Sunday, August 27, 2006

Lucky, Lucky Me.....

This morning, like most Sunday mornings, I got up and met my good friend Larry to go hiking for a couple of hours in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve.

The Preserve in nestled in the middle of Phoenix, and is a huge area covered with dozens of hiking trails having different degrees of difficulty.

The trails are mostly shale and rock, but the desert beauty is everywhere, and within minutes of the trailhead, you don’t even realize that you’re in a city at all. You’d swear you were in the wild west.

We usually take a fairly difficult trail, and we keep a great pace, so it doesn’t take us long to get a good sweat going.

We usually get the hike finished in 2 hours.

What’s really amazing is how fast those 2 hours go.

My friend Larry is Dr. Larry.

Larry is a psychologist, with a very successful practice, who has authored 3 successful books. He is also a fantastic public speaker, has 30 years of experience studying and dealing with human thinking and the human mind.

I learn so much from Larry every weekend. About human nature. About human thinking. About different schools of thought in psychology.

For 2 hours every Sunday, I get to pick the brain of an expert in this field. And I get to do it in the middle of the mountain preserve, surrounded by Saguaro cactus and southwest desert, with mountains everywhere, blue skies and sunshine, with sweat dripping off my face hiking up the last hill.

Lucky, lucky me.

I hope you are living your dream too.



Thursday, August 24, 2006

Compounding Your Brain Power….

Do you want to know the biggest secret in the world?

The fact is, you could be infinitely more successful in every area of your life if you just knew it.

What would it be worth to you to know the secret to absolute success at the highest levels?

Focus your attention on the following words, pay very close attention. Because if you grasp their meaning, you will never be the same person again.

Your MIND, and how you use your MIND, determines your success or failure in life.

As human beings, we use only a small fraction of our brain power. For many of us, the biggest decision we make all day is where to go for lunch!

The rest of the day, we are like robots.

We wake up at the exact same time every day.

We get up and go through the exact same routine every morning.

We eat or don’t eat the same breakfast.

We take or don’t take the exact same vitamins.

We drive the same way to work.

We do the same things at work that we’ve done 1,000 times before.

We leave work at the same time.

We drive home the same way.

We come home and do the same routine every night.

We go to bed and repeat the next day…..

I’ve read that scientists calculate that on average, we use about 3% of our brain power!


How they ever arrived at that number is beyond me, but if it’s anywhere near correct, that explains a lot doesn’t it?

What kind of results would you expect to get when you’re just using 3% of your brain power?

Low initiative.

Low energy.

Few ideas.

Little thinking.

Now, imagine if you could double your usage from the average, and used a whole 6% of your brain power.

Once you’re up to 6%, imagine if you could double your usage again and use 12% of your brain power.

How about doubling it one more time? Now you’re up to 24%. That’s 8 times the average!

When you learn how to tap into your brain power, take control of your thinking and allow your mind to help you solve your challenges, you will have uncovered the most valuable jewel in your life.



Friday, August 18, 2006

Reporting From the Front...

What do you think of when you hear about someone reporting from the front?

The first thing that comes to mind for me were the war correspondents during the Viet Nam era.

I loved to see the correspondents like Walter Cronkite reporting from the scene of the action.

Nowadays, you see it on CNN everyday. When the recent war in Lebanon broke out, we saw lots of correspondents reporting from the fronts.

When you get to be up close to the action, you see things very differently than when you are seeing them reported to you from afar.

Now that I'm a full time Bank on YourselfTM Consultant, I see what's going on in the average American's finances many times a week.

With the steady flow of clients coming to my office to review their financial goals and look at the potential to use Bank on YourselfTM, it is now obvious to me that for the mostpart, most people are struggling big time.

It's not at all their fault. They've just never been taught properly.

One of the questions I ask each client is what age they'd like to retire at.

Guess what most people say?

60 or 65.

Then I'll ask them how much income they want coming in every month once they retire.

Many say $7,000 to $10,000.

Here's a valuable lesson for you to remember.

The last generation retired at 65 after working 40 years for the same company. They had their pension plan, they had social security, and they had their savings.

