Is it time to get focused?
Do you know what you want to CONTRIBUTE to life?
Do you know what’s IMPORTANT to you in your life?
Do you know WHO’s important to you in your life?
Questions, questions, questions.
Sometimes, the most important thing you can do for yourself is to ask yourself the RIGHT questions. But only if you take the time for serious reflection and ANSWER those questions from deep within yourself.
In today’s hectic world, it’s so easy to get caught up in daily living, that you can lose focus on what you really want in life, and what will make you happiest.
I’ve read numerous times that most people never reach anywhere near their peak potential. I’ve also read many times that most people are never truly happy. Do you believe it?
The fact is, out of every hundred people, only a handful, perhaps 3 or 4, ever decide on what they truly want out of life, and are actively pursuing their dreams. Why do you think that’s so?
What separates these 3 or 4 people from the masses? What do they know that everyone else doesn’t? Are you already one of the few? And if you aren’t, do you want to be?
If you answered no to the last couple of questions, then there is very little anyone can do to help you.
It all starts with ATTITUDE. If you haven’t read my previous post about the value and importance of having a POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE (PMA) then I would encourage you to read it now. I believe that having PMA is the most critical factor in your happiness and success.
The great thing about PMA is that it is free and available to anyone who chooses to exercise it. You can start right this very minute, at the snap of your fingers. You can decide this instant that regardless of what is happening in your life that you will ALWAYS have the best possible attitude given the situation.
One prevailing attitude of happy, successful people is that they are AMBITIOUS. They want more out of life. They also accept full responsibility for taking control of their life and making things happen, rather than waiting for things to happen.
These people have goals. They have a clear picture in their own minds of what they want to accomplish, and have a belief that they can achieve their goals if they do the right things on a consistent basis.
Here’s where I believe you can make huge strides towards joining that elite group at the top, the 3% who are living a life of success and happiness.
There are Universal laws that are a fact of life. If an apple falls from a tree, gravity will pull it down to the ground. The sun always rises in the east and sets in the west.
There’s a Universal law that you must understand and ingrain into every fiber of your being. We live in a world of CAUSE AND EFFECT. Everything you say and do causes an effect. You might refer to the word effect as RESULT. You are charged with creating the cause. The effects, or the results of your actions, take care of themselves.
Let me ask you something. If someone you know is very successful at doing something, and you do exactly what he or she is doing, do you think you might become successful too? Actually, that’s exactly what you should be thinking.
I remember hearing Harv Eker talk about the turning point in his financial life. He was living at home again after failing at another business venture, and his Dad was having his regular poker game at the house. During a break, a wealthy and successful friend of his Dads took Harv aside and had a brief conversation with him.
He said that he had started off in business the same way Harv did. He was a disaster. But he learned how to be successful. He then mentioned that if Harv wasn’t as successful as he’d like to be, all that meant was that there was something that Harv didn’t know. He went on to ask Harv something to the effect that if Harv began thinking and acting like rich and successful people, did Harv think he could be rich and successful too?
Harv took to heart the message of this conversation, and began immediately to search out and acquire the missing knowledge that would propel him to his success. He began to look for the experts in the fields he wanted to study and understand, and he INVESTED his TIME and MONEY to attend seminars and learn from the best minds in their fields.
He then took ACTION on the newfound knowledge he had learned and began to grow his business. On an ongoing basis, he went to more seminars to add to his knowledge base, and with each seminar, he APPLIED the new knowledge to add to his skill set.
Harv was focused on creating the CAUSE. The EFFECTS, or RESULTS of his efforts have made Harv a wealthy and successful person well beyond the average.
In my own life, I have studied the most successful people in many areas of life and adopted their ideas as my own. It doesn’t mean that I’m perfect, because no one is. But the quality of my life has been incredibly upgraded because of the ideas that I’ve learned and applied.
Over the last 35 years of my life, in the area of personal and financial success, I couldn’t even begin to calculate the number of books I’ve read, the hours of tapes and cd’s I’ve listened to, and the countless seminars I’ve attended. For me, it’s been a lifelong passion. I truly love learning and growing in this area.
Am I as successful as I want to be? No, not yet. But I am COMMITTED to my own personal and financial growth, and I KNOW that I will never be bored, because of my thirst for knowledge and then applying it in my life.
Are you COMMITTED to your own personal and financial growth? Are you ready to stand out from the crowd and declare that you will use the Universal law of cause and effect to vault you to your success?
My blog is an expression of who I am. It’s a way to remind myself of what I know, what I believe in, and what I intend to do.
At the same time, I have another question for you. If you had knowledge that you had acquired over 35 years, and had applied it to your life, and had seen the success of using this knowledge, would you want to keep it all to yourself, or would you want to share this knowledge with others?
Because of my passion for life and desire to be something more than just average, I am happy to share this information with anyone who is ready to receive it. Very little of what I write is my own original thinking. It is the consolidation of the greatest minds in the fields of personal and financial growth that I have studied over the decades.
I am passionate about this information because I have seen the results in my life, and I know that anyone who decides that they want to take their lives to a whole new level can benefit from embracing these same principles and ideas. That is why I KNOW that anyone who reads my blog on a regular basis with an open mind and a BURNING DESIRE to have more money, better health, great relationships, and success and happiness in every important area of their life will benefit.
When you read from my blog, I hope you will imagine that YOU and I are having a one on one conversation. It’s just the 2 of us. You don’t have to agree with everything I write, I only ask that you consider it. What’s true for me may not be true for you. All I can tell you is that the principles and ideas that you will find here have transformed my life and the lives of millions of people, and I believe that if you learn these principles, and more importantly, if you USE these principles, your life will be transformed too.
Thank you for taking your precious time to read my blog. I honestly appreciate it. And as I have said before, if I can ever be of assistance to you, it is my honor.