Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Money Management System That Beats Them All (Part 5)

Which one are you?

Are you the serious, responsible person who never spends any money and always puts off for your future instead of having fun today?


Are you the fun loving, playful person who always spends whatever you have and never worries about taking care of your financial future?


Are you somewhere in between?

Why is this important?

Most people fall into one of 4 categories when it comes to money.

Spenders – These people find that having money burns a hole in their pocket. When they have any, it’s got to be spent.

Savers – These people watch every penny that they have. They refuse to have any fun with their money; it’s all set aside for mature, responsible purposes.

Avoiders – These people don’t even want to know what’s going on with their financial life. When they get a bank statement, they don’t bother opening it. They have no idea where they stand, and don’t want to find out either.

Money Monks – These people believe that they’re above the whole money “thing”. They’re spiritual in nature and see money and anything related to material possessions as beneath them.

The money management system you are discovering here works regardless which category you see yourself as apart of.

As humans, we are holistic. We have a mature adult side to us, and we also have a fun loving child side to us. We have a responsible side to us, and we have a play side to us.

Have you ever heard the expression “left brained” or “right brained”? It refers to the way our mind works.

Our left hemisphere is our mature, logical adult side. It thinks more long term. Generally, people who have to think logically and systematically fall into this group. For example, as a group, most accountants are left brained.

Our right hemisphere is our fun loving, creative child side. It thinks much more short term. Often, creative artists and entertainers are right brained.

Generally, we tend to be more of one than the other. But the most important point here is that you must have balance and take care of the needs and desires of both sides.

If you are always serious, mature, logical and responsible, on the one hand, that’s great. But you are not taking care of your fun side, and you will eventually sabotage yourself because of that.

Conversely, if you are always having fun, irresponsible, and impulsive, you might be taking care of the child in you, but you are not taking care of your responsible side. Eventually, you will suffer for it.

So the key is to have balance. You have to understand that you need to take care of both sides. You have to be able to be responsible, and at the same time, you have to be able to have some fun too.

I have to admit, that for the most part, I’m a left brained person. I’m generally very conservative and responsible in nature, and watch my finances pretty closely.

But having used this money management system, it has allowed me to have a ton of fun, travel all over the world, have my toys and still become financially free.

This all leads in to the next account in the money management system, the PLAY account.

Just as you put 10% of all of your earnings into your Financial Freedom Account to provide for your future financial needs, you will also put 10% of all of your earnings into a PLAY account to provide for all of your current FUN needs.

From now on, 10% of your paycheck or any other funds you receive goes into your PLAY account. And the rule is that every month, you need to take all of that money and BLOW it on something extra special that you ordinarily wouldn’t treat yourself to.

This can’t be some crummy thing. It has to be something that is special.

For example, one month you might go the best restaurant in town, order a bottle of their finest Dom Perignon and blow it all on a special evening.

Or you might go to a spa and get the best package they offer. You don’t just get their standard massage. You get their ultra expensive massage with the hot rocks and the cucumber slices.

Or you go out to a lake and rent the nicest yacht they have for the day.

Or you go to Vegas for a weekend and take in all the shows and have some fun.

Whatever you do, it has to be something special. It has to be something you do especially for yourself. And it can’t be just something cheap. You want to lavish yourself with something you’d normally see on shows like lifestyles of the rich and famous.

You get to do this guilt free. You’ve set this money aside in an account specifically for just this purpose. You get to experience how the wealthy live. Most important, you take care of your inner child and keep it happy.

The rule is that you must spend all of the money in this account every month. Now, if you want to save for something special, you can wait up to 3 months to build up the account, but never more than 3 months. Whatever you’ve saved up, you must spend it all on something fun that you normally would never give yourself.

As amazing as this sounds, many people have a hard time with this account. They’ve forgotten or don’t know how to have fun anymore. They’re trapped in their conservative, responsible mindset.

But the fact is, life is a journey. And you don’t want to wait until you get to the finish line before you start having fun. The idea is to make sure that you’re enjoying the whole ride. If you’re out of practice in making that happen, your PLAY jar will help you out immensely.

So, just as you read earlier, you have 10% of your money going into your FFA. This is money to create your “golden goose” and your long term financial freedom goals. Now you also have 10% in your PLAY account to blow and have fun in the short term with.

