Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Another Quarter Almost In the Books...

Can you believe it? Here we are at the end of March and the first quarter of 2008.

How’s it been for you so far?

Have you accomplished any goals?

Are you moving forward in your life?

For me, it seems like life is moving faster than the speed of light.

The one thing I’ve gained an appreciation for as I age is how precious time is, and how much of it we all waste.

The first quarter of 2008 has been totally phenomenal so far.

My primary goal was to attract dozens of new clients, and I am among the top advisors in the country.

But I wanted to start a major new project, and I am well on my way to introducing my new web site.

By far, it’s the most fun, challenging and exciting project I’ve ever undertaken, and I know that the end result will be a site that will transform the lives of many people.

More importantly, I’m building a team of clients who all want to grow to their full financial potential and who are assisting me in this project. There is no doubt in my mind that we will grow it into something extraordinary over the next 2 to 3 years. You’ll be hearing much more about this new web site in the very near future.

Over the past almost 40 years, since I was 15 and first read THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill, I have been developing a SYSTEM to automatically create success in every important area of life, especially financially. It was only a couple of years ago that I finally found the “MISSING PIECE” that completed the system.

Today, I meet with clients daily to assist, council and coach them to reach their full financial potential. I employ all the parts of my system.

Soon, I’ll be able to offer this system to anyone, anywhere in the world. For me, that’s very exciting.

You can decide that you’re going to begin to take action too, and make the rest of 2008 extraordinary for you too. It’s as simple as making up your mind, setting a goal, putting together a plan, surrounding yourself with the right people, and going to work until you get what you want.

There aren’t any shortcuts to success. You can take the quickest routes by learning from the best, but at the end of the day, you have to think for yourself, and you have to do for yourself, because you are 100% responsible for yourself.

There has never been a better time in the history of mankind for you to create financial freedom for yourself. If you aren’t creating it is it because you don’t care, is it because you didn’t think you could, or is it because you don’t know what to do?

If you don’t care, then there isn’t anything anyone can do to help you. You will always struggle with money.

If you don’t think you can create freedom, all that means is that you’ll have to work on your mindset.

If you don’t know what to do, all that means is that there’s still something you don’t know. You need to find the “MISSING PIECE”.

Everything you need to learn for financial freedom is right here at this blog. Keep coming back here for more ideas, systems, strategies and tactics to take you to the next level.



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Monday, March 17, 2008

Will You be Able to Climb High Enough?

Most people are wimps! They think small! They think fear! And as a result of their thinking, they struggle their whole lives.

This blog is dedicated to the top 5%, the people who have COMMITTED to taking complete control of their life and succeed at whatever they choose to do for themselves.

Once you realize that YOU are completely RESPONSIBLE for YOUR own life, YOU can begin to do something about it. YOU can think whatever you choose to, but the simple fact is YOU control your thoughts, your feelings, your income, your happiness, your relationships, well…..practically everything.

Today, people are blaming the economy for all their problems. The fact is, there will always be reasons for failure. That’s why only the top 5% are really successful. It’s so much easier to fail. Successful people overcome EVERYTHING. They don’t accept any excuse, they push on in spite of all odds.

In his best selling book THINK AND GROW RICH, Napoleon Hill laid out his philosophy of success and the principles that made it up. He demonstrated that regardless what someone’s original surroundings were, whether they grew up rich or poor, had education or not, had physical handicaps or other challenges, EVERYBODY has the seed of potential greatness within them if they can find a way to wake it from its slumber and raise its desire to a passion.

One of the greatest frustrations I see with my clients is in their approach to money and success. I can predict with certainty that the vast majority of people I meet with will all be struggling with money their entire lifetimes if they don’t get off the road they're on and get on one that can take them to freedom!

The problem that most people don’t realize, or else they don’t seem to know what to do about is that they will NEVER reach freedom from a JOB! If you BELIEVE that your best path to financial freedom is through a JOB, I hope you’re paid based on performance and results. But if you have a salary, or get paid by the hour, you have a CEILING on your income. Except for a bonus or a small raise, you can predict what your income will be.


