Thursday, February 28, 2008

If You Really Wanted.......

When you were an infant, you couldn’t even crawl. As you got to be a few months old, the crawling began. It wasn’t easy at first, but after a while, you got the hang of it, an off you went.

Then, you graduated to standing up! Whoa, that was a hard one. Walking was even tougher. Every time you stood up, you fell down. But, you kept on standing up until eventually you LEARNED how to walk.

Maybe as a kid, you decided you wanted to play the piano. So your parents signed you up for lessons, and you began to LEARN how to play. If you liked it, and you liked your teacher, you would continue to practice and play until you got good enough to play in front of an audience. From there on, if you continued to LEARN and practice, you simply got better and better.

Success in achieving ANY worthwhile goal is achievable. You do NOT have to be some brilliant genius to succeed. You just need to LEARN the WINNING FORMULA and follow it.

As I continue to study and analyze the most successful people in the world, the blueprint they leave behind shows us all the way to achieve their same level of success. Since I am a true believer of entrepreneurship, and how anyone can LEARN how to become a successful entrepreneur, I have focused many years learning and studying these people and their blueprints.

I know these formulas’s work, because I have applied them in my life to achieve everything I ever really wanted, and I know that if you were to LEARN and apply them as well, you would begin to see the same results.

The paths to financial freedom are few. There are millions more paths that will lead you to nowhere compared to the few paths that actually do lead you to success. Most people spend their lifetime going down a path that leads them to struggle. Unfortunately, that’s the only place their path leads them to. They have no chance for financial freedom unless they win the lottery or inherit a bunch of money, and my guess is, they’d blow it if they ever got it.

Do you want financial freedom? Do you want it sooner than later?

If you answered yes, what exactly are you doing to make that a reality in your life?

I would suggest to you that if you decided right now that over the next 36 months you WILL BECOME a successful entrepreneur, and began to LEARN the “winning formula”, you’d be AMAZED by what you could accomplish in just 36 months.

What else can you do in the next 36 months to move your towards you goal of financial freedom that will position you for success better than this???

Most people either have a job (Just Over Broke) or they say they’ve got a business when in fact all they’ve really done is bought themselves a job. That isn’t what WE want to do!

Our intention is to create freedom. It’s to create wealth. And while many people say that’s what they want, only a small percentage has the “winning formula” that can take them to their dreams.

If you really wanted to become financially free, you’d be doing everything you could to LEARN how to make that a reality. Are you? If you aren’t, why aren’t you?

Before you enter the game, you need to study and LEARN and practice and prepare yourself for your chance. Otherwise, you’ll fall flat on your face. We want to make sure you’re doing the right things and creating the right mindset for success.

Success is a journey, not a destination. Steady and consistent gets it done. Let’s make sure your life is filled with exciting opportunities that can take you exactly where you want to go.



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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Never Ending Process....

The next few minutes will be a reminder of something you already know, but probably don’t think about often enough. This time, as you think about it, you’ll want to open up your BELIEFS and put “HIGH PRIORITY” on this one.

On a daily basis, I see people looking for answers. They’re looking for answers to all of their financial problems. They’re looking for the magic pill. They’re looking for the instant fix. They’re looking for something that doesn’t exist. Worst off, they’re looking in all of the wrong places.

Let’s get back to the basics.

2 people go to a seminar. One of them takes the information and skyrockets to success. For the other, nothing much happens. How does this happen? Why do so many people fail after spending thousands of dollars at seminars learning how to do something?

The answer is primarily found in the fact that the information is only a TOOL. It is only of use if you actually DO something with it. It is only as valuable AS THE PERSON WHO IS IN POSESSION OF IT.

Before you can be successful in the “outer” world, you must first be successful in the “inner” world. Before you can achieve great success in anything, you will have to GROW YOURSELF INTO SOMEONE CAPABLE OF ACHIEVING GREAT SUCCESS.

Success is an INSIDE game. It’s LEARNABLE, and within anyone’s control.

