Tuesday, May 29, 2007

How You Think Determines EVERYTHING....

Your life will improve 1000% when you understand this message.

What you think, and how you think, is the one key ingredient to success in your life.

I know this is true, because I have studied this area for over 38 years, and have applied my knowledge to accomplish everything I’ve ever really wanted.

Look at everything you have in your life today. It is ALL the result of your thinking and your choices. What you have thought and chosen in the past has provided you with everything you have today.

The great thing about understanding this is that once you do, you realize that you can create a completely different future for yourself than the life you have today, simply by changing the way you think!

You have been introduced to the “Attitudes of a Warrior”. For the past month, I have written specifically about changing the way you think so that you can adopt these attitudes.

Every person I have ever known who has adopted these attitudes has gone on to achieve incredible results in their life.

Today we are going to discuss the final 2 declarations that are repeated throughout the Enlightened Warrior Training program offered by Harv Eker and Peak Potentials Training.

Here they are….



When you act with DETERMINATION, and raise your standards, you will begin to think about how you can achieve whatever you want, no matter what challenges stand in your way.

If there are others out there doing what you want to do and accomplishing what you want to accomplish, so can you.

But you have to think like the warrior, and reach a point where you will never give up. Those who have an attitude of determination, who will get right back up when they’re knocked down, and keep moving towards their goals regardless what happens to them are the true winners in life.

I encourage you to go back through the past several entries and make sure you know and understand all 8 declarations. Study them, meditate on them, and adopt them as your own.

When you do, just as sure as you’re reading this today, your life will never be the same tomorrow or ever. It will be a turning point in your life.



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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Are You Bigger Than Your Obstacles?

Here’s a secret that will change your life as soon as you realize it and understand it.

If you want to be the very best you can be, live the best life you can live, have all the things you want to have, this secret will transform you forever.

Everyone, without exception, has problems in their life. Even the richest people in the world have problems. Even the most successful people in the world have problems.

The difference between the world’s most successful people and the rest of the world is that these people know this secret, and have learned to apply it in their lives to achieve everything they truly want.

The most successful of all people start off by KNOWING what they want in life. It isn’t a coincidence that they are successful.

Unfortunately, 98% of all people simply DON’T KNOW what they want. And until they KNOW what it is they want, how can they possibly get it?

Let’s say that you decide that you want to be financially free. Most people say that they want that.

When asked why they aren’t financially free, they have every excuse imaginable. They’ll talk about their childhood. They’ll talk about their lack of education. They’ll talk about their lack of opportunity. They’re too old, or too young, or too short, or too tall, or too fat, or ……….

The fact is, these are all excuses.

If you truly want to become financially free, and you aren’t, all that means is that the obstacles to becoming financially free are bigger than your ability to overcome them.

On a scale of 1 to 10, your ability to become financially free is a 1, and the obstacle of becoming financially free is a 10.

But, what if you dedicated an hour a day, every single day in learning how others are becoming financially free? It’s happening every day. There are books, and tapes and seminars available to show you countless ways to achieve that goal.

At the end of a year, you’d have 365 hours concentrated on GROWING yourself in this area to the point where you are now a 6 or 7 on that scale. More importantly, over time, if you are COMMITTED to achieving this goal, you will GROW yourself into a 10 on the scale, and eventually, you will be as big as if not bigger than the obstacle.

You will always have obstacles to achieving anything worthwhile in life. They will not go away.

Your choice is to decide if you are willing to GROW yourself into some
one who is BIGGER than your obstacle.

Understand this secret, and you will never be the same person.

At Enlightened Warrior Training offered at Peak Potentials Training, my good friend and mentor Harv Eker demonstrates this secret throughout the program.

Included in the daily declarations repeated throughout the program is this one….


Read this post over and over until you grasp the significance of it, because when you do, you will never be the same person again.



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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Another Major Key.....

How can you tell if you are on the path to success?

What is the difference between those who achieve outstanding results, and those who don’t?

If you could change just one thing that could alter your life dramatically, would you?

Read the following carefully, and you will discover a most important secret that you must apply to reach your full potential.

Your HABITS are the keys that unlock the door to everything you truly want out of life.

By nature, we tend to sleepwalk our way through life. We actually spend very little time thinking at a conscious level.

Once we develop a habit, we continue to do it over and over without much thought.

It becomes so much a part of us, that eventually, even if we want to change that habit, it is nearly impossible to do.

That’s why it’s so hard to quit smoking. That’s why it’s so hard to lose weight. That’s why it’s so hard to get into shape.

We are all creatures of habit. And all of us have 2 kinds of habits. We have DOING habits, and we have NOT DOING habits.

Everything we’re not doing, we have a habit of not doing.

For example, most people do not work out. And, they have a habit of not working out.

Until they change that habit, they will never get into shape.

Most people are not nearly as successful as they can be, as they should be.

One of the biggest reasons is that they have the habit of not acting when they’re not in the mood.

We all know what we should be doing to be more successful.

If getting into shape is a goal, but we have the habit of sitting around at home watching television or playing on the computer, we will never get into shape.

If becoming wealthy is a goal, but we have the habit of wasting time doing meaningless things, we will never become wealthy.

The biggest obstacle to real success is to overcome the habits we have of procrastination and not being in the mood.

Do you really want to be a success? If you do, then the first thing you have to do is create the habit of getting out of your current situation, and creating the HABIT of doing whatever needs to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the MOOD you’re in.

If you wait until you’re in the right MOOD, you will never do the things you need to in order to achieve success.

At the Enlightened Warrior Training program offered by Harv Eker and Peak Potentials Training, there is a major focus on this concept.

In fact, it is a part of the daily declarations repeated throughout the program.

So remember this declaration well, and make sure you really do understand it,




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