Friday, November 30, 2007

5 Minutes of Reflection...

The key element to true and lasting success in life is based in what we believe and think.

Most of us don’t really think about the legacy we leave behind once we’re no longer here. But if you live a life of mission, of purpose, and contribution to others, chances are you’re on the right path.

Today I was reading this passage, and hit a very strong chord with me. I hope you will take just 5 minutes and reflect on the message behind it.

"Each soul comes to earth with gifts. Each soul takes upon itself a particular task. It may be the task of raising a family or communicating ideas through writing, or transforming the consciousness of a community, such as the business community. It may be the task of awakening the awareness of the power of love at the level of nations, or even contributing directly to the evolution of consciousness on a global level. Whatever the task that your soul has agreed to, whatever its contract with the Universe, all of the experiences of your life serve to awaken within you the memory of that contract, and to prepare you to fulfill it."

Gary Zukav, Seat of the Soul




Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I Know I'm Repeating Myself....

I was 15 years old. Somehow, I found myself reading a book called “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.

My life was transformed from the thoughts of Napoleon Hill.

Napoleon Hill was a very unique person. He was given introduction to the most successful people of his era, the giants in the worlds of industry, entertainment, politics, religion, science, medicine, etc. In total, he interviewed and took notes on over 500 giants in the world at that time.

He completed this part of his mission in 20 years.

Then he compiled his findings into “The Science of Human Achievement”, and condensed it into his best selling book “Think and Grow Rich”.

At the age of 15, I became a student of Napoleon Hill. I read everything he wrote, and I made notes on everything I read. Then I went out and practiced everything I wrote.

That was 38 years ago. During that time, I have never been sick one single day! I’m in perfect health, (at least good enough to get “preferred” ratings from the insurance company). I live the exact life I’ve always wanted to live. I have choice to do whatever I am passionate about doing, because I am financially free.

I have a terrific wife and a happy marriage, because that’s important to me.
I have terrific health, because that’s important to me.
I have fantastic relationships with the people I care about, because that’s important to me.
I have a huge passion for my own personal growth, to realize my full potential and not hold anything back, because that’s important to me.
I travel all over the world and take great vacations, because that’s important to me.
I create incredible value for all of my clients, because that’s important to me.
I can do whatever I want to do with my life; I have freedom of choice, because that’s important to me.
I am a lifelong learner, because that’s important to me.
I am financially free, because that’s important to me.
I am a spiritual being, because that’s important to me.

What’s important to you? Because if you can tell me what’s important to you, I can show you exactly how to get it.

Over the past 38 years, since fate brought Napoleon Hill into my life, there has never been a time when I’m not reading several self help books and listening to audio programs at the same time, and planning my next seminar that I want to get to. I would venture to say that I am in the top 1% of all “learners” in society. I would also venture to say I have invested in the top 1% for my lifetime education.

Every book I read, every audio program I listen to, every seminar I attend, I learn something. And I take what I learn and put it into use immediately. It didn’t happen overnight, because I had some faulty thinking that was slowing me down. It took a while to make some new habits or break old bad habits.

In the second that you make up your mind that you know what’s important in your life and that you really want it, you can change the direction of your life forever. You can have so much more quality in your life.

The problem is, if you could have done it, you would have done it by now. Something is still missing. And for most people, it’s the right coach, the right mentor. Someone who has already spent the time to become successful themselves in their lives, and whose knowledge and experience can keep you moving towards your goals in life.

What is my particular area of expertise? Winning the money game. Most people don’t even realize that we all play a game called the money game. Like it or not, you’re in the game. Over our lifetime, we are either going to win the game or lose it. Most people lose it, because most people don’t know the rules to the game, they don’t know what the goal is, they don’t know how to win. Most people play on the defensive, playing not to lose.

It’s a completely different set of strategies if you’re playing to win. The fact is, there are an infinite number of ways to win the money game, and for every single person who is reading this there are many different ways that you could win the game. Every single person can win the money game. Every single person should win the money game. But only about 5% do. Why? Because we’re never taught the right way to deal with money.

In business, if 100 people started up a new business today, 2 years later 80 of them are out of business. 15 have bought themselves a job. 5 are creating wealth. Only 5% are successful.

