Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Your Burning Desire.....

Do you want to join the elite top 5% who seem to succeed at everything they set their minds to?

What’s the big secret that separates them for the other 95% of the crowd?

If you knew the magical formula for major success, would you follow that formula?

It’s one thing to know what to do, but it’s a whole different thing to do what you know.

Over the past 36 years I’ve dedicated myself to learning the universal laws that creates success automatically in every important area of my life.

At the top of the list is to have a Burning Desire. Until you know exactly what you want, and have a Burning Desire to have it, you’re chances of achieving any kind of significant success will be slim.

In his best selling book, “Think and Grow Rich”, Napoleon Hill emphasizes the importance of understanding this law at the unconscious level.

Desire is something that is rare in society these days. Most people have wants, but their desire isn’t great enough for them to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get it.

If you aren’t COMMITTED to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals, you will quit at the first sign of trouble.

Commitment comes from having that Burning Desire. And the biggest problem I see is that few people have a Burning Desire for anything. Most take whatever life hands them, and live with little passion and enthusiasm for their life and their life’s work.

When I was in the Corporate consulting world, I used to look at all the faces of the employees I’d see going into work each day. For perhaps 98%, they were going through the motions, enduring their day, and watching the clock waiting for lunch hour and the time they could escape their little work cubes and get home.

Unfortunately, that’s the vast majority of the people out there. They’re trapped in their jobs and in their life.

But imagine if you had a burning desire to squeeze the very most out of every day. Imagine if you had a burning desire to become the very best person you could be. Imagine having the burning desire to make a difference in the lives of the people you care about. Imagine having a burning desire to live a life of excitement, passion and enthusiasm.

Would it make a difference?

You bet it would. It would make a world of difference.

Begin today to develop a burning desire to succeed as a person.

If you do, your entire life will change for the better, and you will transform your life into something very special.



Tuesday, November 21, 2006

It's Not Enough.....

My mentor and good friend T. Harv Eker, president of Peak Potentials Training and the author of the New York Times best selling book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” says that it’s not enough to be in the right place at the right time, you have to be the right person in the right place at the right time.

Every day I talk to clients who come to my office to learn about money management strategies that can have a huge impact on their financial lives.

They are free to ask me as many questions as they want.

Some will spend hours looking for every conceivable scenario that will disprove these strategies.

For whatever reason, they simply do not want to take action that can improve their situation.

Fortunately for me, I can spot these people pretty quickly. Rather than waste my time trying to “sell them” on my ideas, I have learned to reject them as clients.

Why would I want to spend my time with someone who is intent on sabotaging their own situation?

Like Harv, give me 5 minutes with someone, and I can predict their financial future for the rest of their lives.


In a brief conversation, I can identify their money and success blueprint.

Each of us has our own unique money and success blueprint already engrained in our subconscious mind.

And it is this blueprint, more than anything and everything else combined that will determine your financial future.

How do you know what your blueprint is set for?

Look at your results.

Look at your income.

Look at your net worth.

Look at your assets.

They are all the result of your blueprints.

And unless you identify and change your blueprint, you will be destined to continue to get the same results.

When you come to my office, I offer you some new alternatives.

I offer you the opportunity to change your blueprints.

If you’re the right person, at the right time in your life, you will gravitate towards the concepts I teach.

I can’t take credit for any of these concepts. Anyone who is genuinely looking for financial success will find these ideas. I’ve learned them over the past 36 years of searching.

But you have to be actively looking for them. You will not come across them by accident.

And every day, I continue to search out other concepts that promote financial success. I even have clients who educate me about money concepts that I am unaware of.

Are you the right person in the right place at the right time? If you are, and you’re in my office, chances are that your financial life will be transformed by the time our meeting is over.

I believe in what I do 100%. I love what I do 100%.

If reaching your full financial potential is as important to you as it is to me, I invite you to learn the concepts I teach. They can change your life forever.

Here’s wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving.



Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Don't Get Me Started.....

My good friend and mentor Harv Eker taught me some incredibly valuable lessons while I was running Peak Potentials Training.

Most importantly, he taught me that success is rare. It’s rare because it takes tremendous effort and the right systems to achieve something out of the ordinary.

One of the things that I learned is that there are many ways to achieve success. For example, you can achieve financial success in countless ways. There is no one right way.

Over your lifetime, you will be presented with many ways to achieve financial success. For my wife Sue and myself, real estate has been our primary way to achieve financial freedom.

Even with real estate, there are many ways to become financially free. You can do what we did, which was to buy and hold single family homes, rent them out, and over time, let appreciation grow our net worth.

Others buy multi unit dwellings, like duplexes or triplexes. Some buy apartment complexes. Others buy raw land. Still others do lease options. Some build spec homes and sell. Others buy and flip.

Is one method right and all the others wrong? No. You can be successful doing any of these methods.

What I hate is when someone says categorically that their way is right and all others are wrong. Especially when they haven’t become fully informed and simply don’t know all the facts.

Perhaps the worst culprit I can think of when it comes to financial advice is Suze Orman. She dispenses advice to her followers that she doesn’t even follow herself.

Recently, I read an article of hers titled “The five signs of bad financial advice”.

Suze is not an expert in every area of personal finances. Yet, she gives advice on occasion that is so far off base that it borders on criminal.

Among other things, Suze has total disregard for any type of life insurance other than term. She makes sure that she lets everyone know, every chance she gets, that whole life insurance was created exclusively to allow insurance agents to earn a living.

The chances are 100% that Suze has never been introduced to specific strategies that make whole life insurance one of the greatest vehicles to allow virtually anyone to create financial success.

Because she is ignorant of these strategies, and is only aware of the traditional uses of whole life insurance, she incorrectly assumes that all whole life insurance policies are a rip off.

To be successful, you have to be open minded. You have to look at options that others may disregard and see if they missed something.

Over the past year, I have spent thousands of hours learning the nuances to making whole life insurance work for you to help in achieving your financial goals.

And I am absolutely positive, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that a properly structured policy can make a huge difference in your financial life.

Is it the only way to improve your financial life? No. Are there other ways to achieve financial success? Sure.

But before you take the advice of a “guru” like Suze Orman, find out the other side of the story and then make an informed decision.

Do you want to achieve financial success? If you really do, take the time to read books like “Becoming Your Own Banker” by Nelson Nash, and “Missed Opportunity 101” by Douglas Andrew.

These kinds of books will show you a different approach to financial success.

95% of all people who do save and invest for retirement put their money in the stock markets, usually through investing in mutual funds.

Do you think that all of these people are achieving the financial results they want? The facts speak for themselves.

I see clients all day long everyday who are invested in mutual funds. It’s the rare few who are achieving anything close to their plans.

Many people who’ve been in the markets in the past 10 years are worse off today than they were before this period. In fact, those who were in the market when it crashed in 2000 and 2001 may never recover their losses.

Suze Orman is an intelligent woman. But even intelligent people can give bad advice when they aren’t fully informed. And I guarantee you that Suze Orman hasn’t spent 1/1,000 the time necessary to make a judgment as to the worthiness of specific strategies using whole life insurance.

At the end of the day, you need to educate yourself about your financial decisions. And one financial decision you should absolutely make is to educate yourself about the creative use of whole life insurance to help in achieving your financial goals.

If you do, you will learn, as many are now, that people like Suze Orman simply don’t get it, and that with the use of specific strategies, you can improve your financial life tremendously with the proper use of whole life insurance.

