Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Life Changing Moment...

There are always certain events that change the course of your life.

If you follow closely and understand the meaning of today’s post, this will be one of them.

In my last post, You were introduced to your “conditioned mind.”

You learned that it isn’t interested in your success, only your survival.

You learned that its primary goal is to keep you in your current comfort zone.

You learned that it will do whatever it can to keep things the same, but to let you think that you’re changing.

You learned that you have to become aware of your conditioned mind.

So now, you should be pretty clear on who your current biggest enemy is. It resides right between your ears, and it’s called your conditioned mind. Your biggest enemy isn’t outside of you … it’s inside of you.

That’s why, to find true success in life, whether it’s wealth and abundance, happiness, or whatever makes you complete, you have to win the inner game of success. You have to turn your own worst enemy into your biggest ally.

And starting right here and right now, you’re going to head down that path.

This is the same path I started down almost 40 years ago when I was just 15. I was one of the lucky ones who learned how the conditioned mind worked at a fairly young age, and I’ve been working on making it my greatest ally ever since.

It’s never a completed project, because you can always improve in any part of your life. But I promise you, that as you turn your worst enemy into your strongest friend, as I have, you gain the most powerful ally known to mankind.

Since I’ve spent the majority of my life studying and working in the areas of money, finance and entrepreneurship, my mastery is in these fields. So there will be a natural bias here to apply these principles towards the attainment of wealth and abundance.

But what you learn here applies to any area of your life that is important to you. The great thing about these principles is that they are universal.

So how do you go about transforming your worst enemy into your most powerful ally?

You start by making a decision.

You decide that from this day forward you will “recondition” your conditioned mind, so that it eventually comes around to your wishes and desires, and helps you automatically move towards them.

Unfortunately, 95 out of every 100 people reading this post won’t ever make this decision and follow through on it.

Those are the facts. Their conditioned mind has such a strong hold over them that it controls their entire existence.

Are you one of the 5% who can change the course of your life starting right now?

Yes, you are.

You can choose to make this decision.

You can choose to look at your life until this very moment as a training ground for what to do and what not to do for the rest of your life based from what you’ve already learned.

From what you’ve learned so far in life, are you as happy as you want to be?

… as healthy as you want to be?

… as successful as you want to be?

… as fulfilled as you want to be?

If you aren’t it’s because your conditioned mind is much more concerned with your survival than it is in any of these other issues. It stops you from changing into the person you need to become to get what you want.

Does this make any sense to you?

For you to have all the success and happiness you want in life, you will have to grow yourself into the person capable of having all that success and happiness.

It isn’t going to happen by accident.

The starting point for all change, all achievement and accomplishment is in understanding what you want. What do you want in life? More importantly, what do you want badly enough to be willing to change to get it? What do you want badly enough that you are willing to fight the prodding’s of your conditioned mind not to do it because of every reason it can come up with. (Some call it fear.)

You’ve heard this all before, but it’s true. The most successful people have specific goals and dreams. They don’t just want to be happy or rich. That’s far too general. Everybody wants to be happy and rich. Yet how many are?

What does that tell you?

Hopefully, it tells you that what you say you want and what you really want are 2 completely different things.

The fact is, the life you’re living right now is the life you want, because if you didn’t, you’d do something to change it.

So obviously, if you aren’t as happy as you’d like to be or as wealthy as you’d like to be, something is going to have to change.

Please don’t tell me that it’s the economy

… or the government

… or your job

… or your appearance

… or your parents

… or any of it.

Those are just excuses made up to justify why you aren’t successful.

And, guess who’s sending you those excuses?

You got it, your conditioned mind.

The one thing that you must change is you. It’s the only thing you have control over.

… not the economy

… or the government

… or anyone else or anything else in this world.

So once you have specific goals to shoot for, you can begin to take control of your conditioned mind and turn its awesome force into good.

For now, you have a decision to make.

Are you going to accept the life you have today and the person you are today, and simply accept whatever circumstances life throws at you like everyone else?

Or …

Are you going to focus on the person you wish to become and the life you want to build for yourself, and then dedicate yourself to a higher standard that you know you’re capable of?

You’ll never reach your full potential and happiness until you’ve made this decision.

Your journey to real success begins with a decision.

Have you made yours yet?

I’ll be getting into the details for turbo charging your success in the next post.



