Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Power of Focus....

Imagine a laser beam.

It provides so much power that today, the medical community commonly uses it to do surgerical procedures.

What gives it the incredible power that it possesses?

The fact is, the power of the laser beam comes from concentrating and FOCUSING tremendous energy into a very narrow range. A laser beam is a light beam that can be precisely FOCUSED.

Great power comes from FOCUS. And you need to understand that for you to reach your full potential, you need to FOCUS your time and energy too.

There are laws of nature. There are laws of success. These laws are universal. And once you learn these laws and begin to apply them in your life, you gain the advantage of working with these universal laws rather than working against them.

Harv Eker, President of Peak Potentials, often says, “What you FOCUS on expands”. He also says, “Where attention goes, energy flows, and results show.”

Throughout your day, you have an endless stream of thoughts going through your mind. You’re busy with your job, your chores, and a million other things that enter into your day. It’s easy to have days, weeks, even months go by without making any meaningful progress towards your personal success. It’s easy to become unfocused.

If one of your dreams in life is to reach your full potential, to join the elite and successful top 5%, then pay close attention.

For you to reach your full potential, you must first define what it is that you truly want out of life, and then FOCUS your time and energy and thought into accomplishing it.

People rarely ever reach the pinnacle of success by luck. They reach it by knowing exactly what it is that they want, developing a plan to achieve it, and then FOCUSING as much energy and time towards its attainment as they can muster.

How many people do you know that are really focused?

Here’s an idea that can transform your life forever.

Find someone who is achieving extraordinary success. Notice how they FOCUS their thoughts, their time, their energy, their money, everything they have, towards creating the life of their dreams.

And then, simply MODEL them.

Do what their doing. Think how they’re thinking. FOCUS how they FOCUS.

Get into the habit of consciously thinking about FOCUS.

Ask yourself, “What do I really want in my life?” and then once you’ve answered that question, FOCUS on what you have to do every day in order to turn your thoughts into reality. Turn the intangible into the tangible. Turn the invisible into the visible. Transform your life from who you are today, into who you want to be tomorrow.

Life is precious. Time is precious. It’s not something to squander or waste. Every day counts. Every minute counts.

Are you just existing day to day, or are you growing and learning and accomplishing your deepest dreams? Do you live a purpose driven life?

If you aren’t already, begin to FOCUS your thoughts, your time and your energy on creating the life you want. I guarantee you, your life will never be the same again.



Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What Are Your Financial Goals?

Do you want to be rich?

Do you want to retire young?

Do you want to travel the world?

Do you want to have the finer things in life?

In my coaching practice, and even in casual conversation with friends and associates, most people tell me that they want all of the above.

When I ask them what they’re doing to make those dreams a reality, most people don’t have a clue!

Often I’ll hear something like, “Well, I put money into my 401K every year. It gives me a tax break, and I get matching from my employer for the first 3%, so it seems like the best thing to do.”

Then I’ll ask them how much they’ll have coming in every month as income once they retire, and none of them have any idea.

Far too often the thing I hear from people is that they’ll worry about their retirement later. They have too many things to worry about right now, and besides, retirement is decades away. By then, they’ll have made their fortune, and live the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

In the meantime, even those who are saving for their retirement are building up their personal debt faster than their retirement accounts. They save a few thousand dollars in their IRA’s every year, and add even more to their Visa balance!

How important is it to you to become financially free? How important is it to you to know beyond any doubt that you will be able to retire one day if you chose to?

If financial freedom isn’t something you care about, what do you think the chances are that you will actually achieve it? Unless you win the lottery, or inherit a large amount of money, the chances of you ever becoming financially free are close to zero!

What if you had a road map, a plan that showed you exactly what to do to create freedom for yourself? Would you follow it?

I’ve devoted my entire adult life to the pursuit of financial freedom. I’ve tried virtually every route available to get rich quick. I’ve invested in the stock market, the options market, the real estate market. I’ve invested in businesses and a multitude of get rich propositions.

I got a degree in business because I believed that understanding and working in business was the best way to earn a large income.

I got my Masters of Business Administration because I wanted to become an expert in business management.

I got my CPA because I wanted to understand how the tax laws worked and how to take advantage of them.

I’ve worked with and consulted for Fortune 500 companies to learn how big money is created and managed.

I’ve run companies and created financial success for the owners and investors.

But the most important lessons I learned about becoming financially free didn’t come from the classroom.

It came from reading books, listening to audio programs and attending seminars that focused on becoming financially free.

More importantly, it came from applying what I learned and putting it into practice in the real world. And as a result, I am financially free today.

FACT: The one common denominator of all financially successful people is that they are EXCELLENT MONEY MANAGERS!

They have a system for managing their money.

So let me ask you this. Do you have a system for managing your money? Is it a formal system that you stick to every month?

If you were taught a money management system that showed you exactly what to do to create financial freedom, would you adopt it and follow it?

I am passionate about helping people who sincerely desire to join the ranks of the top 5% financially. People who are willing to take the time to learn the systems and then apply them in their own lives to create financial success for themselves.

Becoming financially free isn’t a matter of luck. It is simply learning the right way to do certain things, and then actually doing them in your life.

You too can become financially free if that’s something you really want.

So the real question is, how much do you want it?



Saturday, May 20, 2006

This Post is Dedicated To A Special Guy, Rob!

Do you have any special people in your life?

You know, people that really were a positive force in your life.

People who were your teachers, and your mentors.

People who you admired, and you wanted to model.

This week is the birthday of a very special person in my life, my buddy Rob Riopel.

Rob is the head trainer for Peak Potentials Training, and one of the top trainers in the world of his kind.

