Monday, July 24, 2006

Why Don’t Most People Get This??

Do you want to reach your full potential?

Do you REALLY want to reach your full potential?

Not just your full financial potential, but also your full potential in every major area of your life?

If you open your mind, and read what follows closely, you will discover the missing link between what you want and what you have.

Too often, I hear from those who think that personal growth is a complete waste of time and money. They’ll point to all those who invest time and money attending seminars and workshops and gleefully point out….”Look at all these stupid, weak minded people. They waste all of their money on these books and tapes and seminars, and they have nothing to show for them. The only ones getting rich are the people who put on the seminars, or sell the books and tapes.”

Let me ask you something. Do you really believe that going to a 2 or 3-day seminar, or reading a book, or listening to an audio program is all it takes to be successful? Is it really that easy?

Do you believe that once you finish kindergarten your education is finished?

Do you believe that once you take that first golf lesson you’re ready to play the Masters?

Do you believe that once you go to the health club for one workout that you’re in shape?

Do you believe that dieting for a day is going to lose all that extra weight you’re carrying around?

I hope you realize that it’s only a start. And while starting is critical, if you don’t follow through with consistent effort, you are not going to see the level of success you want.

When I was running Peak Potentials, I would be asked all the time, “how many people who attend the Millionaire Mind Intensive are now millionaires?”

Recently, if you’ve followed my blog, I had someone ask me exactly that. He was gleefully pointing out that the majority of attendees are still working their 9 to 5 jobs.

Well…..duh! Boy, is this person on the ball!

Think of all the people you know who are among the best in their field.

Let’s look at athletes as a perfect example.
Tiger Woods is considered the best golfer today. Tiger Woods is constantly WORKING WITH HIS COACH to improve his game. In fact, he’ll work with different coaches to help him improve in specific areas of golf.

Peyton Manning is considered among the best quarterbacks in the National Football League. Peyton Manning is constantly WORKING WITH HIS QUARTERBACK COACH to improve his game. In fact, he works with several coaches to help him improve in specific areas of the game.

Roger Clemens is considered among the best pitchers of all time. Roger Clemens is CONSTANTLY WORKING WITH PITCHING COACHES to improve his game.

Why do you think coaches exist in sports? They exist because even elite athletes have a passion to reach their full potential, and they realize that having the right coach can take them to another level.

It’s not just true in sports.

Have you ever heard of a personal fitness trainer? Why would anyone waste their money on someone like a fitness trainer?

For those who are COMMITTED to becoming physically fit, they realize that having the right trainer work with them increases the likelihood of their achieving the level of success they want much more than if they do it on their own.

It takes an extraordinary self motivated person to work as hard and as long on their own as they will if they have a trainer pushing them, urging them on, and making sure they’re doing the right thing to stay on course to achieve their goals.

Why do people choose to have a financial planner or coach? It’s because they realize that they stand a far better chance to being financially successful if they’ve got the right person advising them.

So, let’s go back to the Millionaire Mind Intensive. The MMI is a 3-day FREE seminar put on by Harv Eker and Peak Potentials that educates people on the keys to becoming financially free, and in pointing out the differences between the ways financially successful people think compared to those who aren’t as successful.

Wouldn’t it be great if that were all it took to become a millionaire! Just go to a FREE 3 day seminar, and you’re rich. You don’t have to do anything else. You don’t have to follow through with action. You don’t have to look for other mentors. You don’t have to find a coach. You don’t have to continue to learn, to read and study, and invest time, money and energy.

Nope. All you have to do is go to the FREE 3 day seminar and you’re going to be rich! Tomorrow!
If you aren’t, then the MMI must just be a scam, and Harv Eker is laughing all the way to the bank from all of the money he made offering this FREE seminar.

Please! Tell me you aren’t that stupid!

There’s an expression out there that almost everyone has heard at one time or another.

Knowledge is Power!

I say that’s B.S.

What possible good is having knowledge if you don’t do anything with it?

I say knowledge is only POTENTIAL power.


It’s not what you know that’s important; it’s WHAT YOU DO WITH WHAT YOU KNOW that’s important.

Unfortunately, most people simply don’t understand this concept. They figure that if they acquire the right knowledge, then they’ll be successful. And while having the right knowledge is a great start, it doesn’t guarantee you squat!

Until you COMMIT to taking that knowledge and building on it, and applying it into your daily life, all you’ve done is add more information into your brain. Big deal.