With this balance, you increase your chances for financial success and have a blast while you’re moving along on your journey.

We’re nearing the end of this money management system. One more account to go and we’re there.

With this knowledge, you can make dramatic changes to your life. Make sure you read this system until you can teach it to others. Most importantly, do the system! I promise you, miracles will happen in your life when you begin to manage your money the right way.



Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Money Management System That Beats Them All (Part 4)

Learning a system for money management should be mandatory for every child going through the public education system. After all, whom do you know who won’t be dealing with money throughout their life?

And certainly by the time you’re an adult, you must have a system to manage your money if you ever hope to become financially free. Unfortunately, for 95% of us, we never learn a money management system, and as a result, most never even come close to reaching their full financial potential.

Having a proven system to follow takes all of the guesswork out of trying to figure out what to do and what NOT to do when it comes to your personal finances. You simply do what the system tells you to, and as long as you do, you can feel secure in the knowledge that you will be an excellent money manager.

You will also need to make certain that you’ve developed the right attitudes when it comes to your use of money.

Here’s a simple rule. You either choose immediate gratification or financial freedom, one or the other.

One of the biggest distinctions between rich people and poor people is that rich people think long term. Wealthy people always think long term. Poor people always think short term and immediate gratification. I can virtually always size up people very quickly just by asking them if they are a long term or short term thinker. I’m able to predict rich or poor, just like that.

Now, on to the 4th account in our money management system. The next one is necessities. Either 50% or 55% of every check you get will go into this account, and I’ll tell you the distinction in one of my next posts.

Out of our $100 how much is going into our necessities? $55. Now that’s quite a bit isn’t it?

What are some examples of your necessities here?

Your mortgage or your rent. Your food. Your utilities. Your telephone. A reasonable amount of clothes. Your daily cup of coffee. Your makeup. Gas. Your gym membership.


Basically all of your major things and the minor things that you get are necessities except for the items in the other accounts that we’re talking about here.

Now, here’s the thing. What if you can’t live on 55% of your income?


First of all, you can learn to live on less. And you’ll have to learn to live on less because you don’t have a choice. What choice do you have? Either you win the game or you lose it.

Look, you’re either playing to win the money game, or you’re playing to lose the money game. You’re going to play one way or the other. Got it?

If you do this system you’ll win the money game. If you do something different, if you continue to manage money your way, the chances are real good that you’ll get your results. And maybe they haven’t been the results you want them to be.

When I was running Peak Potentials, one of our students had a $20 million net worth. He did the Millionaire Mind Intensive program in Vancouver. After learning this money management system he wrote to tell us what an impact it had on him.

First of all, he realized that the $20 million he had, it was total luck that he still had it. There was no rhyme or reason for it. And sure enough, as soon as he came to our program, he realized that he didn’t even know what he was doing with his money, that it was being wasted, completely underutilized, totally mismanaged, and the worst part was that he was showing his kids how to do that. And he’d been thinking, here he’s going to leave his kids $20 to $50 million dollars when he dies, and all they’re going to know is how to blow it. Underutilize it.

Now he says his net worth is growing by almost a million dollars every couple of months, and he’s utilizing it to great purposes here, and best of all, his kids are watching how to use money.

Also, you have to realize that a lot of things that you were using your money for, your necessities, aren’t going to be coming from this jar anymore.

What’d you used to do?

You wanted to go on vacation, where would you go? 3rd base.

The kids are going to go to College? 3rd base.

You need $50,000, where’s it going to come from? 3rd base.

You want to make an investment, where do you go? 3rd base, take it out of 3rd base. Everything was coming out of 3rd base. Now you have separate accounts specifically designated for specific tasks. Do you understand?

So a lot of things that you are utilizing your money for won’t come from the necessities account anymore.

Now let me say this. Note that these are the basic percentages. These percentages can change based on your income level. In other words, if you’re the kind of person who makes $500,000 a year maybe you don’t need $250,000 or $300,000 a year into your necessities. Right?

Also, even if you simplify your lifestyle, you might still find it next to impossible to live on 55% of your income. Don’t give up on this system! I’ll be addressing this issue further in one of the next posts.

Right now, the most important thing you can do for yourself is LEARN and UNDERSTAND this money management system. Keep an open mind and remember that there are solutions to all of your issues.

This money management system works! Learn it as if your financial life depends on it, because it does.