I first saw Rob in November of 2003 at a Millionaire Mind Intensive event in L.A. There were around 1,200 of us all assembled at the Marriott for 3 days, and Rob was kind of the warm up for Harv Eker, the star of the show.

I really got to know Rob once I joined Peak Potentials in February of 2004.

To know Rob is to love the guy.

Rob is an incredible force of positive, powerful, loving energy.

Rob is passionate about what he does. He truly is living his dream.

I admire that about Rob. I need to constantly be reminded to live my dream too, and Rob is a perfect person to model.

In Yiddish, the highest complement we can give someone is to call them a “mench”. That’s Rob.

So I am truly grateful for having such a friend.

Happy Birthday Rob.



Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Taking Your Life to a 10......

Are you excited about your future?

Do you wake up happy and enthusiastic about your day?

Are you living the life of your dreams?

Can you imagine reaching your full potential?

Unfortunately, for too many of us, we live a boring, predictable life, working our way through the week, looking forward to the weekends when we can just relax and kick back.

Too many of us have fallen into a rut. A rut that has taken away all of our drive, all of our enthusiasm, all of our dreams. We accept our fate, our current circumstances, and assume that this is as good as it’s going to get.

Today, I’m asking you to focus on a key word, a word that makes the difference between living the life you have today, and moving towards the life of your dreams, a life that only the top 5% experience.

The word is PASSION.

What do you think of when you think of the word PASSION?

What is your definition of PASSION?

To me, PASSION is something that reaches deep into your emotional world.

If you’ve ever heard of the process of manifestation, it says that your thoughts lead to your feelings, which leads to your actions which leads to your results.

It says that your beliefs will affect your feelings, and those feelings will move you to take action, and from those actions, you will get your results.

There is another way to look at things. In the book, “Success through a Positive Mental Attitude”, one of the authors, W. Clement Stone says, “If you want to be happy, ACT happy! If you want to be enthusiastic, ACT enthusiastically!” I say, if you want to be passionate, ACT passionately!

In other words, your actions can change your attitudes, which can then help move you to the results you want. If you want to be a passionate person, begin to ACT like a passionate person.

Recently, I had lunch with one of my associates. We were talking about life and I asked him on a scale of 1 to 10 to rate his happiness in life. He told me that he’d rate things at an 8, and that overall, he was very happy with the way his life was progressing.

I asked him what would have to happen for him to rise from an 8 to a 10. He said that although he made a good living as a consultant, it wasn’t his passion. In fact, if he was doing what he’s most passionate about, and became successful at it, then his life would be a 10.

The biggest reason most people don’t get what they want in life is because they don’t know what they want in life. When you ask them what their passions are, they shrug their shoulders.

Do you know what your passions are? Unless you can answer this question without hesitation, it will be almost impossible for you to reach your full potential, and enjoy your life to the fullest.

So take all the time you need to figure out what your greatest passions in life are. It’s like putting booster rockets on your energy level, and converting your life from the ho-hum to the WOW! Once you identify your passions, and begin to live them, you will begin to move yourself into the elite, top 5% of all the people, and you’re life will be transformed forever.



Monday, May 08, 2006

Courage.....It Makes All the Difference!

Think about all of the personal characteristics that you possess.

Would you rank yourself high in the area of courage?

The late Winston Churchill said, “Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others”.

On your journey through life, you will be faced with millions of decisions that will affect you in every way imaginable.

Many of these decisions will seem small in nature. But the cumulative effect of every decision you make will either take you down the path of success and happiness, or failure and struggle.

If you desire to rise to the highest levels of success and happiness, you will most definitely need to acquire and develop the trait of courage.


Why should you even concern yourself with the development of courage within yourself?

Think about it for a moment.

Can you achieve anything worthwhile in your life without the courage to move forward in the face of uncertainty or risk?

In fact, until you have developed yourself into the kind of person who possesses courage in every situation, you will have a difficult time rising into the top 5%.

Deciding that you are going to develop the mindset of a courageous person is perhaps the one decision that can have the greatest impact on the rest of your life.

When you are a person of courage, you develop the trait that demonstrates that you are capable of overcoming any fear, any doubt that stands in the way of where you are today, and where you where you want to be tomorrow.

You become a person of courage through PRACTICE. You look for opportunities to ACT courageously throughout the day. You look to your fears, and then ACT in spite of them. You look to your doubts, and then you ACT in spite of them.

When you have developed within yourself the ability to ACT with courage regardless of the circumstances, you automatically move yourself into a whole new dimension.

Your conditioned mind is constantly trying to put fear into your day. It’s telling you why you can’t do something, or what might happen if you try and fail. Without the development of courage, you will give in to the fears of your conditioned mind, and wimp out.

But with the development of courage, you aren’t stopped by your conditioned mind at all. You ACT in spite of the fears and doubts it throws in your path.

You courageously move forward, confident in your abilities to succeed. You develop the mindset that nothing can stop you. And once you have that mindset, whatever your dreams and goals are, you can move confidently towards the attainment of them.

We all know that in order to grow and succeed, we must push ourselves beyond our current comfort zone. To stretch outside this comfort zone requires you to be courageous.

Everyday, practice being courageous. In every situation, ask yourself, what would a courageous person do in this situation? Push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

The development of courage in your life is not something that has to be random or an accident. You can learn to be more courageous. You can practice being more courageous.

Promise yourself in this very moment that you will develop the trait of courage until you rate yourself a 10! Every day, think of at least one situation where you took the initiative to act in a more courageous manner. Within a month, you will find that you are well on your way to overcoming your fears, and once you do, guess what will stop you? Nothing!

So make sure that you develop this trait of courage. If you do, you will find yourself rapidly rising into the ranks of the top 5%.

