Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Incredible Power of Intention.....

If I could tell you just one thing that would make the biggest difference in your life, it would be to find someone extremely successful that you know and admire, and MODEL them. Figure out what it is that makes them so successful and follow their lead. Throughout my life, I have modeled the characteristics, habits, traits, tactics, systems, philosophies of those who have achieved uncommon success in areas of life that are important to me. It’s the sum total of all of these people and their characteristics that have molded me into who I am today.

This past weekend I went to San Diego to spend 2 ½ days with the brilliant Michael Gerber of E-Myth fame. I went for a number of reasons. First, simply to get to meet and learn with this giant in the area of entrepreneurship, my greatest passion. Second, to get very clear about how I wanted to take my business to another level. Third, to meet as many of the other participants and network with these like minded souls. Fourth, figure out if there was ANY way I could create a JV arrangement or alliance with Michael Gerber.

The event started on Friday, and just prior to the start I got an email from my good friend Harv Eker of Peak Potentials Training who is also a friend of Michael’s asking me to send his regards. Michael certainly knew Harv. Me, I was just another face in the crowd.

The event was exactly as advertised. Dream. What’s your Dream? What’s your vision? Your purpose? Your mission?

When you hear the words come out of Michael Gerber’s mouth, it just seems to mean more. When he emphasizes key concepts again, and again, and again, and again, it’s time to highlight them and circle them too!

I chose to pay the premium and get to be on Michael’s ‘HOT SEAT”. There were probably about a dozen of us out of the room of 45 who would get the experience of being on Michael Gerber’s HOT SEAT.

On Sunday morning, I still hadn’t had my turn on the HOT SEAT yet, and I was beginning to wonder what I had gotten myself into. Michael wasn’t pulling any punches and he was getting his points across to each of those who were brave enough to go through the process. I’ll bet those who were willing to step up and sit on the HOT SEAT got the most out of the weekend. But I knew I’d be called up at some point on Sunday, and I was just prepared to take it like a man.

Most disappointing was that I didn’t see any way to create an alliance or JV arrangement with Michael Gerber, and that was the highest aspiration I had going into the weekend. THAT WAS MY INTENTION.

All of a sudden, on Sunday morning, Michael introduces his ‘Chief Negotiator” Mark, who then makes a fantastic presentation and discusses the opportunity to become a ‘STRATEGIC PARTNER’ with Michael and his team. I’ve seen Mark throughout the event but never had a chance to talk with him at breaks or at meals.

Could this be the opportunity I was looking for? Could this be my lucky break? Could I actually become a “STRATEGIC PARTNER” with Michael Gerber? I was sure going to find Mark at the break and talk to him about it.

At the next break I immediately introduced myself to Mark and began to talk with him, but there were several others who also wanted to speak with him, and I wasn’t able to accomplish much.

After lunch, it was my turn to be on the stage with Michael. We began to discuss my dream, vision, purpose and mission. It was much more like a pleasant conversation than having Michael ripping me apart! Then Michael asked me to fill in the blanks, my background, education, prior work experience, what I was currently doing. I spoke about my passion for financial freedom and personal growth. I spoke about my belief in entrepreneurship as the greatest vehicle to financial freedom. I spoke about the incredible need for education in the areas of money and success. I spoke about the sleeping passions inside of all of us that just need to be woken up.

Afterwards, Mark came over to me and said that they’d like to explore a strategic partnership with me! Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to go into further details other than….”I’ll be in touch with you Jeff”, so until the details have been confirmed, it’s something brewing.

Regardless, my intention was to make something happen while I was at this seminar with Michael Gerber. He had never met me before. He knew absolutely nothing about me. There was no reason to believe that of all the people he has to choose from he would even consider me. But I was determined to see if it could happen, and believed that if it could happen it would happen. And IT DID!

Being a STRATEGIC PARTNER with Michael Gerber, would be a life transforming experience. My ideas and philosophies are in complete alignment with Michael’s. My desire to have a major impact on the financial lives of millions of people can be fulfilled with Michael Gerber as my STRATEGIC PARTNER. I believe in my heart and soul that there would be no stopping us (Not that Michael Gerber needs anything at all from me)

Until I have the chance to spend time in conversation with Mark, I’ll keep moving forward with my work, and when the time comes where there is more confirmation one way or the other, I’ll post it here first.

No matter what, the future is bright.

I hope your future is bright. I hope you’re waking up to your dreams every morning. I hope you have a plan to make your dreams come true. I hope you never quit!



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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's Exciting!

For almost 3 years now, I’ve been posting to this blog. It is something I do with passion, because I truly believe in the depths of my soul that the information here can transform people’s lives.

I believe it because everything I write about I live.

