Thursday, January 31, 2008

Your Financial Foundation.....

Because of the work I do, I see the financial lives of hundreds of people every year.

I see the challenges and obstacles most people face, and I see the struggle to try and keep up with rising costs. It’s a losing battle for many, and for those who aren’t losing, they’re doing all they can just to keep their head above water.

The tipping point for most people is just one missed paycheck away. So many people live pay to pay that one unexpected major expense can cause a big problem financially. I see it with my clients, and I see it with my tenants. My experience is real, and it’s daily.

If you learn nothing else today, I hope you will learn this critical lesson. IT IS UP TO YOU, AND YOU ALONE, TO CREATE A SOUND FINANCIAL FOUNDATION.

If YOU don’t do it for yourself, who’s going to do it for you? Your friends? Your boss? Your government?

What exactly is a sound financial foundation anyway? Why do you need it?

During my meetings with my clients, I’ll often ask them if they can explain the difference between savings and investments. Some can, some can’t.

So I ask them, when they have money in a savings account or money market, what direction can their account balance go? Up, and only up.

When they have their money in investments, what direction can their account balance go? Up OR down.

So if you have ALL of your money in investments and those investments tank (not that that’s ever happened!) what have you got left? Nada! Part of the challenge is that most people never consider that they might lose money on their investments. They just assume that they'll make a profit and the only question much! It's just too bad that more people lose than win.


Different financial advisors have different amounts they suggest you keep in your foundation. Some say 3 months worth of expenses. Others say 6 months. I’ve seen those that suggest at least 1 years worth of expenses or more!

No matter what you decide is best for you, it’d better be at least 3 months worth of expenses. So if you’re monthly nut is $5,000, you NEED to have at least $15,000 socked away somewhere safe where you can count on it to be there JUST IN CASE.

Because you know what? JUST IN CASE happens to people ALL THE TIME. And the ones who have a sound foundation manage through their crisis without any problems, while the majority fall further behind in the game, ruin their credit, and eventually lose everything and file bankruptcy.

The key to your financial success in life is in the creation of sound money management skills. Unfortunately, most of us have never been taught good money management skills. As a result, most people are COMPLETE AND UTTER FAILURES at managing their money. I see a few who are winning the money game, but by far the vast majority are losing the war.

Make it a top priority for you to dedicate the time to learn to become a money management expert! You’re going to have to deal with money for the rest of your life. You might as well learn how to play the money game to win.

If that sounds good to you, you are at the right place right here with my blog. The principles and ideas you’ll find here have stood the test of time, and will take you from a life of struggle to a life of abundance. I practice all of these techniques, and have for decades. They have brought me success on a scale I never thought possible. I hope they can do the same for you. It’s entirely up to you.



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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Playing to Win!

We've been talking about our "Wealth Files", (based on the book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T Harv Eker) and how much of an effect they have on your life.

Today, you have the opportunity to pull out your old wealth file and examine it for what it really is. You might decide that it's time to update this file!


Rich People play the Money game to win.
Poor people play the money game not to lose.

Think about this one very carefully.

What’s your goal? When it comes to money and wealth, WHAT’S YOUR GOAL??

In my practice, I ask this question to my clients on a daily basis. On a practical level, I probably ask this question to more people than anyone I know. So I have a unique perspective of this topic.

Most people play the money game on the defensive. They’re playing not to lose. Unfortunately, it’s next to impossible to win the game if you are always on the defensive. At some point, to win the game, you HAVE TO SCORE!

Rich and successful people have a GOAL of BEING RICH AND SUCCESSFUL. They’re playing the money game to win. They’re playing the money game to CREATE WEALTH. They’re playing the money game to HAVE FREEDOM. They’re in it TO WIN!!!

For the poor, what do you think their goal is? To pay the bills? On time would be great!

The Universal law of Intention always delivers exactly according to our intentions. Not what we think our intentions are, but what our TRUE intentions are. If your true intention is to have enough money to pay the bills, guess what you’ll get? Enough to pay your bills, and not a penny more!

As we rise into middle class, the word we hear all the time is to be COMFORTABLE. Now, comfortable is ok, but it’s a long way from rich! There is a huge difference between the two.

When you’re COMFORTABLE, and you go out for dinner, you’ll ALWAYS check the right side of the menu for the prices before you order your meal! Not when you’re rich!

One thing for certain, that if your intention is to be comfortable, I GUARANTEE you that you will never be rich! Never!

Wealthy people have an INTENTION, a GOAL, of being wealthy. They have a dream, a burning desire for wealth.. They’re on a mission.