So if you REALLY want to reach your full potential, follow the example of the elite athletes. Never stop learning. Never stop practicing. Never stop improving.

Don’t think for a moment that attending a seminar or two is the end all. Or that reading a few books is all it takes. Or that listening to a couple of audio programs is the solution. It’s a start. But that’s all it is.

Once you realize that for you to achieve real success, it is going to take massive action on your part, you can either choose to accept that reality and COMMIT to your own success, or you can choose to accept whatever life offers and realize that you simply don’t have the desire necessary to reach the level of success you think you want.

The choice is yours.

Remember, success is not easy. That’s why so few really achieve it.



Friday, July 21, 2006

Accepting Full Responsibility.....

Do you know any people like this?

They have an excuse for everything.

Nothing is ever their fault.

They blame everything bad in their life on someone or something else.

They either choose intentionally or unintentionally to conveniently ignore their role in their outcomes if things don’t go their way.

Their self-image can’t even fathom the possibility that they may be the primary reason that they are not achieving the things they want in life.

It’s called the “Blame Game”, and most unsuccessful people are pro’s at playing it.

They blame the economy, they blame their boss, their employees, the government, the stock market, the real estate market, their friends, their spouse, of course, their parents, and anyone else who is convenient at the time.

But for sure, they absolutely never blame themselves.

There are Universal Laws of Nature that we all live by. There is simply no getting around that.

We live in a world of cause and effect. Everything you say or do will cause an effect.

The best analogy I know of refers to a “Tree of Life”.

On this tree grows fruits. In the real world, these fruits are our “results” in life.

We look at our fruits, our results, and we don’t like them. So what do we tend to do?

We put all of our attention on these fruits, don’t we?

Except for one little thing.

What is it that actually produces these particular fruits?

It’s the roots that produce these fruits. If you aren’t happy with your fruits, you will have to work on your roots.

Happiness is a result. Success is a result.

If you aren’t achieving success in your life, that’s not a problem. It’s a symptom. Being unsuccessful is a result, what is the root cause?

When I’m coaching someone, I tell them that 10% of life is what happens to you. 90% is how you respond.

And the most important first step in moving yourself along the road to success is to accept FULL RESPONSIBILITY for everything that happens in your life. Stop blaming everything on others.

I have known many extremely successful people in my life. I try as best I can to learn from them and model them. And I have never seen a truly successful person who was a blamer. It just never happens.

On the other hand, I see almost daily, people who have poor incomes, poor marriages, poor health, and of course, none of it is their fault.

Despite the fact that the divorce rate is over 50%, have you ever met anyone who admitted that they were the primary reason the relationship failed? Never! It’s always the other person’s fault. They are simply the poor victim.

If they were totally honest with themselves and looked at the situation objectively, they would realize that they contributed to the breakup. Maybe they took their spouse for granted. Maybe they abused their spouse verbally or physically. Maybe they failed to show their spouse the love and support they needed. Maybe they gave up trying to make the relationship something special. Either they were doing things that they shouldn’t have, or weren’t doing things that they should have.

Regardless, it’s rare that any breakup of a relationship is 100% one persons fault and 0% the other. But you will never get anyone to admit to it. It’s always the other person’s fault. Period, end of story.

Suppose you decided you wanted to learn how to have a successful Internet marketing business. You do some research and find the best Internet marketing “guru” out there.

This highly respected expert is having a camp for a weekend where you will get in depth training on how to create a successful Internet business. Not only is his camp expensive, you also have to travel to another city to attend. But, you go for the weekend, and you have a terrific time. You learn a lot, make new friends, and have a lot of fun.

At the end of the weekend, you are left with instructions on exactly what to do, how to do it, how long it will take to get the business cashflowing.

But like most of the people who attended, you go home and either you don’t bother doing anything, or you give it a halfhearted effort. You go back to your regular routine. Within a short period of time, you forget everything you learned at the camp.

Later, a friend asks you how you’re doing with your internet business. Guess what most people will say?

“What a rip off! I spent a ton of money, wasted a weekend at a camp, and I haven’t earned a penny. That Internet expert is garbage, stealing money from weak minded, gullible people like me. He’s laughing all the way to the bank. I’m going to let everyone know what a joke he is. It’s not my fault that I don’t have a successful Internet business, it’s all his!”

