Woody Allen was WRONG!
Woody once said that “90% of success was just showing up!”
He was missing one CRITICAL word…….
and that one critical word was “PREPARED.”
Daily I meet with prospects and clients who want to break away from the financial struggles of their life and have a chance for something better.
It’s a universal feeling.
We all think about and worry about MONEY more than any other issue.
If you doubt that, take a look at the NUMBER 1 issue in the election.
People are worried about their pocketbooks.
They’re worried about their savings, their retirement funds, and their homes.
Most people are struggling to barely get by, forget about getting ahead.
This is very common among the people I meet and advise daily.
Does this sound like you or anyone you know?
I ask my clients a simple question. Is your intention to “GET BY” or to “GET AHEAD?”
Let me ask YOU something……..
if your intention in life is to do just enough to GET BY, guess how much you’ll get?
Enough to GET BY. And no more.
Some people tell me that their intention is to GET AHEAD.
But after a 5 minute conversation, I can’t see anything that they’re doing that’s going to get them ahead of where they are right now.
Hopefully, YOU want to GET AHEAD.
My entire purpose for everything I do is to lead you directly onto the path so you can GET AHEAD, and more importantly STAY AHEAD and win the MONEY GAME.
I’ve been studying and applying these principles and ideas for almost 40 years, since I first picked up and began studying THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill when I just 15.
So not only do I know that they work from my own personal experience, I’ve seen them work for thousands of others who are PREPARED to learn and apply them in their lives.
I ran a very successful Business and Personal Development company based in Vancouver, Canada a few years back. Peak Potentials Training is one of the largest of its kind in North America, if not the largest.
During my time running the company, I saw tens of thousands of people come to our seminars.
I wish I could say that 100% of them found the success they were looking for.
Sadly, success is elusive. It’s not easy. If it were, everybody would be successful all the time, and we know that’s not true.
But I got to know the 5% who did reach for more and went out and did it.
Amazingly, the 5% didn’t have a lot in common. There were just as many women as men. There were just as many younger people as older. There were housewives, mechanics, salespeople, even handicapped.
The one thing they all had in common was that they showed up PREPARED.
They all knew what they wanted, and were PREPARED to show up wherever they needed to show up to get them to the next step in the plan.
Usually, one of the first things everyone needs to do to succeed in anything is to get educated about it. Those who understand this and then show up PREPARED to learn start off miles ahead of the rest.
Once you’ve got the knowledge, you have to be PREPARED to practice using it in your life as soon and as often as possible so that it becomes HABIT. Few make it this far.
As you practice your new habit, you must be PREPARED to improve it so that you MASTER it. Only the successful make it this far.
And so it is with money, wealth and abundance.
Think about this……
Your body needs food daily to survive.
If you feed it potato chips all day, it won’t get the nourishment it needs to be strong and healthy.
Are you PREPARED to make sure that you’re feeding your mind high quality, valuable thoughts every day?
Those who REALLY have the intention to GET AHEAD do.
And it's for those people that my message is intended……
because if you REALLY have the intention to GET AHEAD, I guarantee you that the information you’ll find here WILL transform your life as it has for thousands of others.
Those who really want to GET AHEAD are my heroes! Those are the people I dedicate my time and energy to.
Are you part of the 5% who are PREPARING for your success, or part of the 95% who have excuses why you can’t or won’t have the success you want?
If you really want to GET AHEAD, you have to start the HABIT of feeding your mind the right information daily!
You’ll know just how badly you want to GET AHEAD as soon as you’ve finished reading this post.
If you think…..cool, good article, and then go on with your day and your life as if you’d never read this, you are GUARANTEED to land in the 95% that struggle.
If you decide that you are going to PREPARE yourself to GET AHEAD and STAY AHEAD, you’ll begin now to feed your mind with the knowledge, the philosophies, the strategies and tactics to get you there.
In the 169 postings on this blog is every answer to every question you need in order for you to have true wealth and abundance. It’s all right here in one place.
You have no more excuses for not achieving your goals.
If you really want to GET AHEAD and STAY AHEAD, I bless you my friend. I welcome you to my blog….and I share a burning desire to help you reach your goals.
Labels: commitment, education, financial freedom, success, Think and Grow Rich