I believe it because I see people JUST LIKE YOU every single day in my office. I KNOW YOUR CONCERNS, I KNOW YOUR GOALS, YOUR DREAMS. I know what you DO know, I know what you DON’T know, and I know what you KNOW that just ‘aint SO!

My mission is to educate and inspire you to reach your full financial potential. I believe I can do that better than anyone else in the world! Pretty bold statement huh?

Well……almost 40 years of intense personal development will make you bold! 40 years of getting successful results will make you bold!

Besides, if it persuades you in the least to take what you read here seriously, and BELIEVE as I do that you are on the verge of a realization that you can take your life to a whole new level; I’ll be as bold as I can be.

Over the past 18 months of being in business for myself, it has been my objective to

A) Improve my entrepreneurial skills
B) Cash flow as quickly as possible
C) Meet as many prospects as I'm able to
D) Learn as much as I could about my prospects

And over the past 18 months, I’ve done it all. Using a very effective marketing system, I see as many prospects as I care to. If I want to see more, it’s easy to ramp up the system to add more, or, when too many are coming at once, slow it down.

I began covering my costs after the first 90 days, and have never looked back. The growth of the business has been exponential. I earned more in my first year of being in business for myself than in any other year of my life. By far!

Most importantly, I’ve met hundreds of people who have opened up their financial lives to me, and shared exactly where they stand today.

And after weeks, months, and now years since I’ve begun this work, I’ve found WHAT’S MISSING! It’s incredible that this huge, critical, vital piece is missing in virtually everybody’s life!

Every single client I talk to about this; Every single friend I talk to about this; Every single associate I talk to about this….they all agree, it’s missing. And I’ll bet it’s missing to some degree in your life too!

In 2 weeks I’ll be traveling to San Diego to participate in a 2 ½ day workshop with the great Michael Gerber of E-Myth fame. If you aren’t familiar with Michael, imagine that you decided that you wanted to become an entrepreneur, and you wanted to learn from the greatest teacher of entrepreneurs in the world. This man is THE MAN!

Well, I want to transform the world. And the best man to teach me how to take my idea and create the delivery system to bring it to the world is Michael Gerber.

So I’ve bought myself a “HOT SEAT”, especially to get the greatest benefit of working directly with Michael throughout the entire event. The business plan I end up with will have Michael’s blessing on it. How can it get any better than that??

Just in case you’ve got a few extra $$$thousand lying around, here’s the details…

Imagine the people who attend events like this. 35 in total. Think some of them will make good networking partners?

Success is a journey that leads who knows where? All I know is that if you shoot for the stars, you’ll at least hit the moon. And I know that if you work with the best, surround yourself with the best, network with the best, and try your best every moment of every day, good things happen.

Keep getting inspired. Keep growing. Keep learning. Make it a habit. And then go out and DO!

Thank you always for your precious time. I hope I can touch you in a positive way.



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Blogger Larry E. said...

I may be missing a couple of things, yet. But I'm getting better at finding them. Thanks for the inspiration.
Larry E.

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I look at different situations and try to find the positve results. I have learned so much knowledge. thanks Jeff.

6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your inspiration helps me during those times when I find myself reverting to mediocrity.


8:59 PM  

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