There are millions of roads you can hop on over your lifetime. Unfortunately only a very few of them lead you to freedom. Most of them take you down roads of struggle. Even worse, those roads are like parking lots from all the traffic congestion. What’s really great is that the roads that lead to freedom have very little traffic. That’s because few people take the time to find out about them.

As you grow yourself and your skills you climb higher up the mountain of success. And the higher you climb, the easier it is to spot the roads that lead to freedom from the roads that lead to struggle.

The roads to success are already there. The trailblazers who carved these roads may be long gone, but their directions are there if you want them. And the higher you climb up the mountain, the more of them you can identify.

All you have to do then is find the road that suits you best, and off you go.

Are you on a road that can take you to your financial freedom? If you aren’t, are you planning on doing anything about it? If you really want success, take control of your life, take control of your mind, and decide right now that you will COMMIT to getting on a road that will lead you to your success, however you define it!

Most important, stop reading, stop planning, and START DOING!! Get in the game, and give it all you’ve got.

Remember that when you read, you’re on the sidelines watching the game. It’s a passive activity. When you take action, when you start doing, you’re in the game. It’s an ACTION activity. We want to develop the habit of getting in the game. That’s where it’s won or lost. Not on the sidelines.

Believe that you are awakening the GIANT WITHIN YOU, as Tony Robbins likes to say. Because you truly have a giant within you, a force so incredible that if you ever unleashed it, you would be in for the ride of your life.

Climb high my friend, and spot those roads to success. You can only get high enough to spot them through constant improvement, personal development, and a COMMITMENT to your reaching your full potential.

I want to hear from you! Let me know what you think! Reading my blog is a passive activity. Writing a comment requires you to think and DO! Are you on the sidelines, or do you want to get in the game? It’s up to you.



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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Richest are Masters of this....

Here’s a huge block for many, a gigantic wall most people can never get past. Here’s a WEALTH FILE that you will need to make sure is filled with BELIEFS that are positive and empowering.

These reviews of your WEALTH FILES are based on the book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by my friend and mentor Harv Eker. And although they are only a piece of the puzzle in winning the money game, they are a part of your foundation that is perhaps the most critical to your success, because we’re talking about your BELIEFS.

If one of your goals in life is financial freedom, you MUST have BELIEFS that are supportive towards achieving the goal. You will take action based on your BELIEFS, or NOT take action based on your BELIEFS, so you better be sure that you’ve programmed yourself for success.

Would you like to know what you are currently programmed for in the area of money?

Look at your results. Look at your life. Look at your income. Look at your assets. Look at your net worth. That’s exactly what you’re currently programmed for.

Would you like to get some different results? Because if you answered yes, you are going to have to start by changing your BELIEFS, so that you can start changing your ACTIONS, which will start to change your RESULTS.

As you read through these WEALTH FILES, you can choose to keep your current beliefs, or you can consider changing the information inside these files so that they lead you to success. IT’S ENTIRELY UP TO YOU!

Harv Eker’s Wealth File #8

Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value.
Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.

When I running Peak Potentials Training, we offered an amazing 3 day seminar called the Millionaire Mind Intensive. It’s one of over a dozen programs that Peak Potentials provides. During the event we’d offer “at seminar” specials for various other programs. Most attendees were thrilled to know about these offers and took full advantage of them, but there would always be a few that resented any promotion, even if it was for their benefit.

Is that you? I hope not.

Resenting promotion is one of the greatest obstacles to success. If you have a problem with selling and promotion, chances are, you’re broke. If you’re in business for yourself or you sell for others, how are people going to know what you’ve got to offer if you don’t promote it? If you’re an employee, you have to promote your virtues, or else someone who does will pass you by.
There are several reasons why some people have a problem with promotion and sales.

Have you ever been hounded by the “high pressure” salesman? Most people have. And most people don’t like to be “pressured”, so most people have a negative attitude about sales people in general. The fact is most people LIKE TO BUY, they just don’t like to be sold. It’s all in how you present it.

Maybe you tried your hand at sales once and you got totally rejected. At least, that’s how it felt. Of course, that’s what you’ve stored in your WEALTH FILE. You now have a fear of failure and rejection based on your past experience. Remember, the past does not necessarily equal the future.

Many of us were raised not to brag. In the business world however, if you don’t toot your own horn, who’s going to do it for you? No one! A wealthy person is willing to promote their value to everyone and anyone who is willing to listen, and hopefully do business with them.

