Friday, June 29, 2007

Half Way Already......

Can you believe it?

We’re already half way through 2007.

On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate this year so far?

Is your life any better now than it was on January 1st?

What have you accomplished?

What were your goals?

Did you even have any goals?

Unless you have goals to strive for, you will find your days just move on by, and it’s like walking a treadmill. You don’t seem to go anywhere, although you burn plenty of energy.

The first half of 2007 has been nothing short of spectacular for me. It has been an awesome year so far.

My most important goal was to get back into great shape. It’s taken a while to get there, but after a slow start, I’ve got my exercise routine exactly where I want it, and I’ve got my diet back in shape too.

I wanted to build my business and become a national leader in my field. Done! In fact, by the end of this year, the infrastructure should be where it needs to be so that I can serve many times more clients than I do today.

I wanted to travel, and Sue and I had a fantastic trip to Australia and New Zealand for almost 3 weeks.

I wanted to read and study at least one great book a month, and I have added enormous value for myself and my clients from the continuing education that I have acquired.

Everything I wanted to accomplish in 2007 has happened. Not by accident, but by design.

And I am confident that the second half of 2007 will be even better.

You can make the second half of 2007 a special time for you too.

All you have to do is to make up your mind that it’s time for you to step up to the plate and take control of your time and your mind.

If you don’t have any specific goals, sit down and begin to think about the things you truly want in your life.

Set some financial goals.

Set some health and physical fitness goals.

Set some educational goals.

Set some relationship goals.

Set some spiritual goals.

Set some very personal goals.

And then, commit to making them happen.

You will be more excited, more motivated to get up every morning, have more energy than you’ve had in a long time, if you simply commit to your goals.

Time flys.

It’ll be Christmas and New Years before you know it.

Make the next six months a special time in your life.

You won’t regret it.




Thursday, June 14, 2007

You are either going to win or you are going to lose..

Whether you realize it or not, you are playing a game. It’s called the Money Game.

You play it, I play it, in fact, everyone you know plays it.

Over our lifetimes, we are either going to win the money game, or we are going to lose it.

Unfortunately, most people lose the game, and it has devastating results on their lives.

Why do most people lose at the Money Game?

The answer to this question is critical to your financial life.

If you want to be one of the few who actually do win the money game, you will want to read the remainder of this post closely.

Would you like to know the one most critical factor to winning the money game?

This one factor is more important than all other factors combined!

You can know all about business, and marketing, and stocks, and bonds, and real estate, and negotiations, and every other investment and business strategy in the world, and it won’t make one bit of difference as far as your financial success is concerned.

I’ve written about this one factor dozens of times over the past 2 years on my blog.

Yet, as I meet with dozens of clients monthly, I still see the same core problem time after time.

If you truly want to win the money game, you MUST begin immediately to become an expert in this one area.

What is it?

The single, most important distinction between the financial winners and the financial losers, is that the winners are all EXCELLENT MONEY MANAGERS.

The winners all have a SYSTEM for managing their money that leads them to success.

Having a successful money management SYSTEM takes all of the guesswork out of what you need to do.


Because once you have a successful system to work with, you no longer have to think.

All you have to do is simply follow the system, and it will take you exactly where you want to go.

Unfortunately, less than 1 out of every 10 people have any kind of money management system.

I’d venture to say that less than 1 out of every 50 clients I meet have a money management system that they follow on a consistent basis.

The first rule in a great money management system is to PAY YOURSELF FIRST.

That’s the exact opposite to what most people do.

What do you do each month with your money?

If you’re like most people, you pay all your bills, and at the end of the month, if there’s any money left over, you keep for yourself. Sound familiar?

If you’re like most people, guess what’s left at the end of the month? NOTHING!

You have to put yourself at the FRONT OF THE LINE! Before any of your bills get paid, you have to pay yourself first.

Actually, you want to pay yourself at least 10% of every dollar you earn, now, and for the rest of your life.

This is money you set aside for your future.

You will NEVER spend this money. EVER! This is money you will grow over your working lifetime, so that you can retire one day on the interest and profits it produces.

I can always tell whether a client will have a chance to win the money game by how they manage their money.

Winning the money game isn’t hard. You just need to understand the rules and play by them.

The single most important factor in winning the money game is to become an excellent money manager.

And the first rule to being an excellent money manager is to always pay yourself first.

If you ever have the opportunity, I would highly encourage you to get to a seminar offered by my friend and mentor Harv Eker at Peak Potentials Training called THE MILLIONAIRE MIND INTENSIVE. It will transform your life. I promise you that.



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