Notice the word LEARNABLE. It’s critical you think about this for a second. Success isn’t one huge step; it’s thousands of little steps. Many of these steps can be done with no new skills or knowledge. But some will require new knowledge or skills. You might choose to hire someone to fill in your weaknesses. You might choose to learn new skills to fill in some of the critical steps. To be successful, you will be learning and improving constantly.

Education and acquiring the RIGHT information is critical to your success in life. If you don’t have a great ZEST for knowledge, you will not only have a difficult time becoming financially successful, you’ll be missing out on one of the greatest passions of life.

I’ve been studying this field for 39 years, ever since I was 15. Over that time, I’ve read many books and listened to many audio programs and gone to many seminars that led me down a road to nowhere. At least it went nowhere I wanted to go.

I’ve also read many books and listened to many audio programs and gone to many seminars that led me to financial freedom and the greatest life I could have ever hoped for.

Over my lifetime, I’ve probably invested more money in my formal education and personal development education that 99% of all the people I know. Was it worth it?

If I had to do it over again, I’d have invested TWICE AS MUCH! Education is so important to success that I can’t believe how few people continue to educate themselves after they’re out of school.

I wanted to be FINANCIALLY FREE. I wanted to BE MY OWN BOSS. I wanted to control my own time and my own efforts. It isn’t completely by luck that I am.

Do you want to be financially free one day? Do you want to be able to control your life and call your own shots?

If you answered yes, you have to make sure that you make a commitment to investing in your education in the areas that will help you become financially free.

Maybe that’ll be a course at a community college. More often, it may mean buying some books, or audio programs, or attending seminars. It might even mean investing in a coach.

One thing is certain, if you think education is expensive, try ignorance!

Do you want to play big or small? Do you want to play to win or not to lose? People who succeed, who play BIG, and play to WIN, invest in education constantly. You’re either growing or your dying.

EDUCATION IS THE KEY. Commit to your education. Commit time for your education. Commit money for your education. Commit energy for your education. If you’re looking to grow and succeed in your career and life, this is your golden opportunity to learn from masters, maybe THE masters.



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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How do you feel about successful people?

Here we go again.

Another opportunity for you to reflect on your current ways of thinking by opening up your WEALTH FILES and examining what's in them. These are critical reviews, because success is an INNER GAME! You win the game on the inside LONG before you see the results on the outside. You play the game based on your predominant BELIEFS, so if your goal is to win, you'd better be sure that your BELIEF SYSTEM is designed for success, because if it isn't, it's going to be a long struggle for you financially.

Harv Eker’s Wealth File Number 6


Rich People admire other rich and successful people.
Poor people resent rich and successful people.

Negative attitudes and negative beliefs, where do they come from?

This wealth file is one that is CRITICAL to your future financial success. So let’s get your current file out there on the table for you to examine close up and personal. Let’s be SURE that this file contains your BELIEFS TODAY, not what you were taught ages ago!

Did you ever hear anything negative about money, success or rich people when you were growing up?

If you ever heard things like…..”Money is the root of all evil”

Or……..”Rich people are crooks”

Or……..”Wonder who he stepped on to get there”


We’ve all heard it growing up. And if we heard it from someone more senior to us, like our parents, our teachers, the media, our religious leaders, it automatically got stored in our WEALTH FILES as THE TRUTH!!

If we believe that wealthy people are “crooks”, and most of us want to be moral and ethical people, we CAN’T get rich! It violates the beliefs inside our current WEALTH FILE. On the one hand, we want financial success, but at the same time, in the same file, we believe that “money is the root of all evil”, right? Mixed messages to yourself and the Universe.

In my 54 years, I’ve met more people than most. I see clients daily to discuss their finances and direct them towards new and better options. The point I am trying to make here is that I meet LOTS AND LOTS of people daily, who lay out their entire financial lives before me and say, WHAT SHOULD I DO?

I see retired, professionals, doctors, lawyers, executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, employees. I see young and old, male and female, singles and couples, rich and broke, I see them all.

I’ve met poor people who were rude and ignorant, and rich people who were rude and ignorant. I’ve met poor people who were as nice as could be, and rich people who were as nice as could be.