If your intention is to become rich, there's a mighty good chance you'll at least be comfortable. If you aim for the stars you'll at least hit the moon!



Now place your hand on your chest, and say this declaration out loud…..


As you think and reflect on these ideas, hopefully you are creating new WEALTH FILES to replace the ones you’ve been running on for decades.

You’ll know soon enough if you’ve got the BURNING DESIRE and PASSION it takes to become wealthy and successful. If you do, then you are on a new path that will take you ANYWHERE YOU CHOOSE TO GO!



P.S. I like a quote of Harv’s that sums things up pretty nicely….
“If you’re going to work hard anyway, you might as well get rich, and the quicker the better!”

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

The First of Seventeen.....


This is a turning point in your life!

Remember this date, mark it down, and circle it.

If you TRULY GRASP what you’ll be reading about now and over the next while, you will transform your life in such a way, that your only regret is that you didn’t learn this and apply it years ago.


For the past 30 months, I’ve been writing about SUCCESS. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to talk about success without talking about THE MIND. They go hand in hand.

The information you intentionally choose to learn about and store in your mind is the stuff from which your ideas come from. Put lots of great “quality” information into your memory files, and you’ll get lots of great “quality” ideas out of your mind.

Napoleon Hill wrote in “Think and Grow Rich” that “thoughts are things and powerful things at that”. In “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”, Harv Eker wrote that ‘Everything begins with your thoughts”.

It’s pretty incredible that our minds, the most important tool we have to live the life of our desires, is something most people never really learn much about or understand.

Think of your mind as a computer that has files saved in it. Suppose you have to make a decision about money. In your memory banks you pull out your file labeled Money. That is the only information you can base your decision on, since that’s what you’ve got stored in your memory about money. Based on your information at that time you make a decision that seems like the right choice. The big problem is that your right choice may not be a SUCCESSFUL one. In fact, what seems like the perfect answer to you may give you poor results over and over again.

Suppose your friend tells you that he’s found a new car he wants, the exact model and color he wants, and it’s now on sale at 25% off! His mind is thinking, well…I really want this new car, AND it’s the exact model and color I want, AND it’s 25% off. He goes off to the dealer bursting with pride that he got the exact car he wanted and got it at 25% off.

To your friend, this made perfect sense. He wanted it, it was exactly what he was looking for, and it was a great deal. However, at no point during this process did his mind come up with the idea that he was already $35,000 in debt, and that maybe he should hold off.

He didn’t think that, because nowhere in his mind was a file that says “When you’re in debt, don’t get deeper into debt”. And since that file wasn’t there, that option wasn’t available to him.

The point is that if your money files aren’t supportive to financial success, those are the only choices you can make. They’ll seem like the right choices, and they’ll make perfect sense to you. Unfortunately, they’ll produce mediocre or lousy results.

On the flip side, if you’ve got money files that support your success, you will automatically make choices that produce successful results.

Naturally, if you begin to think like wealthy people think, you will begin to get the kinds of results that wealthy people do. So we need to learn and understand how rich people think.

The fact is, wealthy people think very differently about money and success than poor and middle class people. That is the purpose of the “Wealth Files”.

Perhaps for the first time as an adult, you can now pull out and examine your wealth files. Once you become AWARE of what’s in those files, you can decide if you still want to believe what’s in those files, or if it’s time to UPDATE them.

This exercise in examining your current files and revising and updating them is a key to your future success. Harv discusses 17 “Wealth Files” and we will look at all of them.

What you are about to learn has transformed the lives of thousands of people. How do I know? Well…first off, I’ve used them myself to achieve extraordinary results. But also, as Director of Operations for Peak Potentials, I personally saw the results Harv’s students were achieving! I’d meet them at various programs, and we’d get emails all the time. Daily.


Rich people believe “I create my life.”
Poor people believe “Life happens to me.”

Which do you believe? Honestly?

If you want to become rich, you’d better BELIEVE that you are responsible for the direction of your life, especially your financial life. Otherwise, you must BELIEVE that you have no control over the direction of your life and little or no control of your financial life. That is NOT the mindset of a rich person!

You have to believe that you are responsible for your success, or your mediocrity, or even your failure and struggle around money and success.

As opposed to rich people, poor people enjoy taking on the role of the VICTIM. How can you tell when someone is playing a VICTIM?

They leave 3 clues. First clue is that they blame. They blame everything and everyone except themselves. It’s never ever their fault. It’s always somebody else’s.

Second clue is that they justify. “Well…’s not that important anyways!” If you really think that money’s not important, guess how much of it you’re going to have??

