Saturday, March 17, 2007

A Sure Sign.....

Do you want to know a sure sign of whether you’ve got what it takes to become financially free?

Because of the work I’ve done and the profession I’m in today, I’ve met a great number of financially successful people.

On top of that, I’ve spent over 38 years reading and studying the laws of financial success.

Bill Gates is the wealthiest man alive today. When he decides he needs to take action, what do you think he does?

He gathers up the information he needs, and once he has it, HE MAKES A DECISION AND TAKES ACTION.

Is he always right? Could he have made a better decision? Maybe, maybe not. But that isn’t the issue. He takes action, and if he needs to adjust his actions, he does.

The same is true for Warren Buffett, the second wealthiest man in the world. He gets the information he needs and then HE MAKES A DECISION AND TAKES ACTION.

Do you think every decision Warren Buffett makes is the right one or the best one? Of course not. But that hasn’t stopped him from achieving enormous financial success.

Look at Donald Trump. Do you think every decision “the Donald” makes is the right one or the best one? No! But look at his results.

One thing I can guarantee you about virtually all financially successful people. They are all DOERS. One thing I can virtually guarantee you about poor and middle class people, they are all THINKERS.

Are you the kind of person that needs to “THINK ABOUT IT”. Is it hard for you to make a decision and take action once all of the facts are in?

Why do people “Have to think about it?” And when it gets right down to it, do they really spend any time thinking about it?

Well, the fact is that most people are afraid that they won’t make the right decision, or that they could have made a better decision. So rather than risk that, they don’t make any decision at all. THEY THINK ABOUT IT.

Thanks to an incredible lead generation system I use, I’m able to see as many people as my calendar will allow.

My prospects come from all walks of life. Male and female. Young and old. Rich and poor.

I can tell you first hand that the financially successful people I meet with ask plenty of questions and get to understand the program I offer. By the time we’re done, they either do it or don’t do it.

I can tell you first hand that the financially unsuccessful people I meet with ask plenty of questions and get to understand the program I offer. By the time we’re done, they need to THINK ABOUT IT. Which is another way of saying, they don’t take any action.

In all of my years of working with clients, the odds are about 1 in 100 that when someone says “I NEED TO THINK ABOUT IT” do they ever take any action at all.

People who always NEED TO THINK ABOUT IT will never be financially successful. They are so afraid of making the wrong decision, or missing out on a better decision that they don’t do anything at all.

Do you want to be more successful financially?

If you do, then you must convert from being a THINKER, and become a DOER. It’s just that simple. You gather the facts, and you make a decision.

When I have someone tell me after spending 4 to 5 hours with me over a couple of appointments that they still need to think about it, I know one thing for sure about their financial future.

And now…….so do you.




Sunday, March 11, 2007

Keeping With the Theme.....

My last post, and next few, are dedicated to all of you who are committed to joining the top 5% of all achievers in life.

If you are completely satisfied with your current situation, and have no drive or desire to reach you full potential, then sadly, there is nothing I can do or say, or anyone for that matter, that will help you become more than what you are today.

But if you want more out of life, more health, more happiness, more success, more money, more of ANYTHING that is truly important to you, then the next few minutes will be of incredible value to you.

I mentioned previously, that one of the most life changing programs I have ever witnessed is called Enlightened Warrior Training, offered by Harv Eker and Peak Potentials Training.

During this course, participants are forced to face their fears, and take action regardless. The philosophy behind all of this is the fact that even successful people have fears, they simply don’t let those fears interfere with their accomplishing everything they want to accomplish in life.

The second in the series of declarations that are repeated throughout the program is the following…


How many of us quit or give up on our goals as soon as we encounter problems? It happens everyday, and it separates the haves from the have-nots.

There is a huge difference between wanting something and having something. Until you want something bad enough to COMMIT to having it, your desire will never be strong enough to carry you through the challenges that lay ahead.

Very few worthwhile things in life come easy. If success was easy, most people would be successful all of the time.

Unfortunately, the exact opposite is true.

Success is rare, because it is hard, and few are COMMITTED to DOING WHATEVER IT TAKES to achieve success.

One thing I want to make clear is that when I say “whatever it takes”, it always includes the idea that you never violate the rights of your fellow man.

Lying, or stealing, or cheating, is not the way to reach your goals. You must have an unquestioned moral and ethical standard to live by.

“Whatever it takes” means going the extra mile. It means accepting setbacks as temporary defeats, not permanent failure. It means acting when your tired, or frightened, or not in the mood. It means having a mindset that no matter how many times you have to start again, you will NEVER quit until you reach your goal.

While running Peak Potentials Training, I saw first hand, incredibly successful people. And this one quality, to do WHATEVER IT TAKES was apparent in all of them.

If you want to become financially free, I guarantee you that it won’t happen by accident. But it will happen if you are COMMITTED to doing WHATEVER IT TAKES.

If others can become financially free, why can’t you? All you need is a SYSTEM, and a commitment to following that SYSTEM until you too get the results you want.

I teach my clients a money management SYSTEM that works. If you simply follow the SYSTEM, and commit to it, you can become financially free.

This system has brought me more financial success than I ever dreamed possible, and it continues to get better every day. I live this system every day.

No matter what area of your life, there are successful people who are accomplishing what you want for yourself. Find these people. Learn their system. And COMMIT to doing WHATEVER IT TAKES until you get the results they’re getting.


I hope you get it.



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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Only If You Really Care......

Are you truly committed to your success?

Do you want to achieve anything more than just getting by?

Every day, I see people struggling to make ends meet. I see them accepting way less than they should expect from themselves.

There are Universal Laws that we all live by. Those who learn those Laws and work with them see huge improvements in their lives.

Unfortunately, most people either don’t know them, or don’t apply them.

Read the next few paragraphs as if your future success depends on it, because it does!

95% of all people never achieve true success. That’s reserved for the elite 5%! You are either going to join the majority that live in the 95%, or you are going to make the changes in your life that will vault you into that top group of 5%.

When I ran Peak Potentials Training, we offered 13 different programs. These were highly experiential programs that lasted from 3 to 5 days.

The one program that had the biggest impact on most people was a program called Enlightened Warrior Training.

The venue is always a camp in the wilderness where for almost 5 days participants are forced to face their fears and take action regardless.

Each participant is given a list of declarations that they repeated throughout the program.

The name of the list is “Attitudes of a Warrior”.

I want to give full credit to Harv Eker for these declarations, and over the next while, I want YOU to learn these declarations.

The very first declaration says this…….


For you to reach your full potential, to be something other than ordinary, you have to get yourself out of your comfort zone.

We all have our own comfort zone, and until we begin to stretch ourselves and force ourselves to act beyond our comfort zones, we are doomed to be no more than we are today.

That’s fine if you’re already a huge success.

But for most of us, if we ever hope to be more that what we are today, we have to take action.

What holds us back from taking the actions we need to take if we want to grow?

For most of us, the number one reason that we don’t take action is that we have FEARS!

And it’s these fears that stop us from growing and succeeding at the highest levels.

Read this and understand this

You must practice the HABIT of acting in spite of your FEARS!

It’s a practice. And like anything else in life, for you to become good at anything worthwhile, you have to practice it over and over again.

So, whenever you fear doing something you know will help you grow, feel the fear and then TAKE THE ACTION!


And every day, repeat this declaration….


When you begin to do this as a habit, and you truly act in spite of your fears, you are on the way to greatness, and I promise you, your life will never be the same.