By the time they were 75, they were gone.

In total, they had to finance 10 years of retirement.

But the world is not the same anymore.

People retiring at 60 today will live into their mid 80's. That means they'll have to finance 25 years of retirement or more!

Will they be able to count on Social Security? What do you really think?

Will they be able to count on a company pension plan? Not likely!

Who will they have to count on?

If you retire at 60 and want have $5,000 of income every month, you need to build a large nestegg.

$5,000 a month is $60,000 a year. Over 25 years, that amounts to $1.5 million.

If you've saved $200,000, you're about a million dollars short!

Unfortunately, most people don't even have close to $200,000. Yet, they are hoping for a comfortable retirement.

My observation is that most people are horrible money managers. And as a result, most people are not prepared for their financial futures.

I truly enjoy educating my clients and helping them improve their financial lives, now and in the future.

And one of the things that I can't stress enough is that you have to understand that you control your financial future.

Saving $100,000 or $200,000 isn't going to be enough to last you 25 years of retirement. You have got to begin today to change your financial life to allow you a decent lifestyle in the future.

A very unique way to find money to save for your future without sacrificing your present is to find "transferred dollars", dollars that you are losing unknowingly and unnecessarily.

In the programs I create for my clients, I focus on recapturing these lost dollars, and put them mostly into their savings and investments for a more secure future, and the rest into their lifestyle so that they can enjoy the present a little more.

You can do yourself a huge favor by going to right now and entering the passcode JF55. You'll get to download a report that explains how you can begin to Bank on Yourself and take control of your financial life.

I'm licensed in Arizona and California, and can help find you a certified Bank on Yourself consutant in other parts of the U.S. and Canada.



Friday, August 04, 2006

11 Steps For Reaching Your Financial Goals….

Have you been reading or listening to all the financial “gurus” out there these days?

As a CPA with over 30 years of experience building and growing my financial base into a 7 figure net worth, I’ve seen and heard it all.

The best financial advice I ever received went something like this…..

1. Find someone who is achieving the kind of success you want to achieve.

2. Look at the SYSTEM this person uses to achieve that success.

3. Decide if that system resonates with you, with your lifestyle, with your values, and with your personality.

4. If it doesn’t, don’t worry, because there are countless ways to achieve financial success, so keep looking until you find someone whose system does resonate with you.

5. Once you feel certain that you’ve found the person and the system that best suits you, begin to MODEL what that person is doing.

6. Find others who are likeminded and create alliances and support groups to keep you moving in the right direction.

7. COMMIT to your success. COMMIT to becoming a “whatever it takes” person.

8. Create a roadmap with specific goals and specific dates for their accomplishment.

9. DON’T THINK!! Don’t decide to improvise. If you just follow the proven system that you chose, you will eventually begin to see the same results as your role model.

10. Have fun. If you aren’t having fun, why bother? Love what you do. Be passionate about what you are offering.

11. Raise your energy level. As writer Stuart Wilde says….The secret to success is to raise you energy level. And when you do, people will naturally be attracted to you. And when they show up…..Bill em!

Here’s what I chose to do, maybe it’ll make sense to you to….

I committed to creating PASSIVE INCOME. It is a fact that you will never be financially free if your sole source of income is from work. Why? Because what happens when you stop working? So does your income, right?

So if you truly want to be financially FREE, you have to have enough income coming in every month to pay for your lifestyle without you working. Then you’re free. Otherwise you’re a slave to your job.

I also realized that financially successful people are good money managers. They have a SYSTEM for managing their money that AUTOMATICALLY leads to financial success. They don’t have to think about it. It is a natural way of being and thinking that is unconscious.

Guess what?

Less than 5% of all people focus any time, thought or energy in creating passive income. And, less than 5% of all people have a money management system that they follow on a regular basis.

In the past year, I discovered a vehicle that incorporates these 2 concepts. Once I learned about it and analyzed it from every angle imaginable, I knew that it was perfect for me and anyone who is sincere about reaching financial freedom in their lives.

This proven SYSTEM has been around for over 100 years, yet virtually no one knows about it. Financial planners don’t. Stockbrokers don’t. CPA’s don’t either.