Third clue is that they complain. They complain about everything. Problem here is that what we focus on expands. So if we’re focusing on what we don’t like, what we don’t want, what do you think we’re going to get MORE of? Stay as far away from complainers as you can.

Now it’s time for you to decide. You can either choose to be a victim or you can choose to be rich. But you can’t be both.

Every time you blame, justify or complain, from now on, realize THAT YOU ARE SLITTING YOUR FINANCIAL THROAT!!

Now, place your hand on your chest and say this declaration out loud….




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Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Test.....

Are you willing to participate 100%?

Here’s your test…..

I want you to take 5 minutes RIGHT NOW, and list your 5 BIGGEST GOALS for 2008. These are the goals that IF YOU ACHIEVE THEM you will KNOW that 2008 was a successful year. DO IT NOW.



If you’ve actually done what I asked you to do, then I congratulate you. If you’re still reading, and didn’t do the test, let’s examine why this happened, and what it means for you and your chances of success.

The BIG lesson here, is that the truly successful people in life aren’t content to just read and think about successful ideas. They are focused on action. They are focused on DOING.

You read the test. And if you didn’t do the test, why didn’t you do it? Did that little voice inside your head say…..”I don’t actually have to do it, let’s just see what Jeff writes next”, or maybe……..”that’s too much thinking, I kinda know what I want, that’s good enough”, or maybe…..”I never accomplish any of my goals anyways, why would I even want to bother anymore”. Whatever that little voice inside your head did to stop you this time, is THE SAME STORY IT TELLS YOU TO STOP YOU ALL THE TIME.

Virtually all of my clients say they want to be financially free. Yet none of them are doing the steps and taking the proper actions that will give them a chance to win that game.

If you really want to be successful, really, really, really, really successful, learn this lesson well.

Successful people are DOERS. They’ll spend 90 minutes a day planning and thinking and working ON their business, and then they spend the next 14 hours working IN their business. Unsuccessful people will plan and study for 6 months, prepare for every contingency, anticipate every possible situation, and never actually DO anything.

My friend and mentor Harv Eker said it best a long time ago. He said that when it came to successful people, their mindset is Ready, FIRE, Aim. Fire immediately and fire often. Once you fire, you can see if you’re close to your target, or if you need to aim better for your next shot. Plan on firing over and over and over and over and over again. Plan to never stop firing until you are right on your target and hitting it every time.

Now, let’s talk about YOU.

If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, I ask you to do certain exercises from time to time. You’ve learned a money management system that is easy to implement. You’ve learned the attitudes of an Enlightened Warrior and the daily declarations you want to repeat to cement these attitudes within you. You’ve learned the principles taught by Napoleon Hill for “Thinking and Growing Rich”.

Let me ask you something. Are you DOING the money management system, or was it too hard…too much work…..never got around to it….or fill in YOUR excuse here.

Are you doing the Daily Declarations of an Enlightened Warrior and laying a new foundation for your ways of thinking, or was it too hard….too much work….never got around to it….or fill in YOUR excuse here.

If you’re reading my blog for entertainment value, then you’ve completely missed the boat. If you’re reading my blog for information, then you’ve only gotten 10% of what we’re trying to accomplish here. BUT, IF YOUR READING MY BLOG FOR INFORMATION THAT YOU WILL IMMEDIATELY IMPLEMENT IN YOUR LIFE, then you have figured it out.

If you haven’t done the exercise I asked you to do at the beginning of this post, do it now. More important, reflect on the fact that until you change your habit from being a passive learner to an ACTIVE DOER, you will NEVER see success at the levels we’re talking about here.



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Friday, January 18, 2008

Your Choices and Decisions....

Everything you HAVE today and everything you ARE today are the results of all of the choices and decisions YOU’VE made in your life to this point. YOU are completely responsible for the results in your life, and the sooner you understand this principle, the sooner you will begin to rise above the life you currently live.

You chose the car you drive. You chose the work you do. You chose the income you earn. You chose the mate you have. You chose the level of fitness you have. You chose the weight you carry. You chose the friends you have, the places you’ve gone, the habits you do or don’t do.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how well have you done with the choices and decisions you’ve made? Is your life a 10? A 9? An 8?

Your THINKING, and your BELIEFS have played a major role in the choices and decisions you’ve made in your life. If your life isn’t an 8 or better, it’s time to consider making better decisions and choices in your life.

The first thing YOU NEED to accept is that YOU AND YOU ALONE are responsible for the results in your life. Don’t look for excuses.

So, one of your primary goals should be to become a master of making good choices and decisions. Guess what’ll happen in your life when you improve the choices and decisions you make?

