Monday, June 30, 2008

Half way already.....

Can you believe it? We’re half way through 2008! Wow, where does the time fly?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the first half of 2008?

What’s been your biggest success of this year?

My primary goal was to continue to grow my business and to add value for my clients.

I wanted to invest in my education and I’ve attended 2 out of state seminars, purchased and studied dozens of books and audio books, as well as form a Master Mind Group.

I wanted to explore opportunities with business “gurus” and have several incredible opportunities now available to me.

I wanted to create a state of the art learning program, and am now actually in production for this project. I believe this program will impact the lives of millions of people.

I wanted to travel, and have 3 weeks in Europe right around the corner.

Someone mentioned to me something about a recession. I told them I refuse to participate.

We still have 6 full months left in this year. Six months that can be the starting point for your future success.

How do you intend to invest these next 6 months? What are you going to do that’ll be any different than what you’ve done for the first 6 months of this year?

Here’s an idea that is guaranteed to get you results.

Write down the single, most important thing you MUST accomplish by the end of this year. It’s got to be something that if you complete it, will be an accomplishment that will be worth the effort you’ll have to put in to get it.

Fix in your mind ONE SINGLE GOAL. Think about it. Visualize it. Meditate about it. One goal that is special.

After you decide what it is, tell someone close to you what you’re goal is and that you intend to do it by the end of the year. Ask for their support.

And then, make up your mind once and for all, that this time, YOU WILL SUCCEED. This time, there’s no doubt about it, you can and you will accomplish your goal.

Here’s wishing you a great second half to 2008. Make it a meaningful one!



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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Education, Education, Education.....

I get a unique view of life few of you ever have a chance to see. Having a successful financial consulting practice means I get to see a lot of people….. From every walk of life….from every economic group.

It doesn’t take long before I learn their exact financial situation. I learn it because I ask, and my prospects and clients are happy to share. They’re happy to share, because they know that they could be doing better, they should be doing better, but for whatever reason, they aren’t. And they believe that I’ve got the MAGIC PILL to make everything better.

Do you know who my favorite clients are? They’re the ones who realize that it’s up to them to LEARN what they need to be doing to GROW themselves to be more SUCCESSFUL in life. More importantly, once they’ve learned exactly what to do, THEY ACTUALLY DO IT!!!

During the process, I ask all of my client’s what their top 3 financial goals are. Stop what you’re doing right now, and take a moment to write down YOUR top 3 financial goals.

If you’re like most people, you’ll have a tough time coming up with 3.

Having asked this question to hundreds of people, l realize that few people have the goals, ambition, drive and desire that is necessary to achieve success.

Most people hope that things will turn out for them financially, but they don’t exactly know what to do for that to happen.

What’s sad is that since most people don’t know what to do, the majority of the time the end result is catastrophic!

For example, an Urban Institute analysis offers a sobering look at what can go awry with your retirement plans. It looked at people who were 51 to 61 years old in 1992. A decade later, over three quarters of them had lost their jobs, become widowed or divorced, developed new health problems, or were confronted with frail parents or in-laws. Any of those circumstances can take a bite out of retirement plans, if not force workers to scrap them altogether.

Most of these people are honest, hard working, caring individuals. Yet, they struggle financially their entire lives.

Is this where you’re headed?

Because if it is, you have the opportunity to begin to do something about it right now!

You have the opportunity to focus your attention on LEARNING the skills to reach financial freedom. Financial Freedom is a LEARNABLE PROCESS.

You’re ability to focus on LEARNING what you NEED to learn will determine if you win or lose the money game.

At the end of the day, how much you want something, how much DESIRE you have for something, will determine how much effort you’ll put into getting it. If it’s the RIGHT effort, and you are persistent, you will get it.

You will hear this time and time again from me. Become a life long learner, and equally, become a life long DOER. If you do, you’re results will speak for themselves.



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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just One Reason....

There is really only one reason for this blog. It’s to send out a BEACON, a very strong VIBRATION that resonates with the people I’m trying to reach. It’s almost like a BROADCASTING station. And I know that through the NATURAL LAW OF ATTRACTION, those who are ready will listen to the “music” coming from my “station” and be awakened and transformed to take their financial lives to a whole new level.

Are you reaching your full financial potential?

Are you winning the money game?

Are you creating financial freedom for yourself and your family?

Are you mastering your money, or is your money mastering you?

I’m here to tell you that my experience comes from THE FRONT LINES. It comes from years of sitting face to face with clients who have the exact same financial issues as you do!

Unlike all the financial “gurus” out there who dish out their knowledge like they’re the experts in every single area of finances (which they aren’t) I don’t earn my living selling courses and seminars and books. These “gurus” haven’t sat down face to face with a client for years, IF EVER!

No one has to tell me how most of us manage our money. No one has to tell me how most of us earn our money, spend our money, save our money (that’s a funny one!), invest our money, manage our credit, and how we think, feel and act towards money. No one has to tell me any of that, because I SEE IT EVERY DAY! In my office! Close and personal!

Only a handful of the prospects that come to see me are on a path that will lead them to financial freedom.


Most are so far off course that they are headed to financial struggle their ENTIRE LIVES! Worse yet, many of them have their foot on the accelerator, and they’re headed right for the brick wall financially!

Why has this happened in the United States of America in 2008? In one of the wealthiest nation in the world, why do most of us end of struggling financially our whole lives?

Why do so few people ever achieve the “American Dream”?

Recently, I read an article that was titled “Fewer Americans Expect a Comfortable Retirement” by Dennis Jacobe, Chief Economist for the Gallup poll. It was loaded with statistics about the current attitudes of Americans. ALMOST 2 OUT OF EVERY 3 AMERICANS today are either “very worried” or “moderately worried” that they will not have enough money for retirement.