Meanwhile, one of the other students who attended the exact same weekend camp went home and TOOK MASSIVE ACTION. He did what he was supposed to do, when he was supposed to do it, for as long as he was told to do it. He even paid to have a local web techie come once a week to keep him on track. After a while, he got to be pretty good. Unfortunately, he was one of the few that were actually committed to doing whatever it took to learn how to have a successful Internet business. While others WANTED to have a successful business, he COMMITTED to having one. Notice the difference?

So, the real question is this. What do you want in your life? What are you committed to?

Until you are truly committed, you will not achieve it. Success in anything important in your life is achievable. But it’s only achievable if you commit to doing the right things for the right amount of time to make them a reality.

If it were easy, everyone would be rich, everyone would be healthy, everyone would be in great shape, everyone would have the perfect marriage, everyone would be the best parent, the greatest friend, the perfect son/daughter, etc., etc.

But success is rare. And it’s rare because it isn’t easy. It takes work. It takes time. It takes commitment. And we live in a society where very few people are willing to go that route. Virtually everyone wants immediate gratification. If they can’t have what they want immediately, if they actually have to put time and energy and money into accomplishing their goals, they’re gone. It’s not their fault their unsuccessful, it’s got to be someone else’s.

So, be sure you accept full responsibility for your life, for all of your successes and all of your failures.

Once you do, you will feel a lot better about yourself, and you will begin to rise into the top 5% of all people, those rare few that are living the life of their dreams.



Tuesday, July 18, 2006

It’s Tough At the Top….

So you think you want to be a success?

You think you want to contribute to the success of others?

Realize this…..

What do the following people all have in common?

Tony Robbins, Earl Nightingale, John Maxwell, Rick Warren, Napoleon Hill, Brian Tracy, Dale Carnegie, Zig Ziglar, Joel Olsteen, Harv Eker……

All of the above are successful authors and speakers who have sold millions of books, given thousands of seminars and helped countless people improve their lives.

All of them have followers who read and study everything they can get their hands on from their specific “guru”. If they can see their “guru” in person, they will travel wherever they have to in order to attend and learn in person.

Why do people choose a particular author/speaker as their “guru”? They do it because the message they hear, and the method that message is presented resonates with them.

Would you consider those people to be a part of a cult?

Myself, over the past 36 years, I’ve found many extremely successful people that I have studied and learned from. While I have my favorites, I find I can learn from almost anyone. And in my quest to be the best person I can possibly be, I am far more concerned with the message I hear than the source of that message.

The fact is, that only a very small percentage of all people have a passion for personal growth. According to statistics, less than 1% of all people will buy and read a self-help book this year.

Of the remaining 99%, most are simply oblivious to the idea of personal growth. But as I can relate to you from my time running Peak Potentials Training, and subsequently, since beginning my blog, there are those that are downright indignant about the whole thing.

Recently I got an email. It was sent by “anonymous”. That should tell you something right away. If you were in my place, what would you think of someone who doesn’t want you to know who they are?

This email was filled with venom. It referred to people who follow their “guru” as being a part of a cult. It went on to personally attack the character of these “guru’s”.

I know that “anonymous” truly believes what he wrote me. It was written with so much passion and hate that he MUST believe what he wrote.

What are beliefs?

Beliefs are thoughts held to be true.

But are they really true?

The fact is, beliefs are only someone’s best guess as to what the truth is.

Some people’s beliefs are empowering. Their belief system is designed to support their growth.

Other people’s beliefs are disempowering. Their belief system is designed to prohibit their growth.

If you could choose, which belief system would you choose?

My friend, Mr. Anonymous, clearly has a disempowering belief system. Rather than look for the ideas and principles that can help him in transforming his life for the better, and disregarding those ideas and principles that don’t resonate for him, he chooses to evaluate the entire teachings of an individual and either accept it in total or reject it in total.

I have absolutely no personal animosity for Mr. Anonymous. He is free to think whatever he wants. For every Mr. Anonymous I hear from, there are countless others that I hear the exact opposite response. The ratio must be 100 to 1.

Let me give you an example. When I was running Peak Potentials, I made it a point to get to as many events as I possibly could. If there were 1,500 people at a Millionaire Mind Intensive program, 1,450 people would love it, would learn from it, and would be very supportive of telling their friends and associates to attend the next one.

But there would also be the 50 people who would write me and complain about how they were being “brainwashed”, that all it was doing was giving people false hope, and that the only intention was to create a “cult following” where people would waste their time and money on such garbage.