Friday, March 17, 2006

The Money Management System That Beats Them All (Part 3)

Just how important is money in your life?

Do you worry about it?

If you’re like most Americans, money is the biggest worry most people face.

We worry about paying our bills. We worry about medical expenses. We worry about having money for retirement.

The number one reason for breakups in relationships is because of………you guessed it, money. Marriages end because of it. Friendships, partnerships, families all suffer because of money issues.

Imagine a life where you didn’t need to worry about money any more. Well….that’s what this series of posts is all about.

Becoming a great money manager, and understanding your financial blueprint will go a long way to reducing your worries and get you on the right track to financial freedom.

This series of posts describes one of the easiest and most effective money management systems ever devised. If you are serious about your financial success, you will want to read these posts again and again until they become your natural way of thinking about money.

Let’s get to the next major money management fund.

The next fund is your education fund, and we put 10% into it. So from $100, you’ll put $10 into your education fund.

I am absolutely adamant about this fund, because it worked for me.

I learned how to succeed. I learned how to succeed career wise. I learned how to succeed financially. Hopefully, I learned how to succeed as a person. I learned all of that. I came from a place where none of those things were me.

Everything I am today I owe to learning. I’m not talking about formal school education. I’m talking about street smart education. I learned the most from reading books, listen to audio recordings, and attending seminars. Equally important, I learned from successful people who have succeeded in the real world in their areas of expertise.

So I am adamant. There’s a saying that says knowledge is power. Education allows you to learn how to earn more money. It also teaches you to how to grow personally so that you’re the kind of person that can not only earn it, but that can keep it and grow it.

The universe is dynamic. That means it’s always changing. And there’s a very simple rule. If you’re not growing, you’re automatically dying. As with any living structure, if you are not growing, you are automatically dying.

If you’re not sure about that, let me ask you, have you ever had a plant? If your plant isn’t growing, what’s it doing? It’s dying, and it’s exactly the same with you.

Bob Proctor another great trainer says this, “the learners shall inherit the earth, while the learned will be beautifully equipped for a world that no longer exists.”

Ben Franklin said it this way. He said, “if you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”

If you’re not achieving the financial results you want in life, all that means is that there’s something you don’t know. By dedicating a portion of your time and income, and investing it in learning, you virtually assure yourself of discovering the secrets that will propel you to your full financial potential.

What do you invest the 10% you set aside for education?

You can invest this money in books, home learning courses, seminars, tapes, coaching. Bottom line, you are investing in yourself.

From now on, 10% of everything you earn goes into your education jar. Learn your way to financial freedom.

Ok, we’re half way through this money management program. I urge you to study and read this program repeatedly. It’s been proven to work for hundreds of thousands of people, and if you use it, it will work for you to.

Until next time.



Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Money Management System That Beats Them All (Part 2)

Did you know that we are all creatures of HABIT?

That’s actually bad news and good news.

The bad news is, once we develop a habit, it becomes increasingly difficult to change it. And the longer we have it, the more engrained it is in us, and the harder it is to change.

The good news is, with PRACTICE, we CAN change our habits until we NATURALLY and AUTOMATICALLY do things differently than we have in the past.

I especially like the expression that Harv Eker says during the Millionaire Mind Intensive. He says, “every master was once a disaster.” Everyone who today is great at what they do learned how to do it. They didn’t start off a master.

Think about it. The great pianist didn’t sit down in front of a piano day one playing great. No doubt, the first time they tried to play they had no idea what to do. But after many hours of practice, they improved to the point where they became a master.

The great baseball player didn’t pick up a bat the very first time and hit the ball consistently. But after many hours of practice, they improved to the point where they became a master.

The great money manager didn’t automatically become great at managing their money. In fact, we know from the sad state of the health of the average American family’s finances that most people are terrible money managers. But once they DISCOVERED A SYSTEM for managing their money that worked for them, and they practiced it repeatedly, they rose to join the elite top 5% who are financially free or at least on the road to financial freedom.

Becoming a great money manager is a LEARNABLE SKILL. And that’s the key. Success in virtually any important area of your life is a learnable skill. It’s up to you to discover the system that resonates with you, that you can live with and fits your personality and lifestyle, and practice it repeatedly, until it becomes NATURAL and AUTOMATIC.