Here’s the FACT. Money doesn’t make you greedy or generous. Money just makes you MORE of what you already are. If you’re an SOB when you’re poor, you’ll just be a bigger SOB when you’re rich.

In the mid 90’s I ran a large United Way funded Agency in Phoenix. My most critical objective was to successfully raise funds to keep all the programs open. My Board of Directors was made up of many of the most successful partners from the law firms, accounting firms, insurance firms, and other business owners in town.

These people were the saviors for the agency. Their generosity of BOTH time AND money, and getting their network of friends and associates to contribute was what kept us going. The rest gave as they could, but it was the rich and successful that made all the difference.

It was interesting to see the characteristics that these wealthy and successful people all had in common. They were all TRUSTWORTHY, and I knew I could count on them. They were also, positive, reliable, focused, determined, persistent, hardworking, energetic, good with people, decent communicator, somewhat intelligent, and a master in at least one area.

Too many people believe that you can’t be rich and a good person or rich and spiritual. I’ve seen too many of both rich and nice and rich and spiritual people to know that you ABSOLUTELY can be BOTH at the same time.

Successful people have blazed the trail for you to follow. They’ve proven that success is possible. They are an inspiration. We should all be grateful to successful people because they are PROOF that success can be attained.

Resenting the rich is one of the surest ways to stay broke. If you truly want financial success in your life, you need to create the HABIT of admiring successful people. That way, when you reach your success, you’ll unconsciously know that others will admire you rather than resent the heck out of you.

If you resent what people have, in any way, shape or form, you can never have it.

In the ancient Huna wisdom, which are the original teachings of the Hawaiian elders, it is taught “Bless that which you want.”

Take a long hard look at your current WEALTH FILE. Understand that you can be a kind, generous, spiritual person and still get really, really rich. Get clear in your BELIEFS that there aren’t any negatives about wealth and success unless you choose there to be negatives.

Now, place a hand on your chest and say….




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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Do you see opportunities or obstacles?

After having seen hundreds of clients and prospects and comparing notes with my partner Scott who has seen many hundred more than I have, I have come to the following conclusions.

First, what I've been referring to as the 5%ers club is more like the 1%ers club! So few people are winning the money game that it's scary!

Second, most people are horrendous money managers. Since this is the single most important skill all wealthy people have, you'd hope that people would have a winning system for managing their money. Unfortunately, most don't.

Third, while everyone says they'd like to become financially free, NO ONE is actually doing anything to make it happen. And the few that are doing something are doing it all wrong, or half hearted, or going down a path that can never lead them to financial freedom.

Fourth, virtually no one understands that until they create enough PASSIVE INCOME to pay for their expenses that they will ALWAYS BE A SLAVE TO THEIR JOBS. Yet, most people have NO current passive income, nor are they creating streams of passive income. They are on the road that leads to nowhere.

I could go on and on.

If you are reading these words, take a moment and understand that there are winning ways of thinking and then there are all the rest. If you have made up your mind that you want to take your life, and especially your financial life to a whole new level, TRUST me when I tell you that everything you read here has worked in my life and can for you too. Nothing is difficult to do, it simply means you will need to change a few things. And we all know how difficult change can be!

One of your biggest challenges is to get into your WEALTH FILES and discover what your true beliefs are in these critical areas. It might be time for you to revise or update these files.

Harv Eker’s Wealth File Number 5


Rich People focus on opportunities.
Poor people focus on obstacles.

FEAR! It’s amazing how POWERFUL fear plays into our lives. To some extent, all of us are affected by fear, some more than others.

The important question as far as you’re concerned is “how much is fear affecting my life, my wealth, my success?”

If your basic nature is fear based, and you are someone who constantly worries, now is the perfect opportunity to get it out on the table for you to evaluate and perhaps change.

When it comes to the mind, we all have our own “conditioned” mind. Our “conditioned” mind has one primary job, and that’s SURVIVAL. It DOESN’T care at all about your success, only your survival. Throughout your entire lifetime, it just wants you to survive. It would rather you not even try to change because change is the unknown, and there lurks DANGER in the unknown.