When I ask my clients when they think they’ll be able to be “financially free” (I hate the word retire) many respond that they honestly don’t know if they’ll EVER be at that point.

Others are so unrealistic that I can only guess they come from another planet that creates thousands of dollars of monthly cash flow out of thin air at the magical age of 65, and keeps coming for decades for as long as they live.

I am here to tell you beyond ANY shadow of a doubt, YOU, and you alone, will determine your financial life. Not the economy, not your boss, not your spouse, or your parents, or your friends, or your congressmen, or the fanatics in the Middle East. It’s not determined by your size, or your weight, or your looks, or your hair color, or your background, or your past either.


Those are all excuses for not succeeding.


End of story.

What’s the key to transforming your life?

What’s the secret to unlocking the doors to success?

It all starts and ends with one single word…..


The thoughts you create determine your life. Start pouring valuable NEW thoughts of HIGH QUALITY into your mind, every minute of every day and you will begin IMMEDIATELY to get HIGH QUALITY results.

Every action you take is a result of your thinking. EVERY SINGLE ACTION!

Would you like to know what you currently think about money?

Look at your results!

Look at your income. Is it high? Medium? Low?

Is it growing significantly every year?

Look at your net worth. How are you doing there?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you say you’re doing at acquiring the assets you’re going to need for your financial freedom?

Do you have a regular savings plan?

Are you a good money manager?

Do you have a good plan for growing your savings?

Do you normally save up for things, or do you always buy on credit?

Are you a spender or a saver?

How much do you regularly invest for your own continuing education?


Life long learners who take their knowledge and USE IT IN THEIR LIVES are the winners EVERY SINGLE TIME.

These are the people who read constantly, who study, and learn and make the EFFORT to grow daily. These are the people who set a definite goal, a purpose for getting out of bed everyday, who have a burning passion for achieving their definite goal, who have a plan for turning their dream into reality, and are prepared to do WHATEVER IT TAKES FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES to achieve their dreams.

Are you one of those people? Or are you like the 95% who either admit that they're not, or else pretend that they are, but when it comes time to walk the walk, they head for the sidelines?

You decide if you’re a player or a spectator. The spectators yell and cheer and scream all they want, and live vicariously through the players. It’s the players who are in the game that earn the big salaries and rewards.

The moment you become completely aware that you control your financial life, and that it’s up to you to figure out how to reach your financial goals and dreams is the moment your life takes on new meaning. You are no longer at the mercy of “outside” forces. You control your destiny.

Throughout this blog are specific philosophies, strategies and tactics to move you along your journey to financial freedom. Read through them. Come back often. Comment on them. Get your mind onto the systems that work and focus on them until they become second nature. Most of all, never quit!



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Friday, June 06, 2008

I should have done more.....

How much time do you devote to growing yourself in your profession, your career, your business?

Are you willing to invest the time, money and effort to grow yourself into someone who is an expert in your field?

The Laws of Success are available to ANYONE who chooses to work with them. That includes YOU!

Do you realize that you can become a MASTER at anything you really want to, just by learning a few necessary steps?

When you choose to take your time, money and effort to invest in yourself and your future, you are guaranteeing yourself new opportunities for growth and success.

Last week I was in Detroit for the annual conference of Bank on Yourself advisors. It was an opportunity to spend time with some of the top advisors in the world, to network with them, to learn from them, to teach them, and to share experiences.

It’s easy to spot the top advisors. They all have specific habits that separate them from the rest of the group.

As each one took their turn training from the stage, they would discuss the route they took to achieve their success.

In every instance, it began with a passion so strong for what they were doing that it radiated out to every person. Their belief in what they did, and the positive impact their program has on clients who implement their strategy was a driving force that couldn’t be denied.

They have a SYSTEM for delivering a steady stream of qualified prospects to talk to.

They have a SYSTEM for converting their prospects into clients.

They have a SYSTEM for delivering massive value to their clients on an ongoing basis.

They all have a work ethic that places them in the top 5%, because to them, THIS ISN’T WORK, it’s a passion.

I returned from Detroit renewed with the drive and determination to continue to build my business and provide incredible value to my clients. I returned with a huge amount of new knowledge that can help my clients achieve their financial goals and dreams.

The time, money and effort I invested to go to Detroit was small in comparison to the benefits I’ve already got and will continue to get as a result of my efforts.

When I suggest to my clients that they allocate 10% of their income for their education, most of them look at me like I’m nuts! Let’s face it; most of us don’t invest a dime in our education once we graduate from school.

But if you ever want to become successful, if you ever want to become financially free, you’d better change your attitudes about education soon. Those who reach the top, who see the success, who create the freedom they want, are willing to work with the NATURAL LAWS OF SUCCESS. Learning how to THINK successfully, and then taking the actions to turn your plans into reality is where the life changing moments occur.

Although I’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, and thousands of hours learning and studying the keys to success, I wished I’d have spent twice as much!

Financial freedom is a challenge few ever win. I consider myself one of the lucky ones for having climbed that mountain. Do you want that same freedom? Do you want to be able to have control of your life, and not be a slave to your job or business?

It all begins with the thoughts you place in your mind. It begins with your becoming aware that you are nothing more than the sum total of your thoughts.

If you want a different future than the life you have right now, you will have to begin to think DIFFERENTLY than the way you do right now. Are you willing to change? Are you willing to learn? Are you willing to go OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE?

Do not be afraid to invest in your education. You’ll find that as your skills grow, so will your income.



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