It must become so engrained in you that you NATURALLY and AUTOMATICALLY do the right thing every time without having to think about it. At that point, you have become a master!

Ok, the next account we want to discuss after your FINANCIAL FREEDOM ACCOUNT is your LTSS, which stands for LONG TERM SAVINGS FOR SPENDING. Just as you take 10% out of every paycheck and deposit it into your FFA, you will take another 10% and deposit it into your LTSS jar. So out of a hundred dollars, $10 goes into your LTSS account.

These are for major expenditures, so you might divide these into sub accounts or sub jars for each item. You might have 2 or even 3 LTSS’s and instead of putting $10 into one, you might be putting $5 into 2 different ones. Again, these are for major expenses such as a car, a vacation, college, appliances, remodeling, a down payment for your home. Whatever you want to save up for.

How many of you remember that when you were a kid, you were told that you need to save up for things? But when you became an adult, you kind of forgot that. Well, I’m here to remind you that that way is the way. Got it? Considering the fact that we now have a negative savings rate in this country, most people just don’t get it!

You have to save up for things that you want, but now you’re going to have a special place to save up for it. And so you label these things. You label them, you write on your jar or on your account, your label says, Big Screen TV. Or, Greek Island Cruise. Understand?

So from now on, you’re going to take a portion of your funds, in fact, 10% of the money you bring home, and it’s going to go into your expenditures, you long term expenditures.

Let’s say you want to pay down your mortgage. What do you have to do? Create an LTSS jar to pay down your mortgage.

Let’s say you want to clear off your debt, what do you do? Create an LTSS jar to clear off your debt.

Speaking of your debts, have you ever heard financial “experts” offer the exceptional advice that before you do any of this BS to make sure the first thing you do is put all your money towards clearing off your debt?

Who the heck needs to be paying 22% interest? That’s the worst thing to do. Right? So the first thing you should do before you manage any money is take all your money you’re not using for living, and throw it all towards paying off your debt. Is this a good idea? Is this not such a good idea?

OK, here’s my opinion. Those financial gurus who tell you that have absolutely zero understanding of the human mind. And something called habits. Understand? I’m not saying it’s the wrong thing to do. I’m just saying, it doesn’t work. Not in the real world.


Because, what happens when you pay off your debts? You’ll end up doing the same thing again. History repeats itself.


Because we’re creatures of habit. And you didn’t do anything different. You just went through the cycle again.

One of the laws of the universe says that what you focus on expands. So therefore what you want to be focusing on is what you want, not on what you don’t want. So the goal is to focus on creating financial freedom. Not on clearing off debts.

Are you playing the money game to win, or are you playing the money game not to lose? There’s a big difference. You don’t play the money game not to lose. You play the money game to win. And the way you win the money game is by focusing your energy and attention on creating financial freedom, not necessarily focusing everything on paying off debts.

Therefore, you want to have balance, and you do that by using the system of money management that you’re discovering right now. I hope you realize this.

You must understand that the habit of managing your money is far more important than paying off your debts and saving a few percentages, because that will never last. Your conditioned mind will tell you that once you pay off your debts this time, you won’t do that again. But you will do that again. Why? Because you don’t know any better. You don’t have a system to make sure you’re doing something different.

So don’t worry about the few percentage points. If you utilize the system, pretty soon your debts will be cleared.

I would advise you to create one LTSS to pay down your debt. And here’s a rule you must live by. You ALWAYS make at least the minimum payment, because if you don’t make the minimum payment, you’ll have some serious credit problems.

So you’ve got to pay your minimum payment. And then you’re going to use the system, and whatever you can do extra, you’ll do through a LTSS jar. You’ll save up for it.

What happens if you can’t make your minimum payment?

Simple. Don’t eat! Pay your minimum payment.


It’s more important than any other trait.

How do you know what kind of a money manager you are? Look at your results. That will tell you to the penny what kind of money manager you are.

Commit to reaching your full financial potential. Commit to becoming an outstanding money manager.

As soon as you do, and as soon as you begin to show the universe that you can handle the money you’ve already got, you will begin to attract more and more money into your life.



Thursday, March 09, 2006

Step 1 in the Money Management System That Beats Them All…

This is it!

As far as your personal financial potential is concerned, the next few posts will be the most important you will ever read.

If you genuinely want to join the elite 5% of all the people and experience financial freedom, you are about to discover the secrets that can transform your life forever.