How do you improve your choices and decisions? You do it by IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF INFORMATION you gather to make your choices and decisions. In other words, you EDUCATE yourself in the areas of importance to you! With added knowledge, you can make a BETTER decision. As you make better decisions, you improve the results in your life.

Remember, that success is AN INSIDE GAME! When you win the INNER GAME, you win the OUTER GAME by default!



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Saturday, January 12, 2008

What Else Is There To Say??

Phoenix has a metropolitan area population of over 3,000,000 people. It’s the 5th largest city in the United States. It’s one of the fastest growing cities in the nation.

Yet in a city of over 3 million, less than 25 people showed up last Thursday night for a meeting of a club dedicated to those who want to learn how to become financially free and more successful.

Is it really possible that out of 3 million people, only 25 want to learn and study how to become more successful?

I don’t believe that it’s only 25, but I do believe that 99% of the population WOULDN’T EVEN CONSIDER giving up a weeknight learning how to be more successful. It would interfere with their TV, or the game they wanted to watch, or just about anything else that you could conjure up.

What does that mean for the ambitious? It means that we have NO COMPETITION. NONE!

Most people are complacent, lazy, uninspired and unmotivated to get out of their comfort zone and learn how to live the life they are capable of. They represent the vast majority. They follow conventional wisdom, and if it’s good enough for the majority, it’s good enough for them.

The only problem is that the majority are struggling. The majority are living paycheck to paycheck. The majority have little or no savings. The majority will have little more than Social Security to live on when they retire. In fact, the majority will never be able to retire. They’ll be asking “Do you want fries with your order?” into their 70’s and 80’s!

This blog is dedicated to the MINORITY! It’s dedicated to the person who is prepared to study and learn and ACT on the principles of success and financial freedom.

I sincerely hope you are one of them. If you are, keep coming back here for the ideas, tactics and strategies employed by the most successful.




Wednesday, January 09, 2008

There is a natural progression....

If you were shown a roadmap to complete success, in every area of your life that’s important to you, and all you had to do was simply follow it, WOULD YOU?

This is a critical question that you have to ask yourself, because the answer you come up with could have a huge impact on the future course of your life.

First off, let’s make sure we understand that success means different things to different people. We’re all individuals with unique wants and talents, and we do not all want the same things.

Let’s also understand that in today’s society, FINANCIAL success IS JUST AS IMPORTANT as every other area of success. It is something all of us share in common.

Financial success rarely happens by accident. Financial success comes to the individual who has PREPARED THEMSELVES FOR FINANCIAL SUCCESS. Some people refer to it as your “FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT”.

It’s an area that I have devoted the past 38 years of my adult life. As a result, I am living proof that there are strategies that allow ANYONE to create financial freedom if it’s something that they truly want.

So, one of the first questions I ask all of my clients is just how important financial freedom is to them. And as we go through our conversation about their financial lives, I can see everything I need to in order to accurately predict their financial future.

I see their income and earning patterns. I see their spending and savings patterns. I see their investing patterns. I see if they work hard for their money, or if it comes easily for them. I see if their self employed or are they salaried. Just like my friend and mentor Harv Eker, “give me 5 minutes with anybody, and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life”.

In my previous post, I wrote that the single most important thing you must MASTER in your life is your MIND, how it works, and the INFORMATION you INTENTIONALLY choose to seek out and store in it.

In the financial arena, you must seek out and store NEW INFORMTION about the MONEY GAME, and HOW to WIN the money game!

Those of you who have read this blog over time know that I have written about this subject repeatedly. Yet, in my daily dealings with clients and prospects, it is apparent that only a very few handful of people understand how to play and win the money game. The vast majority are failing, many at dreadful rates!

PROMISE YOURSELF THAT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE ONE OF THEM! Promise yourself that you are going to accumulate all the information you need to become financially free, and that you will have the courage to take your knowledge and apply it!

If you want to become financially free, where do you start?

I always start by learning from those who are ALREADY financially free. I always learn from those who have already gone through the stages and have identified winning strategies. It doesn’t really make me much of an original thinker, but I’m only too happy to learn from those more experienced and successful than I am in their specific areas.

The experts in the area of winning the money game all say the same thing. First, YOU need to define what winning the money game means to YOU. Does it mean having a job making $35,000 a year, $50,000, $100,000, $250,000 or more? Does it mean being able to go out for dinner once or twice a week? Does it mean taking a nice vacation every year? Does it mean owing a nice home? What exactly does winning the money game mean to you?

