Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Fantastic Investment...

I’m a very lucky guy.

I happen to truly love the work I do and the life I live.

It’s the culmination of decades of studying the secret science of success.

When it comes to time, the most precious commodity we all share, I am a fanatic. I hate to waste time. Even a second. Everything I do has a purpose.

Sue and I just returned from a great 2 week vacation to Toronto and Ottawa, Canada where I grew up and spent the first 23 years of my life.

I still have a ton of friends and relatives living back there. Most important is my sister, brother in law and nephew.

The time we spent there was fantastic.

And somehow, being 2,500 miles away from home, I saw my business from a different perspective. I wasn’t focused on the day to day details of the business, but rather the BIG PICTURE (if you know what I mean).

Mind you, it’s not like I was just thinking about business while I was off on vacation. I was living in the moment, and in the natural flow of conversation, I was always being asked what I’m doing now.

It’s terrific to be 53 years old, in great shape physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, financially free, traveling the world, and passionate about my mission in life.

Here’s a hint that’s worth a kings ransom.

It’s just as important to take vacation time as it is to have work time.

No matter how much you love your work, taking a step back on a regular basis is critical. It’s like a tonic. It gives you a whole different focus. You see your life back home from a new and different perspective.

To me, it’s a fantastic investment.

What do you think?



P.S. Upon my return was a box of materials from Kevin Hogan. I’ve signed up for his professional speaking program, an 8 week ecourse. I can’t help but be excited about working with Kevin and learning his systems. I’m confident that it will take me to a whole new level. If you don’t know who Kevin Hogan is, you need to check him out.

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Monday, August 13, 2007

It Just Keeps Getting Better......

Have you ever been on a roll that just keeps getting better and better?

Where everything you do just works, and you feel unstoppable?

Right now, I am going through one of those phases, and all I can hope is that it never ends.

2007 is shaping up to be the most profitable year of my life. Even better is the fact that I am having more fun than at anytime in my life. All while taking more vacation time than I ever have.

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while already know that I am a total personal development fanatic. It all started for me when I was just 15, and I read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I knew immediately, even at that young age, that the information it contained was the key to my lifelong success.

I studied the Science of Personal Success like it was my bible. And I also began to read folks like Dale Carnegie (How to Win Friends and Influence People), Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (The Power of Positive Thinking), Zig Ziglar (See you at the Top). By the time I was 18 I had read dozens of books in the whole arena.

All of a sudden, I discovered audio programs. So, in addition to the books, I now discovered people like Earl Nightingale, Tony Robbins, and too many others to mention.

Then I discovered seminars, and look out, I was all over the place.

Over the next 38 years, I have been a testing ground for all of the ideas and concepts I’ve learned. Today I am 53, financially free, with great health, great relationships, everything I really want in life, and a business that has boomed from the second I started it.

The key to my success has been to find people who have the best ideas and concepts in the areas of importance to me, and then to learn from them, and apply the ideas and concepts that have been proven to work by them. In other words, if you are going to learn, learn from the best!

A couple of years ago I picked up a book called “The Science of Influence How to Get Anyone to Say Yes in 8 Minutes or Less!” The title caught my eye, but the author Kevin Hogan was a stranger to me.

When I read the book, I realized that it was special. For what I want to do in life, this information is invaluable.

Today, I apply dozens of ideas and strategies from this book, and reread it monthly for fresh new ideas that I can incorporate into my life. I also subscribe to Kevin’s newsletter, and read it thoroughly even single week.

Over the past 2 years, I have come to appreciate Kevin as an exceptionally talented and successful entrepreneur who provides massive value and gets paid accordingly.

So when I saw that he was offering a coaching program for an area that is a concrete part of my strategic marketing plan, public speaking, I had to take it. I always want to associate with and learn from the best.

If we’re not growing, we’re dying. Just as I coach my clients to take their lives to whole other level, I want to take that journey too!

My mentor Harv Eker told me that it takes creativity to make money. If you can develop the right marketing plan, you can grow your business ten times in a year. He did it. He showed me how he did it. And in all of his programs he challenges everyone to go for it. I know how to grow my business ten times in a year. With Kevin’s coaching, I’m going for it.

What are you going for this year? Is it worthy of you? Does it get you excited? Is it taking you where you want to go? Are you wasting time or putting it to good use? Are you investing in yourself?

Success is a science. If you want to learn to succeed bad enough, the information on how to is all around you.

I can’t wait to start working with Kevin. It’s going to be awesome.



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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The only thing that matters.....

Ever have an A-HA! moment? You know, where you realize something for the first time a certain way, and now you understand it in a whole new light?

I experience them all the time. I look forward to them. Because every time I have an A-HA moment, my life has just improved.

One of the purposes of my blog is to remind myself of some of the A-HA’s I’ve learned along the way, but maybe forgot.

Here’s one that came up today.

My client was telling me about the crappy year he’d been having. And it was crappy, no denying it.

My problem was that he was crying about things that had happened months ago.

Do you want to be a success in life? Do you want to join the elite top 5%? Do you want to take your life to the peaks of your potential?

If you do, you MUST understand this.

It doesn’t matter what happened to you yesterday, or last month, or last year. It’s done. There isn’t anything you or anyone else can do to change it, right?

If you’re smart, you’ll look at it objectively and learn what you could have done better to have gotten you a better outcome. You learn from your life, and you move on.

What does matter is what you choose to do from this moment on.

You can choose to continue doing exactly what you’re currently doing. If you do, it won’t be hard to predict what your future will look like.

Or, you can choose to take all of the experiences of you life and use them as a learning tool so that you can do a whole lot better from now on.

You have the power at any moment to decide that you want to be more than just average. You can decide at any moment to take complete control and responsibility for your life, and choose to live your dreams.