At the end of my last post, you’ll recall the example I gave about a baseball team taking the field and everyone going to 3rd base. We agreed that using this defensive approach would almost certainly lead to failure.

In baseball, there’s a reason for each of the positions. Each position has a job to do, and it is critical that each position be filled, or else there’s a darn good chance that the team will lose.

But when it comes to winning the money game, 95% of you are playing with your whole team standing at 3rd base! And that’s why 95% of you will struggle financially all of your lives, and never reach your full financial potential.

Just as the baseball team has different positions with different jobs, the most important feature of managing your money is to separate your income into separate accounts for specific jobs and duties.

So what you’re going to do is divide your money into 6 separate cookie jars or accounts every time you get paid. The percentages I’m going to give you are flexible but they are basic guidelines and they’ll change according to your income and your age.

All of the references we’re going to be talking about here are all based in after tax dollars. This is money that actually comes to you, not the government.

If you get your money clear, in other words, the taxes are already taken off, you will need 6 accounts or jars. And if you don’t have your taxes taken off and your income comes to you as a gross amount, you will have to take a portion out and use a 7th jar or account to hold your tax money in. You have to have a person who is in the position of handling the tax. Understand?

The first account here is what we’re going to call our Financial Freedom Account. 10% of your income will automatically go into this account every time you receive any money from now on, for the rest of your life.

So, for example, if you get $100, $10 automatically goes into your FFA jar. This is capital never to be spent, only saved or invested to create your “golden goose”. But it can’t become your golden goose until you stuff it with money. You can also use this money to purchase or create passive income structures. So it’s primarily used for all of your investments and to create or start passive income structures. Got it? This is going to be your goose.

What can this money be used for?

Money market accounts. Stocks. Mutual funds. Your IRA and Keogh plans. 401K’s. Mortgages. Term deposits. Savings accounts. Bonds. Income producing real estate. Vending machines. Car washes. Storage units. Specially structured life insurance contracts. Annuities. You get the idea.

OK, good. Now, when do you get to spend your FFA account?

I hope you said never!


Because then you will kill the goose. And this is the number 1 mistake almost everyone makes. They save money and then in the end they spend that money.


So how do you live?

From the interest and dividends and profits that come from this money. You live from the eggs that come from the goose, never from the goose itself.

This money goes to your will. This money goes to charity. This money goes to your church. This money goes to your children. Wherever you choose it to go, the only person it never goes to is you. Do you understand this? This is part of the legacy you leave. To make the world a better place, or to help somebody else out. Got it?

To end this post, you need to understand one more thing.

Whenever you receive any money, who are you going to pay first?

Your mortgage company?

Your utilities?

Your Visa?


You ALWAYS pay yourself first. ALWAYS!

Before you pay anyone else, the very first thing you will do for the rest of your life is pay yourself first!

Once you get used to doing this, you will never miss that money. You will get used to living on the remainder.

There are no exceptions to this rule…..unless you want to lose the money game.

Now what do most people do?

They pay all of their expenses, and if there’s anything left at the end of the month, that’s what they keep for themselves.

But what’s usually left at the end of the month? Nada. Zilch. Nothing.

So let me just say this. If you pay yourself first, you’ll never miss it. If you pay yourself last, you’ll never do it.

Here's another declaration that you should repeat to yourself out loud on a daily basis....


You are either going to win or lose the money game. You can’t hide from it. You can’t pretend that you aren’t playing. It’s up to you to decide if you are playing to win, or playing to lose. It’s just that simple.

Stay tuned, because we’ll be talking about account number 2 in this money management system in the next post.

And once we’re done looking at all the accounts, you will have a blueprint for financial success that will last you the rest of your life.



Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Money Management System that will Change Your Life...

Are you sick and tired of not getting the results you want financially?

Do you believe that you are capable of doing much better financially?

Are you reaching your full financial potential?

Of all the areas that can have the biggest impact on your financial life, nothing comes even close to what you’re going to be learning about right here, right now!

You can read all the books, listen to all the tapes, or go to all the seminars. You can learn about business strategies, marketing, or negotiating. You can learn about real estate, the stock market, the Internet. None of these will have anywhere near the impact that this one topic will have on your financial future.

Can you guess what this topic is?