To be in the top 5% financially, you have to be committed to that goal. If it was easy, there’d be a lot more than 5% succeeding. You are going to have to overcome challenges. You are going to have to grow out of your current comfort zone. YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO GROW YOURSELF INTO SOMEONE WHO IS CAPABLE OF BEING IN THE TOP 5%.

This is the Universal law of cause and effect. For every cause there is an effect. If you want a certain effect, or result, you will have to create the cause. That part’s up to you. Getting into the top 5% is the result. What was the cause? You grew yourself into the person who was capable of getting that result.

How do you know if you’re a good prospect for my programs?

What’s important to you?

If you find that many of the things that are important to me are also important to you, then you are a potential prospect for my programs.

If you are dedicated to achieving much more in your life, you’re a prospect.
If you are dedicated to learning and growing and investing in yourself and your success, then you’re a prospect.
If you are ready to challenge yourself to reach your full financial potential, you’re a prospect.
If you want to master the areas that can have the biggest impact on your financial life, you’re a prospect.
If you already have achieved success in your life at some level, and want to do even better, you’re a prospect.

You’ve probably heard the expression….”Birds of a feather flock together”. Successful people are a magnet to other successful people. The more you surround yourself with successful people, the more you will create an environment for you to succeed too.

2008 is just around the corner. It holds the potential for you to achieve some extraordinary results. Will it be the year you change your life forever? It’s all up to you. In a split second you can change your life forever simply by making a new decision and taking action on it.

Don’t wait any longer. This is your time.



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Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success...

Imagine if you found the one thought that changed the way you lived forever.

Imagine if you never worried about your life and your future.

Imagine if you understood exactly why you are here, and what your real purpose in life is.

Imagine knowing that you can achieve everything you want, provided you are prepared to help others get what they want .

Do you want to catapult yourself into a whole new level of living? To be on the path of discovery, and growth, and abundance?

If living the life you really want is important to you, and you aren’t living it right now, what’s holding you back?

Why aren’t you living the life you really want?

Statistically, only about 5% ever really figure it out. That means, only 1 out of every 20 people see life from this view.

Everyone views success in their own way. My specific definition of success for me won’t be the same definition of your success for you. We will probably have different wants in some areas, and similar wants in others.

Here’s my view of success……

I learned it many years ago from Earl Nightingale. He said….”Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal. Any person who is actively pursuing a worthy goal is a success”.

What do we all want?

We all want good health and fitness.
We all want good relationships.
We all want love.
We all want close friendships.
We all want financial freedom.
We all want the ability to choose how we live our life.
We all want happiness and joy.
We all want the best for ourselves and the ones we care about.

I believe that virtually everyone wants the above. I do! And for the past 38 years, I have been on a quest to find out exactly HOW TO GROW INTO THE PERSON capable of having all of the above in my life.

Because of my obsession for having all of the above, I have opened my mind up to receiving the knowledge that has automatically brought me everything I’ve ever really wanted in life.

My mind and my thoughts are the results of 38 years of learning and studying the most successful minds in their fields, and applying their thoughts, systems and strategies in my own life to get the results I’d hoped for. Today, I share these thoughts and ideas with all of my clients and friends who I see throughout the day.

Along the way, I’ve sought out many mentors in many areas. Although I am far from a religious person, I am definitely a spiritual person. And in this area, I have studied (among others) the writings of the Dali Lama, and more recently, Deepak Chopra.

This weekend, I happened to find a copy of his book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success; a practical guide to the fulfillment of your dreams”. It’s a short read, not much more than 100 pages.

You want to read this book! If you truly want to take your life to a whole new level, this book is a must read!

Successful people seize the opportunity. I am giving you the opportunity to learn something that WILL TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE forever!

This blog is dedicated to a very certain quality of person. This person is dedicated to growing themselves into an extraordinary person simply by focusing their thoughts on their dreams and learning how to make their dreams come true. If you want to join the elite 5% who live life at the highest levels, this is the place for you.



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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Incredible Power of....


The incredible power of Marketing!

Last week I had the opportunity to spend 3 phenomenal days attending a seminar offered by Joe Polish and his Piranha Marketing group. The list of presenters represented a “who’s who” of marketing and entrepreneurship.

There were so many incredible ideas tossed around during the seminar that any one of them could be worth a million dollars to the right person.

The thing that surfaced for me more than anything else is that we are all just one magnificent marketing campaign away from changing our lives forever.