It’s like the story of the 2 sisters who were raised in a physically abuse home. As adults, one of them was very mean and abusive to her husband and children. The other was a loving, caring mother and wife. When interviewed, the first sister said, “Of course I’m this way, look at how I was raised. What do you expect?” The second sister said, “Of course I’m this way, look at how I was raised. What do you expect?”

The first sister believed that because she was raised in this manner, that this was how she was supposed to be. The second sister believed that because she was raised in this manner, that was NOT how she was supposed to be. So whose belief system is right?

Neither! They’re not right, they’re not wrong, they’re not true and they’re not false. It’s all a made up story that they came up with and they bought. The only difference is that one is empowering and the other isn’t. Which would you chose?

Recognize, that the more successful you are, and the more people you attempt to help, the more likely it is that you are going to have you’re detractors. It’s just a fact of life.

You cannot ever get 100% acceptance from everyone who comes in contact with you.

The important lesson to learn from this is that despite the fact that you will have your detractors, who will be vocal and even vile, if you truly believe in yourself and your service, don’t be sidetracked.

The greatest and most successful men and women in history had their detractors. Why should you be any different?

If you attend a seminar or read a book, and 99% of the information is “garbage” as far as you’re concerned, take the 1% that isn’t and grow from it. Don’t focus on the “garbage”, focus on the fruit.

I sincerely hope you can reach your full potential. If I can educate and inspire you to move in that direction, I am happy to have made a difference. If I can’t, at least I tried.



Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Best Strategy For Your Money....

T. Harv Eker, President of Peak Potentials Training, is a true financial genius. Not only is Harv a self-made multimillionaire, he’s helped thousands of others across North America and around the world reach their full financial potential.

Last year, Harv Eker released his first book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”, and saw it rise to the top of the New York Times bestseller list in its first week. For an unknown author, that’s unheard of. But it’s par for the course with Harv. I’m very proud of the fact that Harv acknowledged me in the book.

As a personal friend of Harv Eker, I can say first hand that Harv not only “talks the talk”, he also “walks the walk”. While talk is cheap, his actions and his results verify that he truly practices what he preaches. When T. Harv says he has a Millionaire Mind, he isn’t exaggerating. His “financial blueprint” is set for massive success.

One of the keys to success in any area of life is to model those who have already achieved the level of success you want.

If you want to be great at anything, you can learn how to accomplish it.

And when it comes to creating your financial blueprint for financial success, following the advice and modeling Harv Eker is a surefire way to reach your financial dreams.

Having worked with Harv helping him build and grow Peak Potentials Training, I had the opportunity to study Harv Eker up close and personal.

The ideas and concepts he teaches are now a part of my financial blueprint, and have allowed me to achieve a level of financial success that I never dreamed possible.

Not only that, these same principles can be applied to other areas of life, and I have come to adopt the systems that make success in any important area of my life virtually automatic.

But this post is aimed at financial success.

What is your concept of financial success?

Too many people say, “I want to be rich”.

Well, guess what? Everyone wants to be rich. But only a few actually achieve it.


There’s a huge gap between what we want and what we get.

When we say we want something, what we’re really saying is that if we’re handed it, we’ll gladly accept it.

Some people go a little further and CHOOSE to have something. It shows an intention to have something in your life. Unfortunately, CHOOSING to have something rarely gets us what we truly want.

It’s not until you COMMIT to having something that you begin to see the true results you desire. COMMITTING to something means you’re willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get what you want, as long as it’s moral, ethical and does not violate the rights of your fellow man.

Let’s go back to the question I asked you moments ago, what’s your concept of financial success?

You have to be specific. You need to be able to describe in detail what financial success means to you.

Harv Eker teaches that there are 2 jewels to achieving financial freedom. The first is creating streams of PASSIVE INCOME. Passive income is money coming in without your having to work for it. Until you have enough PASSIVE INCOME, you can never be free; you will HAVE to continue working for the rest of your life.

The second jewel is in having a MONEY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM that you apply to your life and your money. At the Millionaire Mind Intensive, an incredible 3-day program offered by Peak Potentials, Harv Eker teaches a simple, but highly effective money management system.

I’ve written in detail about this system throughout my blog. If you aren’t familiar with it, go back and find those posts. They can be life changing!

Once you understand these 2 jewels, PASSIVE INCOME and MONEY MANAGEMENT, you’ll have the knowledge you need to move you onto the road of financial success.


You still need a vehicle to bring it all together.

And the Bank on YourselfTM program that I discovered about a year ago is the most perfect vehicle I have ever seen to bring this all together.