Well, if you’ve been a regular reader of this blog, of course you know what it is. You know because I’ve written about this one topic on more than one occasion.

If it weren’t so important, I wouldn’t continue to bring it up. But, you must understand that this one topic will have more of an impact on your financial success or failure than anything else you can do.

This one topic, more than anything else, will determine if you join the elite 5% who are living the lives of their dreams, or if you remain in the 95% that struggle along barely making ends meet from one pay period to the next, never coming remotely close to realizing your full financial potential.

The one characteristic that separates the top 5% of all people financially from the rest of the crowd, is that the top 5% are all excellent money managers. They have a system they use to make sure that they do the right things to create financial success for themselves and their families.

Harv Eker, best selling author and President of Peak Potentials Training, teaches an outstanding money management system that has now been discovered by hundreds of thousands of students at the Millionaire Mind Intensive program.

Before we get into the details of the system, it’s critically important that you understand this next concept.

The worst thing that you can do when discovering a new system is to think too much. We all have a tendency to look for ways to improve or change a system we’ve been introduced to, and in almost all instances, that’s the kiss of death.

This is a rule that will help you make the leap into the top 5% of the crowd in every area of your life.

The key to success in every area of life is in finding systems that work, and then modeling them. Find a system that works in the real world, and then, do exactly what the system tells you to do. Learn the system so well that you can do every step automatically, without having to think. The more automatic you make it, and the less thinking you do, the more successful you’ll be.

What you’re doing is programming yourself for success. Once you learn a system to the point where you do things automatically without thinking, you will naturally do the right thing every time without having to give it a moments notice.

Learn enough success systems in enough areas of your life, and you simply cannot fail. You will see success compound on success, and you will rapidly grow into that top 5%! You need to understand this completely, because this is the key to your transformation from where you are today to where you want to be in your future.

You can be financially free. You can be happy. You can be successful. You can be whatever you truly want in life. All it takes is the burning desire to accomplish it, and successful systems to model.

It’s important to realize that wealthy people aren’t any smarter; they just have better money management habits.

The single biggest difference between financial success and financial failure is how you manage your money. The single biggest difference.

If you understand this and more importantly, if you agree with it, here’s a simple exercise to do for the next week.

Every day, and throughout the day, repeat this declaration as often as you can, saying it out loud and with feeling……..

To master money, I must manage money.

Saying this declaration repeatedly over a period of time will allow the concept to drift into your subconscious mind, so that you will automatically be programmed to believe that to master money, you will manage it. The reason for repeating it is that the more your subconscious hears something, the more it tends to believe it to be true. It’s been said that repetition is the mother of learning.

We can discuss your mind and how it works at another time, but trust that this process will create the automatic responses you want in order to reach your full financial potential.

Next, we begin to explore the money management system. It’s simple, and you can do it.

I would encourage you to learn it well. Learn it as though your financial future depended on it, because it does.

Learn it well enough to teach it to your children, your spouse, and anyone else you truly care about. Not only can this system have a profound impact on your life, you can then have a profound impact on the lives of others who are not as informed as you.

Ok. Let’s talk about this. Some quick money management tips. Number 1 you’re already managing your money. The only question is, how? Most do it very, very poorly or not at all. And a lot of people don’t want to manage their money because they feel strangled; they feel like managing their money is a lack of freedom, right?

Number 2. Managing your money doesn’t restrict your freedom, it promotes your freedom. First of all, it allows you to create full financial freedom some day, right? Secondly, with this system, you’re able to spend designated amounts for fun things without any guilt whatsoever. How do you like that?

Now, what we’re going to do here is explain the worlds easiest and most effective money management method. It’s very simple and that’s why it works.

Let me ask you a question. You know about baseball right? What would happen if everyone took the field and all 9 went to play 3rd base? Big trouble right? Lots of empty space. You cannot win the game this way. Does that make sense? And yet 95% of you are playing that way.

So the key here is each position has a very specific purpose. It’s the same with managing your money. So therefore, the most important part of managing your money is separating your income into separate accounts for specific jobs and duties.

We’ll get into the specific steps in the next post, but I want to leave you with this thought.

Most people play the money game not to lose. They play the game on defense. Wealthy and financially successful people play the money game to win. They have a completely different mindset. You need to develop that mindset.

We all play the money game, whether we realize it or not. We are all going to win the game or lose it. Which do you choose?