In case you don’t know Joe’s story, he created a marketing strategy for carpet cleaners to use, but only if they wanted to grow their business by 100%, or 200% or more. Only if they wanted to create wealth for themselves instead of just owning a job. And the strategies he developed could be used by others as well. Perhaps Joe’s biggest and best known client is Bill Philips, best selling author of Body For Life. Joe helped Bill grow his business to the point where Bill was able to sell it in 1999 for $300 million.

Joe now meets with and interviews some of the most successful marketers and entrepreneurs in the world. He is in on the cutting edge of what works in the areas of marketing, and what motivates buyers to buy.

I’m guessing that there were 600 to 700 people at the event. The interesting thing about these attendees is that these are all people who were prepared to travel across long distances (several of them flew over from Europe), give up several days of their life and invest thousands of dollars to get this incredible knowledge.

Of course, attending the seminar doesn’t guarantee anything. It’s what people actually do with their new knowledge that makes the difference.

There is a certain energy that surrounds a group meeting like this. It’s almost a magical energy. Many never experience this kind of energy ever. Once you do, you will be hooked.

As you dream about your future, make sure you’re budgeting some of your time, energy and money into seminars offered by the best in your field. It’s an investment that will pay off in spades.



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Saturday, November 03, 2007

They're rare and they're precious....

Of all the things we collect and accumulate over our lives, we’re lucky if we’ve got one or two of these. They’re rare indeed, and they’re priceless.

They’re our friends. Our real friends. The ones you can always count on. The ones who are special.

I have been blessed in my lifetime to have several close friends. One of my oldest and closest is my buddy Wayne.

Wayne and I first met during our first week as freshmen at college. That was in 1972. Over the past 35 years, we’ve been through a lot together. There have been times when we haven’t seen each other for several years, but regardless, as soon as we get together again, it’s like we never skipped a beat.

Wayne’s special. He always marched to his own beat. When all of us were graduating with our business degrees and going through the interview process, Wayne was planning a transcontinental trip across North America in a fixed up old van for a year or two.

When Wayne finally decided to go to work, he didn’t take a traditional, conventional job that most business graduates would do. Nope, not Wayne.

Wayne loved the open roads and driving, so he became a trucker.

Wayne has always been smart. He would always figure out the best ways to do things in a hurry, and he learned the little tricks that made the difference between making money or losing it as a trucker.

That’s allowed Wayne to drive up and down the highways of North America and have free time to think and relax and enjoy life. Here’s someone who can go with the flow better than anyone I have ever known.

The past 3 years of my life have been focused on entrepreneurship, and I am now proud to proclaim that I am an entrepreneur. Better yet, using the entrepreneurial strategies and tactics I’ve learned, my already successful business is growing exponentially, and is opening up the doors for many new opportunities.

Recently, when Wayne was driving through Phoenix from Canada hauling his load, we had a chance to have a day together. As we were talking, I mentioned to him some business ideas that I intend to start in the next while.

Then I mentioned to him that I had to find the time to organize and manage the project, and asked him if he’d like to partner with me and learn how to do it himself.

Wayne’s been talking with his wife Sue about doing a joint venture with me, and I can’t wait to find out what he decides.


Because there are systems and strategies already proven and ready to be learned by the right person that virtually guarantee success as an entrepreneur. And the difference between Wayne and most people, is that if I show Wayne the systems and strategies, and where to get the exact information we need to make sure the business is a success, not only will Wayne learn it, HE’LL ACTUALLY DO IT!

Anyone can be successful as an entrepreneur. Anyone! You do not have to be rich. You don’t have to be a genius. You don’t have to have a college education, or even a high school diploma. You don’t have to be beautiful. You don’t have to be in perfect shape. You just have to KNOW what successful entrepreneurs KNOW, and DO what successful entrepreneurs DO!

Average people sometimes become extraordinary entrepreneurs simply because they don’t know when to quit.

If you’ve lost hope that you could live the dream life, where you had enough income to live your fantasies, start believing again! Always remember, that you are JUST ONE THOUGHT AWAY from realizing that your dreams are within your grasp. My coaching can help you find it!

Wayne will let me know soon if he’d like to take on this challenge. If he chooses to, I know we’ll have a lot of fun with it, and we’ll create some great businesses together.



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