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Saturday, October 04, 2008

Make a Decision.....

If you had the time, you could study hundreds of people to discover what the secrets are to success.

You could observe the habits and thinking of those who struggle daily through life and see why.

That would teach you what not to do.

You could also analyze the habits and thinking of those who are succeeding on a big scale and you’d see why they get those results.

That would teach you exactly what to do if you wanted to have their kind of success.

…..and the sooner you realize both what not to do and what to do, the sooner you’ll be on your path to your greatest success.

How do I know this?

Over the past almost 40 years, since the age of 15, I’ve consciously focused on learning what leads people to failure, and what leads people to success. In my case, I’ve specifically learned about financial success or failure.

Over those 40 years, I’ve spent thousands of hours studying, reading, practicing and teaching in this area.

I got an MBA and a CPA to get as much formal training as I could.

I worked for the largest Fortune 500 companies to be trained with and work with some of the best minds in the business community.

I ran one of the fastest growing business and personal success training companies in North America.

I created financial independence for myself and my family by age 49.

I own a highly successful real estate investment company.

I also own a very successful financial consulting practice.

If you’ve ever heard me give a speech, or know me as a client, you know that I am living proof to all that I teach.

Everything you read here has proven to work for me, just as it has for thousands of others who decide to make the decision to learn it and live it.

I’ve taken the time to learn all of this so you don’t have to….. unless of course, you’d like to spend the next 40 years of your life learning it for yourself.

At the very top of the list of reasons people fail is that they procrastinate. They refuse to make a decision and take action.

They need to think about it.

Have you ever heard that little voice inside your head tell you that?

“I gotta think about it?”

Of course you have.

That little voice is actually your own worst enemy, and it’s called your conditioned mind.

It has no desire for you to change anything in your life. Even if it might lead you to something better, your conditioned mind doesn’t care.

Change requires work. It creates risk. It forces you to get out of your comfort zone, (doing what comes naturally), and your conditioned mind isn’t up for any of it.

The one and only thing your conditioned mind cares about is your survival. It really doesn’t care about your success.

If you’re lazy, your conditioned mind is fine with that. You’re surviving.

If you’re bored, it’s fine with that too. You’re surviving.

If you're struggling, fine too. You’re surviving.

But think about growing, changing, learning or improving, and your conditioned mind will spring into action.

It’ll do everything in its power to keep things the same, and at the same time let you think that you’re going to change.

What that means is that you have to STOP listening to that little voice and begin to take control of your mind and your thoughts.

On the other hand, at the top of the list of things that all successful people do is that they make decisions quickly and decisively, and they change them slowly if at all.

Every day, you make thousands of decisions. It’s the quality of your decisions that determines the quality of your life.

When you make a decision that moves you towards your desires in life, and follow through with action, you automatically call to your aid forces unseen that will actually help you to achieve your dreams.

For you to reach your dreams and goals in life, you’ll have to grow yourself into a person capable of having them. That means, on a daily basis, you need to make decisions and take actions that continually move you towards what you want.

Since a successful person knows what they want in life, they automatically make decisions throughout the day that propel them towards their goals. They don’t spend a lot of time thinking about things, they make the decision and move forward.

When they don’t know what to do, they set a deadline for making a decision, and then go to work getting all the information they need to make an informed one.

They call their contacts that have knowledge and insights.

They explore and research on line or in books.

They do whatever they have to do in order to make a decision, and then they make it.

Will they always be right? Well, is anyone always right?

If you’re afraid to make a decision because you might make the wrong one, you’ll never make one.

If you aren’t reaching your full potential, in any area of your life, I can guarantee you that you are a poor decision maker.

The very best decision you can make right now is to decide that you aren’t going to be controlled by your conditioned mind any more.

Your situation today is a DIRECT RESULT of listening to your conditioned mind up to this point. This is the best it can do for you!

If you want more out of life, you have to fight the daily battle with your conditioned mind until you finally, (through practice), gain the upper hand and train it to be your ally rather than your arch enemy.

Stop listening to it. Today.

Begin to practice making decisions quickly, and acting on them. I promise you that as soon as you stop procrastinating and begin to make decisions quickly, you will begin to move your life onto a whole new level.

Make a decision today to join the Elite top 5% who are achieving their dreams and goals.

Everything you need to know to join this group is right here at this site. Come back often.



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