Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Imagine Having Your Own "Dream Team"....

Did you see where the U.S. Men’s Basketball team won gold at the Olympics? Much like the teams of the 80’s, this year’s team was described as a “Dream Team”. Given the salary cap in professional basketball, there is no way this team could be formed except for the Olympics.

Every player was an all star. When one star sat down, another replaced him. With all that talent, there was no way this team was going to lose.

I believe that every PERSON should be a part of such a team! No, not a basketball team, but their own team equally dedicated to SUCCESS in the areas of WEALTH and ABUNDANCE.

My greatest mentor, Napoleon Hill, the undisputed genius who spent his lifetime documenting and teaching the exact principles to WEALTH and ABUNDANCE, emphasized the CRITICAL IMPORTANCE of the MASTER MIND concept in both his famous best selling book “THINK AND GROW RICH”, and the predecessor writings the “LAWS OF SUCCESS”.

Simply stated, for you to achieve success beyond the norm, you will need the help of others. Trying to do it all by yourself is the toughest way possible, and most likely leads to failure.

On the other hand, joining forces with others who share your vision, leads to overwhelming odds of success, just like the odds for the DREAM TEAM.

Earlier this year, I formed my own DREAM TEAM. It is a MASTER MIND group comprised of some of my closest friends and most talented and successful people I know in their fields. Between us, we have over 125 years of business, management, finance, marketing and online education experience, working with the biggest names in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds.

I couldn’t pay for the wealth of knowledge, the connections, the ideas, the synergy, and the positive attitude my DREAM TEAM provides me. Soon, you’ll begin to see the results of our efforts as I introduce my first, ground breaking online learning program.

If you aren’t reaching your full financial potential…..

If you’d like to be 10 times wealthier……

If you’d like to be 50 times happier…..

your life will be transformed by this program. I promise you that!

Those of you who’ve followed this blog for any time at all know that my mission is to educate and inspire you to reach your full financial potential. Over the past 3 years, I have written 167 postings on the critical philosophies, strategies, and tactics that lead anyone to wealth and abundance. If you’ve heard me speak, you know just how passionate I am about helping you change your financial life dramatically.

As a financial advisor, I see clients just like you every single day. I see exactly how they manage their money, how they manage their credit, how they save and invest. I see their attitudes about money. I see rich people, poor people, young and old. I see educated and uneducated, professionals and employees and students. I see every type of individual you can imagine. And I’ve seen them for years. So I know what I am talking about.

And as a self made man, I know what it takes to become an excellent money manager, win the money game, and become financially free. I’ve done it! And so can you, if it’s important to you.

Continue to come back here for the most valuable, up to date ideas and information to help you join the elite top 5%, those who are learning how to live life on their own terms and are willing to take ACTION to make it a reality. And keep a close lookout for the introduction of my new program in the next couple of months. It will transform your life.



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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Fresh New View.....

One of the great things about taking vacations the way that I do is that I’m gone long enough to let everything sink in for 2 to 3 weeks and then return to a fresh new view.

It’s amazing how our minds work. You’d think that taking “time off” from work would put you further behind when you get “back” to work. But while YOUR CONSCIOUS MIND is taking time off on vacation, your UNCONSCIOUS MIND is able to take a step back from your canvas of life and see new opportunities that you couldn’t possibly see at ground zero. When you do this consciously my great friend Jon Ward refers to this as “ZOOM THINKING” and it is a brilliant way of thinking to promote expanded horizons and viewing your life and your opportunities from different points of view.

If you are thinking of touring Europe anytime soon, be prepared to spend a lot of money! It was hard to believe how few Euro’s I’d get for my American dollars.

Regardless, getting to see cities and sites I’ve read about, studied and seen in movies or on television first hand is priceless.

If you happen to like cruising the way that Sue and I do (this was our 13th or 14th), it’s always a fun getaway. If you’re lucky enough to be seated at a table like we had, it just enhances the experience. We were at a table of 5 couples that hit it off and had a fun 12 meals together over 12 nights.

The Europe we saw is so much different from the U.S.A. It has a completely different personality from the cigarette smoking that’s everywhere, to the wine with every meal, to the motor scooters and bikes that flood the streets, and the small cars parked like sardines along the side of the streets turning them from 2 lanes into 1.

To see the Vatican City, the Coliseum, and all the historical sites in Rome, along with Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius; to go in a water bus along the Grande Canal in Venice and wander the streets for hours on end; to walk the walls of Dubrovnik in Croatia, or take a bike ride along the walls of Lucca in the Tuscany region; to eat an authentic Italian meal in Positano, Italy way up the “Vertical City” overlooking the expensive yachts of the Rich and Famous; to dine in Monaco and witness the incredible wealth of this tiniest of nations; to stand next to and pretend to be holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa; for all of these reasons and too many more to mention here, to experience all of this, to me, is priceless.

Over the past 18 years, my wife Sue and I have taken at least 1 such trip annually. I am blessed for having had this opportunity and taken advantage of it. Travel, learning, seeing new people and places, are all a priceless part of my life.

Having financial freedom, as I do, allows me to have a priceless life! Do you have a PRICELESS LIFE? If you do, you are blessed! If you don’t I can guide you, as I guide my clients and friends daily in my business.

Commit to having a priceless life. Be prepared to roll up your sleeves and EARN your priceless life. You actually can learn how to create your priceless life. It’s up to you to take the action.

I hope you do!



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