If you’re not sure what I’m referring to here, I’m talking about that little voice that’s having a conversation with you all day long. It’s the little voice that says “You can’t do that”, or “you better not try that”, or “what if”, or “why bother”, or practically anything that will dissuade you from doing something you normally don’t do.

It wants to keep you in “your comfort zone”. As long as you stay in “your comfort zone”, your conditioned mind is content, because it knows you are already surviving in “your comfort zone.”

Change, however, requires moving out of your comfort zone and trying something different. It means moving into your “uncomfort zone.” And for you to grow, you have to move outside of your “comfort zone”, which doesn’t make your conditioned mind happy at all.

Ask most people the definition of FEAR and they’ll say false evidence appearing real. But that’s just an acronym. FEAR is THE ANTICIPATION OF PAIN. Is fear based in the past, or in the future? The future. And your conditioned mind will anticipate future imagined pain, and then do everything in its power to move you in another direction. IT WILL STOP YOU IN YOUR TRACKS IF YOU LET IT!

Most people live in fear. They expect the worst and plan for it. They look to the obstacles in every new opportunity so that they won’t have to get out of their comfort zone. As a result, most people ARE POOR!!

Wealthy people have overcome their fears. They might still have fears, but they’ve learned how to deal with their fears and TAKE ACTION REGARDLESS what that “little voice” in their head is saying to them.

As a result, wealthy people look for the opportunities surrounding them every day. They focus on the potential profits. The poor? They focus on the potential losses.

The middle class have a little more optimistic point of view. They are more inclined to think….”I’ll give it a try and hope it works.”

Rich people take full responsibility for their lives. Their attitude is “It’ll work because I’LL make it work!” Their WEALTH FILE is filled with CONFIDENCE, that they WILL succeed, and if things don’t work out, they’ll be able to RECOVER.

There is always a risk to get the reward. Rich people are willing to take risk. But they do their homework in advance, and once they have all the facts, they choose to take action or not.

On the other hand, poor people expect to fail, and have little confidence in themselves or their abilities. As a result, all they see are the obstacles they don’t believe they can overcome, and they won’t take the risk. No risk, no reward.

The Law of Attraction includes focusing on what you want in your life. Rich people focus on opportunities, and as a result, opportunities abound. Poor people focus on the obstacles in their life, and as a result, obstacles abound.

Your view of life will determine what you find. Look for opportunities and that’s what you’ll find. Look for obstacles, and that’s what you’ll find. As far as rich people are concerned, when they run into obstacles they deal with them and then keep moving forward, always focused on their goal, and putting their energies into achieving their results.

I tell my clients this all the time. Rich and successful people focus on 3 things when it comes to money. They focus on earning it, keeping it and growing it. Poor people focus on just one thing, spending it! What we focus on expands!

Rich and successful people also understand that they can’t wait until they are experts to make decisions and move forward. They gather the best information they can as quickly as they can, they make a decision and go. Their WEALTH FILE is set for READY, FIRE, AIM. In other words, take ACTION and make corrections along the way.

There is no way for anyone to know everything that can happen in the future. It’s unrealistic to think you can anticipate and solve every single potential problem in advance. In life, we can only see so far into the future.

Jack Canfield (from Chicken Soup for the Soul fame) uses the example of driving a car at night from Los Angeles to New York. With your lights on you can only see a few hundred feet ahead of you. Once you get there, you can see the next few hundred feet. As long as you’re on the right highway, you can drive all the way from Los Angeles to New York in the dark, seeing just a few hundred feet ahead of you at any one time.

Life is a lot like that. Rich and successful people know that when they get to the next turn in the road, they’ll deal with whatever comes up. More importantly, they’re on the road and they’re moving forward. Getting on the road is critical. Poor people stay home so they can avoid any accidents.

Harv Eker calls it “getting in the corridor. The idea is to get in the game with whatever you’ve got from wherever you are.”

For example, when I chose to become a full time entrepreneur and leave Corporate America, I realized that I didn’t have the necessary skills to be successful. In fact, every business I’d ever tried crashed and burned, and so did all my money with it each time. I knew that I needed specific skills before I’d succeed. In my search I accidentally bumped into my old friend Harv Eker, and then spent the next year as Harv’s Chief Operating Officer helping build Peak Potentials Training into one of the fastest growing business and personal success training companies in the world.