I believe it because at the age of 54, I have accomplished more, accumulated more, experienced more, journeyed more than just about anyone else I’ve ever known. I am free to take my life in any direction and to pursue any dream I want.

I believe it because the people I learned from are the most brilliant minds I can find on the face of this planet.

I believe it because every single day I have people in my office, or on the phone, or via email that thank me for inspiring them to improve some area of their lives.

I believe it because every time I meet with a client, their financial lives have improved.

I believe it because I see people JUST LIKE YOU every single day in my office. I KNOW YOUR CONCERNS, I KNOW YOUR GOALS, YOUR DREAMS. I know what you DO know, I know what you DON’T know, and I know what you KNOW that just ‘aint SO!

My mission is to educate and inspire you to reach your full financial potential. I believe I can do that better than anyone else in the world! Pretty bold statement huh?

Well……almost 40 years of intense personal development will make you bold! 40 years of getting successful results will make you bold!

Besides, if it persuades you in the least to take what you read here seriously, and BELIEVE as I do that you are on the verge of a realization that you can take your life to a whole new level; I’ll be as bold as I can be.

Over the past 18 months of being in business for myself, it has been my objective to

A) Improve my entrepreneurial skills
B) Cash flow as quickly as possible
C) Meet as many prospects as I'm able to
D) Learn as much as I could about my prospects

And over the past 18 months, I’ve done it all. Using a very effective marketing system, I see as many prospects as I care to. If I want to see more, it’s easy to ramp up the system to add more, or, when too many are coming at once, slow it down.

I began covering my costs after the first 90 days, and have never looked back. The growth of the business has been exponential. I earned more in my first year of being in business for myself than in any other year of my life. By far!

Most importantly, I’ve met hundreds of people who have opened up their financial lives to me, and shared exactly where they stand today.

And after weeks, months, and now years since I’ve begun this work, I’ve found WHAT’S MISSING! It’s incredible that this huge, critical, vital piece is missing in virtually everybody’s life!

Every single client I talk to about this; Every single friend I talk to about this; Every single associate I talk to about this….they all agree, it’s missing. And I’ll bet it’s missing to some degree in your life too!

In 2 weeks I’ll be traveling to San Diego to participate in a 2 ½ day workshop with the great Michael Gerber of E-Myth fame. If you aren’t familiar with Michael, imagine that you decided that you wanted to become an entrepreneur, and you wanted to learn from the greatest teacher of entrepreneurs in the world. This man is THE MAN!

Well, I want to transform the world. And the best man to teach me how to take my idea and create the delivery system to bring it to the world is Michael Gerber.

So I’ve bought myself a “HOT SEAT”, especially to get the greatest benefit of working directly with Michael throughout the entire event. The business plan I end up with will have Michael’s blessing on it. How can it get any better than that??

Just in case you’ve got a few extra $$$thousand lying around, here’s the details…


Imagine the people who attend events like this. 35 in total. Think some of them will make good networking partners?

Success is a journey that leads who knows where? All I know is that if you shoot for the stars, you’ll at least hit the moon. And I know that if you work with the best, surround yourself with the best, network with the best, and try your best every moment of every day, good things happen.

Keep getting inspired. Keep growing. Keep learning. Make it a habit. And then go out and DO!

Thank you always for your precious time. I hope I can touch you in a positive way.



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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

How good are you at receiving?

Every time you dive into the workings of your mind, and you plant seeds of nourishment with high quality information, you grow and improve as a person. As you begin to understand the value of learning, you will find yourself overwhelmed with what you realize you don’t know but need to.

Equally important, is to UNLEARN many things that you currently hold as true but in reality aren’t.

We all work the same way. We all have a conditioned mind. Our conditioned mind was built upon the things we heard, we saw and we experienced, especially as kids. And even though today you’ve long forgotten the incident or situation or what was said, it’s all there in your memory banks of your mind.

Today, we want to pull out your file when it comes to receiving. How good are you at receiving? Do you think it’s important to be a good receiver? Do you think you can acquire wealth without becoming a good receiver? Let’s really look at your attitudes about receiving, because if you have a negative attitude about this area, you will struggle with money your whole life.

Harv Eker’s Wealth File #10

Rich people are excellent receivers.
Poor people are poor receivers.

Week in and week out, I see many clients and prospects at my office. Without a doubt, the single most glaring weakness most people possess that stops them from reaching their full financial potential is the fact that they are lousy receivers. They may or may not be good on the giving side, but they are absolutely terrible on the receiving side. Since they are lousy at receiving, they don’t.

Why would people be such lousy receivers?

Primarily because of our conditioning!

Most people have feelings of being UNWORTHY.

