Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Immense Power of.......

Do you want success in your life? Abundance? Wealth? Happiness?

If you answered yes to the above, you’ll want to read every single word in this post with all the attention you can muster.

Have you ever wondered why some people just seem to get whatever they want in life, moving from one success to the other, while most everyone else struggles year after year in what seems like a lifetime losing battle?

Where does this “Midas Touch” come from? Are some people born with it? Are some people naturally luckier than others?

According to the most respected minds in the fields of psychology and success, our BELIEFS play the primary role in the level of success we attain in our lives.

What YOU BELIEVE is the KEY to changing the results in your life. It’s CRITICAL that you completely accept this concept.

Understand this example, and you’ve figured it out…..

From as far back as my memory goes, my Mom would constantly tell me I was a “bright boy”. Every night she’d remind me that I was “bright.” When I screwed up, she’d tell me that I was “too bright” to make the choice I made.

By the time I was 5 or 6 years old, I’d heard my Mom tell me I was “bright” hundreds of times. So, guess what I believed? I MUST be bright, I heard it from my Mom my whole life, and certainly my Mom wouldn’t lie to me!

Because I BELIEVED I was “bright”, it affected everything I did, and it has for my entire life.

In truth, was I really “bright”? Maybe, and maybe not.

Did it matter if I was really “bright” or not?


The only thing that mattered was WHAT I BELIEVED!

And the only thing that will matter to you is WHAT YOU BELIEVE!

Unfortunately, all of us live with many beliefs that aren’t true, and THOSE FALSE BELIEFS STOP US FROM SUCCESS EVERY TIME!

Would you like to know what YOUR BELIEFS are in any area of your life?

Let’s take your financial life and look at your beliefs there.

How much are you earning? $40,000? $75,000? $250,000? $2,000,000? Whatever that amount is reflects what you believe you’re worth. It MUST mean that, because if you BELIEVED that you were worth more, you’d be earning it.

Do you work hard to earn your money? If you do, it MUST mean that you BELIEVE you have to work hard for your money.

All of us have millions of beliefs. It only takes a handful of false, negative beliefs that we hold as true to stop us from ever achieving the success that is inside of us.

Bottom line, if you really want success in your life, financial or otherwise, the very first thing you MUST DO is reexamine your beliefs, and take the negative, false beliefs that were planted inside your mind when you were too young to know any better, examine them for what they are, and have the courage and strength to choose a more positive belief that will lead you to your promised land!

You are brighter than you think! You are more successful than you think! Begin to start believing these thoughts. Every day, you can work at eliminating the negative beliefs and installing the positive beliefs until one day, you too will have the MIDAS TOUCH.

Do you get it? I hope you do.




Monday, July 07, 2008

The Secret to Learning....

If you were going to teach someone something, what would be the most important quality you’d want your “student” to have?

Numerous studies have been conducted trying to answer this exact question. What is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT QUALITY every student must possess?

Why would so many brilliant minds spend countless hours researching and analyzing this question? Why is it so critical to possess this quality?

Dr. Benjamin Bloom, a noted psychologist who spent the better part of his brilliant career studying EXCELLENCE once said that “ANYONE can learn ANYTHING given enough time.”

What that tells us is that you don’t have to be a genius in order to learn anything. You just have to study it as long as it takes UNTIL you’ve learned it.

The most successful people in the world in every field are all outstanding learners. They learn whatever information they need to in order to improve in their areas of interest, and never stop expanding their knowledge.

The SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT QUALITY every student must possess is the DESIRE to want to learn the subject. The stronger the DESIRE to MASTER the knowledge being learned, the more successful the student will become.

Are you a student? Do you have a regular plan for learning new information that you can put to use in your life? Do you budget time every day, every week for learning? Do you budget money every month for your continuing education?

Chances are, if you’re out of school, you don’t do any of this! And chances are, you’ll never be successful. Never! If you do happen to stumble into success through luck, you’ll lose it, because you’ve never learned anything else.

I hate to be the bearer of this news, but that’s how we are. We run on our own programs, our habits, and unless we learn to change them……well, I hope you’re getting the picture.

Do you want to be a lot more successful in life? Starting right now?

Make up your mind that from this moment forward YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A BURNING DESIRE TO BE A GREAT STUDENT!

Once you decide exactly what it is you want to learn, have a burning desire to learn it well enough to MASTER IT, and to put it into action in your life.

I guarantee you that the second you adopt this attitude, and decide once and for all that you are going to become a great student, your life will never be the same.



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