Once I discovered Bank on YourselfTM, I realized that this was the missing link that allows virtually anyone to take Harv’s 2 jewels and apply them in their lives to achieve the financial success they want.

If you’re COMMITTED to your financial freedom, you’ll kick yourself if you don’t download the free report that explains how Banking on YourselfTM can change your financial life.

Just go to and enter the passcode JF55 to receive this report. If you’re in Arizona or California, I can personally help you get set up. Otherwise, I can refer you to other certified consultants in your area.

The answers you seek are at your fingertips. Don’t let this opportunity slip by!



Thursday, July 06, 2006

Will You Retire Like the Top 5%?


For many, it’s a dream of living the good life.

Traveling the world. Helping the kids. Playing golf. Visiting with friends. A life of leisure.

What’s your vision of retirement?

Unfortunately, for many, in fact, for most Americans, retirement dreams are just that…..dreams.

The statistics are scary.

Most Americans aren’t close to prepared for their retirement.

Adding to the problem is that many of today’s baby boomers have been counting on a nice inheritance to provide for their retirement.

But, with parents living longer, with health care costs soaring, and the costs of assisted living facilities climbing annually, those nice inheritances are dwindling rapidly.

Social Security isn’t the answer. It’s going broke. Medicare is expected to become insolvent even sooner.

Company pension plans are under funded, and the government doesn’t have the resources to make up the difference.

If you really want to live the retirement of your dreams and join the elite top 5% who are living the retirement lifestyle everyone wants, you’re going to have to depend on yourself. And the sooner you realize this fact, the better!

What’s your plan?

How do you intend to get to your retirement dreams?

In my opinion, there are at least 3 and possibly 4 keys to reaching your retirement dreams.

First, you must begin TODAY to realize that until you have enough PASSIVE income to pay for your desired lifestyle, you have no choice but to continue working.

How much time and effort are you dedicating to creating streams of PASSIVE income?

For most, the answer is none or next to none. Most people don’t even realize what PASSIVE income is, or that it’s up to them to create it. Go figure.

Second, most people are horrible money managers. They reach the age of 65 with 40 years of working income behind them, and have little or no funds to show for all of that time.

You’d think that something as important as managing money would be taught to every person in grade school. It’s every bit as important as learning history or geography or English or math.

But somehow, we’ve all been left on our own to learn this most critical skill that affects each and every one of us. Go figure.

You have got to take control TODAY to learn how to become an excellent money manager.

Third, the average American spends 37 cents out of every dollar on interest. That means that if your monthly budget is $3,000, over $1,000 of your money every single month is going for interest payments to banks, mortgage and finance companies.

Let me ask you something. When you spend that money, do you ever see it again?

$1,000 a month is $12,000 a year. $120,000 in 10 years. $480,000 in 40 years.

Imagine if you could recapture all of that money, and have it growing for you tax free with compound interest over all those years. Would that help your retirement plans?

There is a way to recapture all of those dollars! It’s called Bank on Yourself.

What’s more, when you reach your retirement years, with Bank on Yourself you get to enjoy all of these dollars tax free for the rest of your life.

Yet, less than 5% of all people know how to recapture these dollars, and even of those who do, many don’t take the action to make it a reality. Go figure.

And fourth, if you truly want to maximize your working income and benefit from the tax laws, you MUST become an entrepreneur. You have to learn how to create income from something other than a job, unless you just want to remain in your comfortable rut.

But then, don’t blame anyone but yourself when you’re deciding if you can afford cable TV or going out to eat when you retire.

The majority of those who are saving for retirement are doing it with 401K employer sponsored plans or IRA’s. And those funds are almost always invested in the stock market through the use of Mutual Funds.

Here’s another question for you. Would you take your retirement funds to Las Vegas and gamble with them? Of course not. You want to know with certainty that all that hard earned money you’ve set aside for retirement will be there when you need it.

But I can tell you of countless millions who lost over half of their retirement funds when the stock market crashed in 2000 and 2001. Even today, 6 years later, many have less than 50% of the value they had back in 2000. This didn’t happen to just the unfortunate few. It happened to virtually everyone.

Joining the elite top 5% who enjoy the retirement dreams you want won’t happen by chance. It takes the correct planning and action.

Don’t sit back and watch the years go by. Decide today to do something about it. Master the 4 keys I’ve described above, and you can count of enjoying your retirement years just the way you dreamed they’d be.

