Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Sweet Taste of Victory......

Do you like to win?

Does it feel good to you when you work hard and make it to the top?

This past week, I learned that I had won a national sales contest. Actually 2 sales contests.

Naturally, I was excited to learn that I had won.

But, it wasn’t because of the prize money.

Nor was it for the recognition.

If you’ve read this blog for any period of time at all, you already know how passionate I am about personal growth and development. With me, it isn’t a part time thing. I live it every minute of every day.

Just 6 months into doing Bank on YourselfTM on a full time basis, I beat out financial services professionals who have been in the industry for over 20 years.

When asked how I was able to beat out successful veterans in such a short period of time, I didn’t have to think long.

There are Universal laws that we all live by. Perhaps the greatest of them all is the law of Cause and Effect.

Over a year ago I realized that I wanted to be a successful Bank on YourselfTM Advisor more than anything else.

Having studied the concepts and ideas, it was apparent to me, that if applied properly, becoming your own banker and “Banking on Yourself” provides incredible financial benefits with virtually no risk.


I wanted to join the top 5% of advisors.

My good friend and mentor, Harv Eker, president of Peak Potentials Training, and author of the New York Times best seller “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” taught me this philosophy years ago.

Over the past 18 months, that’s exactly what I’ve done.

Just 6 months into doing Bank on YourselfTM full time, I’ve got dozens of clients, and have barely begun to reach my potential.

The point of this post is not to brag about my accomplishments.

It’s to demonstrate that the ideas and principles taught by Harv and others work if you simply learn the rules and follow them.

To this day I’ll still get emails from people who gleefully point out that the only people getting rich in the personal development business are those who write the books and offer the tapes and seminars.

These people simply DON’T GET IT!!

With the rarest of exceptions, successful people don’t get that way by luck.

Do you want to be successful?

Do you want to join the top 5%?

If you do, I encourage you to get passionate about your own personal growth, and take control of your life.

When you commit to doing whatever it takes to get to the top, (as long as you don't violate the rights of your fellow man) you’ll find a new reservoir of energy that will keep you moving forward.



Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Pay Yourself First!

Do you know the most important rule in creating financial freedom for yourself?

More importantly, do you actually DO what you know you’re supposed to do to create your financial freedom?

The sad fact is that most people are failing miserably in doing the necessary things they MUST do if they’re ever going to reach their financial goals.

While I was running Peak Potentials Training, I’d hear my friend and mentor T. Harv Eker say repeatedly, the first rule to good money management skills is to PAY YOURSELF FIRST.

Good money managers understand that if you are ever going to achieve financial success, you have to live on less than what you earn.

If you automatically set aside 10% of your income off the top, you will get used to living on the remaining 90%. In fact, after a while, you will become used to living on the 90% and not even miss the other 10%.

But what do most people do when it comes to saving, if they do anything at all?

Most people think…..they’ll pay all of their bills, and at the end of the month, whatever’s left over, they’ll put into savings.

Except for one little thing. What’s left over at the end of the month? Nothing!

So the expression is this…….If you pay yourself first, you’ll never miss it. If you pay yourself last, you’ll never do it.

The best thing you can do for your financial well being is to begin to take at least 10% of your income and automatically have it set aside every time you get paid.

At the Peak Potentials Seminars we ran, we’d have everyone stand up and say this declaration out loud…”I go to work to earn the money to pay for my investments”. Why?

Most people go to work to earn the money to pay for their bills.

But if you go to work to earn the money to pay for your investments, eventually, you’ll have enough investments that you won’t have to go to work anymore!

What should you be doing with the 10% you set aside for your future?

I’ll be discussing that exact topic in my future posts.

For now, just understand that for you to ever hope to reach your financial dreams and goals, you must begin immediately to set aside at least 10% of every dollar you earn from now on. That’ll get you moving in the right direction.



Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Are you a good money manager?

Is financial success important to you?

If it is, you will find the next few minutes a valuable investment in your time.

All of us play a game.

It’s called the money game.

And each of us either wins or loses the money game.

We don’t have any other choices.

If you want to win the money game, the first thing you’ll need to do is define success for you.

I like to think of financial success as becoming financially free.

What is financial freedom?

Harv Eker, my friend and mentor, author of the best selling book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” defines financial freedom as “the ability to live the lifestyle that you desire without HAVING to work or depend on anyone else for income.”

Let’s face it, for you to live the lifestyle you desire, it’s going to cost you some money.

And money coming in without you having to work for it is called what kind of income?


How good are you at creating passive income? How much passive income do you currently have coming in each month?

Why is passive income absolutely essential to financial freedom?

If the only source of income you currently have is working income, what’s going to happen to you if you stop working? Chances are, you’re going to go broke.

You will ALWAYS BE A SLAVE TO YOUR JOB if you depend on working income.

To achieve financial success, you must create streams of passive income.

And to do that, you better become a good money manager.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, how would you rate yourself as a money manager?

The problem for most of us is that we’ve never be properly taught how to manage our money to win the money game.

I see dozens of people every month come into my office, and I can speak from experience that less than 1 in 10 is even close to being a sound money manager.

So how do you learn good money management skills?

Well…..first of all, you have to be committed to learning a sound money management system.

Once you learn a system that works, you need to follow it and practice it until it becomes second nature to you.

I’ve written many posts about money management, and yet it seems as though no one I ever meet has any of these skills.

So, in the next while, I’ll be refreshing your memories about a system that guarantees you money management skills.

If you are going to set one goal for 2007, do yourself a huge favor and commit to becoming a fantastic money manager. It’s one huge step towards creating financial freedom, and when you’re financially free, you’ve won the money game.