More importantly, I got to work with one of the world’s MOST BRILLIANT marketers and entrepreneurs, and see first hand exactly what it takes to build a MEGAMILLION dollar business from scratch in a short period of time.

When my project was up and it was time to move back home to Phoenix, I was completely prepared to start my own business. I’d seen what I needed to see, and learned what I needed to learn.

By the way, when I accidentally bumped into my old friend Harv it had been almost 25 years since our last connection. Yet, just 5 minutes after I began searching the internet for ideas, I found Harv and the Peak Potentials web site. Coincidence?

My attitude is that TALK IS CHEAP. ACTIONS speak much louder than words. Rich people are action oriented. They get started and THEY DON’T STOP. They move confidently towards their dreams and goals. Poor people will talk and plan and strategize and meet, but they won’t DO anything, because they simply don’t have the belief in themselves that they can succeed. They are locked onto the obstacles.

What’s your WEALTH FILE filled with, opportunities or obstacles?

Now, Place you hand on your chest and say…




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Sunday, February 10, 2008

The BIGGER you think....

It's time to open up your mind, and pull out your WEALTH FILES again.

This habit of constantly examining your WEALTH FILES is critical if you really want to reach your full financial potential.


Because inside your files are beliefs that are both supportive and NONSUPPORTIVE to your dreams of financial success. Until you are 100% ON BOARD with your desires and BELIEFS about creating financial success in your life, you will struggle.

Let's examine another of Harv Eker's wealth files. Are you on board with this, or is it time to rethink your current beliefs?


Rich People think big.
Poor people think small.

In business, there is a mathematical formula for determining what your income is going to be. You will be paid in direct proportion to the VALUE you DELIVER to the Marketplace.

This implies that whatever you are offering has value to others. In return for the value that you deliver, you will be paid accordingly.

It makes sense then that for you to earn a lot of money, you will need to DELIVER A LOT OF VALUE TO THE MARKETPLACE.

If you want massive results, you will have to deliver massive value. That’s how it works.

When Harv decided to get into the home gym business, his intention was to open up 100 stores and create wealth. His competitor opened up one store and created a job. Do you see the difference in the mindset?

Open up your current WEALTH FILE and look at what’s in it? Do you want to play in the BIG LEAGUES or in the minors? Do you want to play Big or small? It’s up to you.

Unfortunately, from what I see in my practice, I can tell you first hand, most people choose to play small.

They’re scared to death that they’re going to fail. Fear stops them cold in their tracks. Also, most people FEEL SMALL. They don’t believe that they can make a difference in other people’s lives.

Wealthy people BELIEVE that they have something of incredible value to share with the world. They BELIEVE that they can make a huge difference in the lives of others. They understand that by the law of cause and effect, that if they deliver MASSIVE VALUE to others, they will receive MASSIVE RESULTS in return. In other words, rich people play BIG, think BIG, and PRACTICE doing things on a BIG scale.

At Peak Potentials, the definition they use for an entrepreneur is “a person who solves problems for people at a profit.” As an entrepreneur, you are a problem solver.

Do you want to solve problems for a few people or for A LOT OF PEOPLE? I hope you said A LOT OF PEOPLE! Then you need to decide how you can serve many times more people. As you succeed in serving more people, your income will be rising too.

From what I see with my clients, most people are not living their mission, or coming close to reaching their full financial potential. Most people choose to play small.

In my own business, most financial advisors see a few clients or prospects in a week. I see that many in a day. My intention is to add value to hundreds and then thousands of clients in a year. I choose to play BIG! How about you??

The world doesn’t need more people playing small. Start filling your WEALTH FILE with thoughts about stepping up, playing big, living large and DELIVERING MASSIVE VALUE.

Now, place your hand on your chest and say…..




P.S. The critical thing to remember is that you want to open up your WEALTH FILES and EXAMINE what’s in them today. You can then replace old non supportive ways of thinking with new ways of thinking that will catapult you to huge success.

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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

How Committed are You?