Then, there are those that believe that sales and marketing is “beneath” them. They’re so good, people should just naturally want to use their services or products without having to promote them at all. Unfortunately, you’ll go broke believing that everyone will just find you.

In almost every instant, rich people are excellent promoters. They are willing to promote their values constantly with enthusiasm and passion. They also have the ability to present their value in an attractive package that makes it all the more appealing. In my lifetime, I’ve seen some of the best, and without a doubt, Harv Eker is the greatest promoter I have ever seen. He knows exactly what he writes about.

There are 2 kinds of people in the world, leaders and followers. Which group do you think earns more money? Rich people are usually leaders. Leaders have to successfully promote themselves and their ideas to their followers and supporters. If they don’t, they won’t lead for long. But you can be sure that leaders earn a lot more than followers.

It doesn’t even matter if you even like to promote or not, it’s more about why you’re promoting. If you don’t believe that the value you have to offer won’t help others improve their lives or solve their problems, you will have a difficult time promoting. But if you BELIEVE that the value you are offering will have a major impact on your customers and clients, you will have a passion to share this knowledge with as many people as you can.

If you aren’t completely sold on the value you are providing to others, it’s time to evaluate whether you should find something else to promote that you can be passionate about. Your WEALTH FILES must be filled with BELIEFS of the TRUE VALUE you are providing. To acquire riches, you will have to provide something in return for the wealth you are receiving. Make sure it’s something you can promote with passion and enthusiasm.
Now, place your hand on your chest and declare….




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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Birds of a Feather.....

There are ways of thinking that can actually TURBOCHARGE your journey to success. It’s a philosophy that includes understanding the fine line between success and failure. It’s the difference between water at 211 degrees and 212 degrees. At 211 it’s still water, and at 212 it’s steam and boiling. Just one degree more!

We’ve already reviewed the first 6 of Harv Eker’s WEALTH FILES that he presents in his best selling book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind".It’s time to get back into this review, because there are many more files inside your mind you need to review and adjust. Until you have added the positive philosophical attitudes and eliminated your negative ingrained attitudes, you will always struggle financially.

Let’s take at look at ….


Rich People associate with positive, successful people.
Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.

Keep your WEALTH FILES open, so that you can continue to examine what’s currently STORED in them. Chances are, you’ve had your current beliefs stored there for a very long time, and haven’t really evaluated whether or not they are what you believe today.

Let’s hear it for successful people. They are an inspiration and proof positive that success is possible. If they can do it, so can you!

At the age of 15 I learned a lesson so valuable that it changed my life forever. I learned that to become really good at something, learn from someone who is ALREADY really good at it. In fact, I was taught that the BEST people to learn from are those who are already very good at what you want to be.

The word I was taught was to MODEL. I was taught to MODEL the THINKING and ACTIONS of people who were already successful at what I wanted to be successful at.

Over the past 39 years of following that philosophy, I know first hand how true this concept of MODELING is. If you model the most successful people you know in the areas of their success, if you learn to think the way that they do, and you learn to act the way they do, you will have success the same way they do. I have lived my entire adult life with this philosophy, and it’s worked magic for me.

If you want to be rich, model rich and successful people. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

Poor people will be the first to put you down if you try and grow and reach for success. Rather than inspire you, motivate you and support you, most poor people will laugh at you and shake their heads.

That’s why I always make it a point to seek out positive minded, successful people. If we’re all going to have friends anyway, we might as well have friends that are supportive, successful, caring, inspiring and motivating.

Energy is contagious. You either affect people or you infect them, and that’s also true of others towards you. Would you want to hug someone who has measles? A negative mind is like the brain having measles. Who wants to be near it??

Ever heard the expression…”Birds of a feather flock together”? Rich and successful people tend to surround themselves with other rich and successful people. As you begin to surround yourself with like minded people, you will see your life elevate to another level.

So, what does your current WEALTH FILE say? Are you associating with positive, successful people, or with negative or unsuccessful people? Think it makes a difference?

Now put your hand on your chest and say…

I model rich and successful people.
I associate with rich and successful people.
If they can do it, I can do it!



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