Friday, February 16, 2007

The Sooner You Realize This the Better...

Do you care about your financial life?

Do you care enough to do something about it?

Many months ago I wrote about reporting from the front lines.

The post was about my observations about most people’s financial picture as I see it.

My practice thrives because the radio advertising I do brings in a flood of people to meet with.

All of them have taken the time to listen to a radio commercial, go to a web site, enter their name and email address and download a report.

After reading, (in many cases skimming) the report, they request a personal consultation.

That’s where I come in.

We’ll spend between 60 to 90 minutes talking about a very specific money strategy that can have a profound impact on their financial lives. The ideas and concepts are almost always foreign to them.

After all the questions are answered, we move on to the “fact finder” portion of the process.

We’ll talk about financial concerns and financial goals.

It’s right then that I can predict their financial future for the rest of their lives.


Because I can identify their financial blueprint.

We all have a financial blueprint ingrained in our subconscious mind, and it’s this blueprint more than anything else that will determine your financial future for the rest of your life.

You can learn all about investing. You can learn all about business, about marketing, about real estate, about the stock market. You can learn it all. But at the end of the day, if you don’t have a blueprint that is set for financial success, none of that will make any difference at all.

I was fortunate enough to run an incredible company called Peak Potentials Training. It’s the fastest growing business and personal success training companies in North America.

The man behind Peak Potentials Training is Harv Eker. Harv is a genius in his field, and has gained an international reputation as being among the most brilliant in the world at helping people reach their full potential, not only financially, but in every important area of life.

In the early years of his trainings, Harv realized this most important fact. He realized that you could have 2 people sitting right beside each other at a seminar listening to the exact same material. One person would take the information and skyrocket to success. But what do you think might happen to the person sitting right next to him?

Not a heck of a lot!

And it was then that he realized that before you can ever win the “outer game”, you must first win the “inner game”.

What exactly does that mean?

Have you ever noticed the phenomenon that in many cases, when a poor person wins the lottery, within a few short years they’ve blown or lost it all and are right back to where they started?

And that a rich person can lose it all, and within a few short years they can have it all back again?

Look at Donald Trump. Here’s a man that lost millions, and in just a few short years, he got it all back and more!

Why does this happen?

It happens because Donald Trump’s blueprint is set for success. It’s set for very high.

He may have lost his money, but he never lost the most important ingredient to his success, his millionaire mind. Donald is SET for financial success.

Are you?

Would you like to know what you’re set for?

It’s easy to tell.

Look at your financial life.

Look at your income.

Look at your investments.

Look at your net worth.

Look at your savings.

Look at your lifestyle.

Do you work for someone else, or do you work for yourself?

Are you a spender or a saver?

Do you pick winning investments, or are your investments losers?

These are all a part of your blueprint.

And until you can identify your blueprint and change it, you will continue to get the exact same results you’re getting right now.

Statistically, less than 5% of all Americans will retire to the lifestyle they truly want to have.

That means that your odds are 1 in 20 that you’ll be that one lucky one.

The time I spend with my clients and the programs I design for them are specifically geared to help move them towards that top 5%. I believe that 100%.

Unfortunately, for many of them, it’s like pulling teeth trying to get them to see the light and make the changes in their life they need to make.

So, I don’t worry about it anymore. Luckily, I have lots of clients who do see the light and are committed to their financial success. Those who don’t or won’t make the changes, I wish well and let them move on.

Success is rare. It doesn’t happen by accident. For you to reach your financial goals isn’t going to happen overnight, or with no guidance, or with no plan, unless of course, you win the lottery or inherit a bunch of money.

I encourage you to take some time to examine your blueprint. Is it taking you where you want to go? Are you getting the results you want financially?

If you aren’t, have the courage to make some changes in your life. Until you do, I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life.

And now, so can you.



Monday, February 12, 2007

It Doesn't Happen By Accident.....

Do you want to reach financial freedom?

Do you want to reach it while you’re still young enough to enjoy it?

In my financial planning practice, I ask this question daily.

Not surprisingly, most people do want to become financially free.

In fact, when I ask them when they’d like to reach this goal, many say…..TODAY!

The problem is, there’s a huge difference between what we want and what we get.

95% of all people never reach financial freedom. Why?

It’s a sad fact but true, that most people spend more time planning their vacations than they ever do planning their financial future. I’ll bet many of you can relate to this exact fact.

But unless you set aside some time to give this area serious thought and energy, the chances of you joining the elite top 5% who do reach financial freedom are slim and none.

Winning the lottery is not a plan for reaching this goal. Unfortunately, for too many of us, it’s about the only way we can ever hope to turn this dream into reality.

I once heard my good friend and mentor, Harv Eker, President of Peak Potentials Training and the author of the New York Times Best Selling Book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” say, “what we focus on, expands”.

In other words, if you do not begin to concentrate on doing the things and creating the habits that will lead you to what you want, you will never achieve those dreams.

On the other hand, when you begin to focus time and energy every single day towards achieving your goals, you increase the likelihood of its accomplishment tenfold.

Conventional wisdom is doing what everyone else is doing. Unfortunately, if you do what everyone else is doing, you’ll get the exact same results as everyone else.

Since only about 5% of all people achieve financial freedom, you can’t simply do what everyone else is doing and expect to get different results.

The very first thing you must commit to doing is to USE MORE OF YOUR BRAIN POWER!

Again, as my friend Harv says at his seminars, when he was broke and going nowhere, a millionaire friend of his Dad’s told him, “if you’re not getting everything you want, all that means is there is something you don’t know.”

And I will tell you the exact same thing.

If you aren’t getting what you want in life, all that means is there’s something YOU don’t know.

Education doesn’t end when we graduate from school. It is a lifetime process.

You have the opportunity every single day to continue to educate yourself in the areas that are important to you.

So, if you want to reach your full financial potential, you can educate yourself so that you know what to do differently than what you’re currently doing.

Knowing what to do and actually doing it are 2 different things. It’s one thing to know what to do, it’s a whole other thing to DO WHAT YOU KNOW!

Over the past 37 years, I have never stopped learning as much as I can about the things that are important to me in my life.

I encourage you to do the same.

Over the past 18 months I have written on this blog about numerous success principles. It not only is a way for me to share these concepts with you, more importantly, it’s a reminder to myself of things I know but sometimes forget.

If you truly want to reach your full financial potential, it starts with your willingness to learn some new ideas and concepts and put them into action in your life.

In the past 6 months, I have helped dozens of people begin to reach for their full potential, and it is my greatest hope and passion to help hundreds and then thousands of others to reach theirs as well.

Open up your mind. Create a burning desire to learn and grow and change and do.

Before you know it, you’ll be on your way, and once you get some momentum, there’ll be no stopping you.