The quality of your thinking determines your actions, which in turn determines your results.

Let's examine another of Harv Eker's "Wealth files" and see if it's consistent with your current thinking. If it isn't, maybe it's time to change your "file"?


Rich People are committed to being rich.
Poor people want to be rich.

Ask most people if they want to be rich, and by far, they answer yes! I ask my clients this question all the time, and the majority of people say that they absolutely want to be rich.

The simple fact is that MOST people say that they want to get rich, when in reality they don’t.

When I ask my clients “what could possibly be bad about getting rich or trying to get rich?” I generally hear the same things over and over…..

I’ll have to work too hard…..

I’ll be in the highest tax bracket…..

Everyone will want a handout…..

I could lose my health trying to get rich…..

Etc., Etc., Etc.,

All of these reasons are stored in your current “wealth files”, which means that whether you realize it or not, they are a part of your beliefs when it comes to money and success.

On the one hand, you have POSITIVE feelings and beliefs about creating wealth and becoming financially free, while on the other hand, you have NEGATIVE feelings about THE EXACT SAME TOPIC!

What that means is that you will ALWAYS be sending mixed messages about what you really want, and you will ALWAYS sabotage yourself when it comes to wealth because of your mixed feelings. These mixed messages are one of the major reasons most people never become rich.

You now have the opportunity to open up your current WEALTH FILE, and begin to look at what negative feelings you are carrying around inside of you about Money, Success, Wealth, Rich People.

If you heard that wealthy people are greedy, that information is a part of your wealth file. (By the way, are all wealthy people greedy? Probably some are, and some aren’t. Most of the wealthy people I know are also the most generous people I know.)

If you heard that rich people are crooks….(some are, most aren’t)

If you heard that you’ll have to pay too much in taxes…(Jeez, I guess that means you made a lot of money huh?)

If you heard that you have to work hard for money…(actually, if you work smart, you won’t have to work hard for TOO long!)

Whatever you’ve heard IN YOUR LIFETIME, it’s all stored in your current WEALTH FILES. All the positives and ALL THE NEGATIVES.

It’s your job to begin to weed out the negatives, and focus on the ways of thinking that will support you in getting your best results.

The primary reason most people don’t get what they want is because they DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY WANT. Wealthy people don’t have mixed feelings about becoming rich! They are clear about their desire to create wealth. They don’t send mixed messages to themselves or the Universe!

Wealthy people are COMMITTED to becoming wealthy. They are prepared to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to reach their goals. As long as it’s moral, legal and ethical, rich people are willing to sacrifice to become wealthy.

Poor people have lots of reasons why they might NOT want to become rich. And as long as they continue to send out mixed messages to others and themselves, they'll never be rich.

We’ve talked about the power of intention previously. Intention isn’t necessarily what we say we want, but rather what we actually want unconsciously. And most of my clients will say to me, “Why would I want to struggle?” to which I respond, “I don’t know, why would you want to struggle?”

Chances are, if you aren’t seeing the financial results you want in your life, you are either sending out mixed messages, or you aren’t willing to do whatever it takes to create wealth for yourself. It’s one or the other! You can CHOOSE to change your WEALTH FILES so that you aren’t sending out mixed messages, and you can find your TRUE PASSION so that you ARE willing to do whatever it takes to create wealth for yourself.

Taking this point further, Harv points out the 3 levels of “wanting”. Level one is….I want to be rich, as in, if someone hands it to me, I’ll gladly accept it. Of course, there’s a huge difference between wanting something and having something. Just look around you, how many people do you know who say they want to be rich compared to how many people are rich?

The next level is to CHOOSE to be rich. At least with this level, you are making a conscious choice to become rich. It’s a step in the right direction, but only that, a step.

When you COMMIT to becoming rich, when you are prepared to give 100% of yourself to your goal, that’s when you will start seeing results. When you are ready to hold nothing back, to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes, and NEVER QUIT, then you have the mindset it takes to reach the levels of success we’re talking about here.

To COMMIT means to GIVE COMPLETELY OF ONESELF. It means to become PERSISTENT in the course of action you are taking until you have reached your goal.