Many of my coaching clients are learning for the very first time as an adult, that they aren’t trapped by their current situation. They are excited, motivated, committed, happy, and enthusiastic.

I hope you realize that the past is history. It’s done. It’s over. Move on. What’s most important is what you choose to do from this moment forward.



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Saturday, August 04, 2007

If You Don't Know.....

If you don’t know what you want out of life, how can you possibly get it?

Think about that for a moment.

If you don’t know what you want out of life, how can you possibly get it?

38 years ago I read a book called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. At the ripe old age of 15, I stumbled across this book and it has been the single most important event in my life.

Because, the information Napoleon Hill provided in that book was so brilliant, so relevant, and so life changing, anyone who took these concepts to heart and actually applied them in their lives was destined to have success at the highest levels.

One of the first concepts in the book is something called “Definiteness of Purpose”.

It’s the number one, first, most important concept of them all.

What is Definiteness of Purpose?

Well, in simple terms, imagine that you are the captain of a ship. When you leave your port and head out to sea, you head for your destination right? But, what if you don’t have a destination?

What if you never decided where you wanted to sail to?

Where would you end up?

When you have a specific destination in mind, and you determine that you are going to get to it no matter what, you have Definiteness of Purpose.

Definiteness of Purpose is having clear and concise goals.

It’s knowing exactly what you want in your life.

It’s knowing exactly the type of person you want to grow into.

And Napoleon Hill goes on to say that until you know exactly what you want in your life, and until you know exactly the type of person you want to grow into, the best possible thing you can do for yourself is devote yourself exclusively to getting these ideas clear in your mind.

Once you have Definiteness of Purpose, you must create an incredible passion for accomplishing these things. You must develop a burning desire to make these events happen in your life.

If your Definiteness of Purpose isn’t exciting enough to get YOU excited, then it’s time to go back to the drawing board.

Here’s an idea I hope you will take action on.

For the next week, take just 10 minutes a day, and make a list of your Definiteness of Purpose.

What do you really want in your future? What kind of a person do you want to grow into?

Here are some of the areas to consider….


Physical fitness….

General Health….




And on….

I promise all of you who do actually take 10 minutes a day for a week and do this exercise, your life will never be the same again.

And perhaps for the first time in your adult life, you will have a clearer picture of what you want to do with the rest of your life!



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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Zig Zag Your Way to Success....

Would you like to know one of the critical keys to your success?

Something so valuable, that if you learned it, and practiced it, would GUARANTEE your success?

Here it is!

Decide exactly what you want in life, and then find someone who is already successful at it to be your mentor.

That's it.

Learn from the best.

Chose your teachers wisely.

Over the past 38 years, I have made it a habit to learn from the best.

As luck would have it, one of my oldest friends also happens to be among the world's greatest success trainers. And while running his company, I learned exactly what separates the world's most successful top 5% and the rest of the crowd. His name is Harv Eker, and we go back almost 45 years.

Today I came across this article written by Harv.

It is worth the 3 minute investment of your time.

Zig-Zag Your Way to Success
By T.Harv Eker

Although we'd prefer everything go perfectly straight from beginning to end, our journey to success seldom turns out that way.

In fact the "straight" route is completely unnatural. Did you know there are no perfectly straight lines in the universe? Everything is energy. Energy travels in waves. Therefore "straight" doesn't even exist. Yet, notice how when things go a little off course, most people get frustrated, get down, and want to give up.

So why do we get upset when things don't go the way we'd like them to go? Because we have an "expectation" that is virtually impossible to meet.

The simple truth is that the journey to success is full of twists, turns, ups, downs, stops and reverses. By fully understanding this fact, you can now begin or continue your journey knowing that you, like everyone else on this planet, will have to "zig zag" your way to success!

The beauty of this knowledge is that you won't be deluded into having unrealistic expectations of the "straight line to the top" syndrome. Without these expectations chances are you won't get as upset or even give up, when things aren't going your way, because you know being off track is normal and therefore "perfect".

A good example of what I'm talking about is man's mission to the moon in 1969. During that extraordinarily successful flight do you know how often the spacecraft was actually "on course"? Believe it or not, it was straight on path only 3 percent of the time. That means it spent 97 percent of the time, "off course"! That also means it spent the majority of its time, "correcting".

The same holds true for the journey to success. Expect to spend a large amount of your time, "correcting".

This is why "perfectionists" have a difficult time being highly successful. Perfectionism is a form of fear. It is usually based in the fear of failure or the fear of disapproval. In either case, perfectionism often leads to paralysis. Perfectionists are scared to death of making mistakes and therefore either avoid taking action or are painfully slow.

The truth is, most people are afraid to make mistakes. It's no wonder, since many of us grew up being embarrassed or "punished" for our mistakes. Yet if you want to succeed, you must be willing to accept mistakes and inefficiencies as part of the journey.

I'm sure you've heard of Babe Ruth. He was known as the home run king of baseball. What many people don't know, however, is that he was also the "strike out" king!

Mistakes are our natural way of learning. They are the "feedback" we need for correction.

Let me share with you the Ultimate Success Formula:

TAKE ACTION, GET THE FEEDBACK, LEARN, MAKE THE CORRECTION, TAKE MORE ACTION, ETC. Repeat this process again and again until you reach your goal.

As long as you continue this cycle, and NEVER GIVE UP, in the long run, can you see how it is it virtually impossible to fail?

This month adopt the attitude that correction is natural and focus on continuously acting and correcting until you get to wherever you want to go.

The secret to success is to "zig zag" your way to the top. The secret to happiness is to smile along the way.


Correction is natural.

Mistakes are how I learn.

I expect a winding road.

I never give up.

I zig zag my way to success.

You can change your life forever if you understand what Harv is saying.



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