Think about it. For most people, we hear many more no’s than yes’s…

We hear many more “do it again” than “great job”…

As a result, poor people simply don’t feel worthy of receiving.

Others place so much pressure on themselves to be perfect (which of course they can never be) that when they can’t live up to those standards, they feel unworthy.

The fact is that you are as worthy as anyone else. So stop buying into any of the “worthiness” or “unworthiness” crap and focus on taking the actions you need to get rich!

Another reason that people are lousy receivers is because of the old adage “it’s better to give than receive”.

Of course, this is also a bunch of bull. For every giver, there must be a receiver. For every receiver, there must be a giver.

When you want to give someone a gift, and they won’t accept it, how does that make you feel? You feel ripped off, because you wanted to give and you couldn’t.

If you continue to try to give a gift to someone and they always refuse to accept it, how long do you think it will take before you don’t offer it to them anymore? No one else will either. They’ve conditioned the Universe not to give to them.

If you aren’t willing to receive your share, it’ll go to someone else who is. Rich people are rich because they are willing to receive while most people are not.

The really wealthy and successful people I know all work hard and believe that it is perfectly appropriate for them to be paid for their work and the value they deliver. Poor people don’t.

What do you think? Because if you don’t believe that you should be rewarded for the value you deliver, you will never be rich. You MUST become an excellent receiver….WITHOUT ANY GUILT.

Now…put your hand on your chest and repeat out loud…




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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Are You Bigger Than Your Problems?

Anyone who has read through the past 8 postings about their WEALTH FILES will testify that this review is worth A MILLION TIMES the time and energy invested in it.

Your WEALTH FILES determine your FINANCIAL FUTURE! They determine if you will find the ways to achieve your financial dreams, or if you will be like most everybody else, the other 95%ers who struggle and worry about money every day of their lives.

The goal should be to become FREE! When you win the money game, you are FREE to DO whatever you truly want in life. At the age of 54, I am truly a blessed person to be able to live life on my terms. It didn’t happen overnight, and it didn’t happen by accident.

It’s the end result of living these philosophies and creating MY OWN WEALTH FILES for over the past 39 years. It’s the result of studying the greatest minds in the areas of money and success, and applying them in my life. It’s the result of many, many failures, and many disappointments along the way.

The next WEALTH FILE we are going to look at is one that is the CORE of my philosophy of success. It is so vital you understand this that I want you to promise yourself that you will read this over at least one more time, so that you truly grasp this concept and adopt it as a PERMANENT part of your WEALTH FILES.

Harv Eker’s Wealth File #9

Rich people are bigger than their problems.
Poor people are smaller than their problems.

Rarely is success easy. If it was, we’d all be successful all the time. We’d all be rich! We’d all be happy! But the fact is, the reverse is true.

Here we are living at the wealthiest time in the history of the world, in the wealthiest nation in the world, but most everybody is struggling! In fact, from what I see daily in my practice, most people are struggling big time!

Getting rich isn’t easy. It isn’t a piece of cake. It requires a lot of time and energy (at least at first), and there are a million challenges that must be met and overcome.

Most people don’t want to put themselves through that. They don’t want the headaches, they don’t want the hassles, and they don’t want the problems.

That creates an even bigger problem because poor people are smaller than their problems, and they aren’t GROWING so that they can become BIGGER than their problems. And until they GROW big enough to take on bigger problems, they can never get rich.

Rich people on the other hand, take on challenges with zest and enthusiasm. Their attitude is “Bring it on”. They know that there is a solution to every problem, and that they will find a way to continue to move forward. Rich people take on bigger and bigger challenges constantly, and continue to grow with the experience and confidence that comes from taking action. The bigger the challenges you take on, the richer you will become.

Poor people will do virtually anything to avoid problems. The irony in that is that they end up with one of the biggest problems of all, they’re BROKE! The key is not to shrink from your problems, but rather to prepare yourself and grow yourself BIGGER than your problems.

Everybody has problems. Rich people and poor people have them. There is no way to avoid them. If you’re breathing, you’ll have them. The size of the problem is never the issue. The issue is ALWAYS the size of YOU!

This is the KEY! In life, your success will always be about YOU! Believe it or not, you control your life. Not your parents, not your spouse, or your kids, or your boss, or anyone else. You are responsible for your life and your success, your finances and your happiness. If you don’t believe this, you are DOOMED. You have to believe that you are capable of GROWING yourself into a HUGE SUCCESS. It’s all up to you.

What’s currently in your wealth file? Are you bigger than your problems? Are you smaller? Until you can fill your WEALTH FILES with BELIEFS that you are someone who is capable of learning and growing, you won’t see the kinds of success we’re talking about here.

Now, put your hand on your chest and repeat out loud…




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