In “Think and Grow Rich” Napoleon Hill says these brilliant remarks about PERSISTENCE…

“There is no substitute for persistence! It cannot be supplanted by any other quality! Remember this in the beginning and it will hearten you when the going may seem difficult and slow.

Those who have cultivated the habit of persistence seem to enjoy insurance against failure. No matter how many times they are defeated, they finally arrive up near the top of the ladder.

Sometimes it appears there is a hidden guide whose duty is to test people through all sorts of discouraging experiences. Those who pick themselves up after defeat and keep on trying arrive; and the world cries, "Bravo! I knew you could do it!" The hidden guide lets no one enjoy great achievement without passing the persistence test. Those who can't take it simply do not make the grade.

Those who can "take it" are bountifully rewarded for their persistence. They receive, as their compensation, whatever goal they are pursuing.”

Understanding this wealth file is critical. No more mixed messages. When you are prepared to COMMIT 100% of yourself to creating wealth, you will begin to see the results you want.

Put your hand on your chest and say this declaration out loud….




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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Hail to the Giants....

Many of the greatest lessons you can learn in life can be learned from sports. I’ve been a sports fan my entire life, and I am positive that the life lessons I’ve learned through sports have made a huge difference in my life.

The New York Giants, 2 touchdown UNDERDOGS, beat the UNDEFEATED New England Patriots 17-14 to win the Superbowl. If you had bet on the Giants to win, you’d have won 4 TIMES YOUR BET!

New England won all 18 games this season, setting records along the way. They were in a league of their own. Before the season began, they were the prohibitive favorite in Las Vegas, and they were living up to their billing.

The Giants were long shots to win the Superbowl prior to the season. They were coming off a mediocre season in 2006, and their head coach, Tom Coughlin, had to interview and explain why he shouldn’t be fired afterwards.

To make matters worse, they lost their first 2 games of the season and were well on their way to losing the third game. Somehow they pulled off a miraculous win, and eventually fought their way back into contention.

When they made it into the playoffs, they were forced to win 3 consecutive games on the road! That’s an amazing feat! They were underdogs in all 3 games, but they managed to win them.

Regardless, they were STILL 14 point underdogs against the Patriots. It was an incredible upset. It was David beating Goliath.

If you ask most unbiased football fans, they will overwhelmingly say that New England had the better talent. Player for player, you’d virtually always take the Patriot player over the Giant.

After the game, the interesting thing was to hear the comments from the players. When asked to explain what happened, to a man, the Patriot players said that they played as hard as they could, and that, for this day, they were beat by a better team.

Success starts at the top. It starts with the leader. With the Giants, it’s their head coach Tom Coughlin. He’s now SUPERBOWL CHAMPION Coach Tom Coughlin. He’s been a successful head coach for over a decade. Year after year, he’s PERSISTENLY been working at his craft with 100% COMMITMENT and PASSION. You do NOT accidentally coach a team to the Superbowl!

What do you think were Tom Coughlin’s goals for the team for 2007?

He wanted to win the Superbowl. He was totally dedicated to the prospects of building a team capable of competing for a Superbowl.
He set up a plan on how he was going to build a team capable of winning the Superbowl.
He assembled a staff of coaches that would help him reach this goal.
Then he went to work.
When things went bad, he worked harder.
He never gave up.
He led by example.
He supported everyone.
He encouraged everyone.

And now, he’s Superbowl Champion Tom Coughlin!

What’s the lesson here?

Know exactly what YOU WANT. Determine your GOAL.
Have a burning PASSION for it. Have an overwhelming DESIRE for it.
Put together a PLAN to get it.
Assemble your TEAM, the people who will HELP YOU achieve it.
Go to WORK.

Understand the REAL MESSAGE behind this lesson, and your life can never be the same. Miss the message, and you will continue to struggle with money your entire life.

Do YOU want to be a CHAMPION in life?

You CAN be. If that’s what you WANT.

It starts with a PHILOSOPHY of THINKING.

It’s a philosophy I’ve lived my entire adult life, and a philosophy I share with my clients all the time. I hope it can change your life like it’s changed mine.



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