Because they are ignorant about it, many choose to discard it without even being open minded enough to look at it. They think they understand it, but they don’t.

As I said, I am a Certified Public Accountant. I have my Masters in Business Administration. I have worked for and consulted with many Fortune 500 clients. I have run United Way Nonprofit Agencies and highly successful for profit companies. I have a personal coaching practice. And I have studied in the areas of personal and financial success for over 35 years. My wife Sue and I are financially free.

My passion is to educate and inspire people to reach their full financial potential, and in so doing reach their full potential in all areas of their lives at the same time.

If you are open to creating passive income in your life, and want to become an excellent money manger, I encourage you to go to and enter the passcode JF55. You can then download a report that explains exactly what Bank on YourselfTM can do for you. You can also listen to a lively and informative seminar on this powerful, proven strategy on your computer, 24 hours a day.

I am licensed to work with clients in Arizona and California, and can assist you in finding someone well trained in your area if you want to take advantage of this life changing concept.

Do it now. It will be the best thing you do this year.



Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What’s your Peak Potential in the next 3 years?

Think back 3 years ago. August, 2003.

It wasn’t that long ago.

What were you doing back then?

What was your income?

How about your net worth?

How about your health?

What about your weight?

If you had to rate your success and growth in the last 3 years, how would you rate yourself?

Are you pleased with your personal and financial growth in the last 36 months?

Do you expect anything different in the next 36 months?

The next few minutes can dramatically change your future for the better if you choose to let this message sink in and take control of your life.

Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

You will continue to get the exact same results if you continue to think and act the exact same way.

But you can make incredible changes in your life, all areas of your life, if you decide to change your “blueprints”.

What exactly are your blueprints anyway, and why are they important?

Ever heard of the Process of Manifestation?

It says that your Thoughts lead to your Feelings, which lead to your Actions, which leads to your Results.

These are what make up your blueprint…..your thoughts, your feelings and your actions.

You have many blueprints…..around money, around health, around relationships, etc.

Notice that it all begins with your thoughts.

If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do in the next 3 years?

Would you double your income? Triple it?

Would you start your own business?

Would you travel around the world?

Would you lose 20 pounds?

Would you get in the best shape of your life?

Would you become the best spouse, the best parent, the best friend you could possibly be?

Would you be more courageous, more generous, more loving, more supportive?

Exactly what would you do, and even more important, what kind of person would you choose to become if you knew that you couldn’t fail?

Fact: Success is a learnable skill.

You can learn to be successful in any area of your life that is important to you.

Harv Eker of Peak Potentials Training says, “Where attention goes, energy flows, and results show.”

Here’s an exercise that can get you going in the right direction.

Take 15 minutes every morning for a week and write down very specific goals you want to accomplish in the next 3 years. Don’t worry about how you’re going to accomplish them, just write them down. These goals should be in every important area of your life, including your relationships, your health, your finances, etc. Allow your imagination to take over, and visualize what kind of life, and what kind of person you want to be in 3 years.

Once you’ve compiled your list, read it every morning and every evening. Allow these goals to sink into your subconscious. Commit to working towards attaining your goals. Commit to doing whatever it takes. Tell those closest to you what you intend to do. Ask for their support. Ask for their advice. Seek out the advice of others who you admire and respect.

There is a reason that less than 5% of all people achieve really outstanding success. And that’s because only 5% of all people know exactly what they want, AND are willing to work at it for as long as it takes to accomplish their goals and dreams.

The top 5% aren’t quitters. They aren’t complainers. They don’t make excuses. They aren’t lazy. They don’t waste time.

Nope. The top 5% are focused. They’re positive. They are always taking action…..MASSIVE ACTION. They model the best. They never stop learning and improving. They’re passionate about life and the possibilities in their life.

The next 3 years are going to come and go whether you do anything or not. You can decide right now that the next 3 years will be the most fun, exciting, and successful 3 years you’ve ever experienced.

Go for it. Don’t hold back. Change your thinking. Change your feelings. Change your actions.

If you do, guaranteed, your results will change too. And your life will never be the same.