For me, winning the money game means FREEDOM. It means Financial Freedom. It means CHOICE. When I have enough income every month to pay all of my bills whether I go to work or not, I AM FREE! From that moment on in my lifetime, I only work if I choose to, not because I have to. From that moment on in my lifetime, I only work at what I am truly passionate about.

I became financially free at the age of 52. I can verify for you that there are few things in life that can lift your spirit like financial freedom can.

There is a way of thinking that financially free people think which is completely different than those who aren’t financially free. In fact, only a small minority, far less than 5% have these ways of thinking. Again, this is based on my observations of the hundreds of clients I see annually.

Harv Eker wrote about the major distinct differences between how those who win the money game think and those who don’t win the game in his best selling book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”. He discusses 17 “Wealth Files” that separate the winners from the losers.

IF YOU SIMPLY FOLLOW THE ROADMAP THAT HARV OFFERS, AND INSTALL these new “wealth files” into your ways of thinking, you automatically begin moving towards your desire for freedom, and attracting to you the people, circumstances and events that will help you along your way.

Over the next while, I’ll be reviewing these wealth files again, mostly as a reminder to myself. I would encourage you to adopt these files to your way of thinking, and the SOONER THE BETTER.

Don’t worry that you’ll be thinking in a completely different way from the rest of your friends, family and associates. Rejoice in it! If you think how everybody else thinks, and do what everybody else does, you’ll get what everybody else gets, which isn’t much!

Financial Freedom is available to the person who is prepared for it. Start preparing NOW!



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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Understanding Your Mind....

YOU are an information receptacle. All day long, everyday, YOU are gathering massive amounts of data and storing it in the files of your mind. You’ve been creating and storing this data since your infancy.

As a child, most of the data you stored in your files was based on what you heard, what you saw, and what you experienced. IT BECAME THE FOUNDATION FOR THE WAY YOU THINK TODAY.

YOU will accelerate your path to success when you fully understand the message you are about to receive. PAY ATTENTION!

YOUR MIND, the way you use YOUR MIND, the thoughts, ideas and suggestions you intentionally place in YOUR MIND, will absolutely determine everything of importance you will have in your life.

After studying the greatest minds in the areas of success, this fact is irrefutable. You will succeed to the extent that you master your mind and the information you chose to enter it. Everything begins right here. If you want to be the MASTER of just one thing in your life, learn to master your mind and the way you think.

Think of your mind as a high powered race car capable of going at 220 miles per hour. Most of us are driving around at 25 miles an hour, using only a very small portion of our horsepower. Even that’s probably an exaggeration since researchers estimate that most people are using about 3% of their brain power capacity!

The high achievers in life, the most successful, aren’t driving around at 25 miles an hour like the majority does. They’ve taken the time to learn how to get the very best quality of information into their minds, and they learned how to get the maximum results out of their minds. They’re driving around at 220!

What speed are you driving around at? Have you created a high performance car to travel your journey through life with?

The most critical thing you can ever truly understand is that before you can ever win the “OUTER GAME” of life, you must first win the “INNER GAME” of life. And the first rule to winning the INNER GAME is to master your mind, the way you think, and the information you chose to enter into it.

If you want to join the elite, top 5% of the crowd, and enjoy a life filled with happiness, success and abundance, continue to fill your mind with new ways of thinking, find the better ways, and always, TAKE MASSIVE ACTION.

Together, let’s make sure that 2008 is a turning point year in your life.




Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

The brand new start to a brand new year!

A fresh beginning!

Is 2008 going to be the year you take complete control of your life, and make it a year you’ll never forget?


Is 2008 going to be pretty much like 2007 and 2006 and 2005….?

The definition of INSANITY is to do the SAME thing over and over again and EXPECT a different result.

This is the perfect time to turn a new page in your life. It’s the perfect time to stop living in mediocrity and take your life to a whole new level. It’s the perfect time to COMMIT to doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to make this a sensational year.

One of my all time favorite sayings is something I first heard from my good friend and mentor Harv Eker, President and CEO of Peak Potentials Training. He said “If you’re not seeing all the success you want, all that means is that there’s something YOU STILL DON’T KNOW”.

Make this the year you begin to search out the "THINGS YOU STILL DON’T KNOW”.

In other words, look for every opportunity to EDUCATE yourself in every area of your life.

As far as your financial life is concerned, if you want to reach your full financial potential, and that’s a goal you’re passionate about, then this is the place for you.

If you aren’t reaching your full financial potential, then all that means is that there’s SOMETHING YOU STILL DON’T KNOW!

Financial success is a science. You can learn how to reach your full financial potential. The problem is, nobody can actually do it for you. You will have to PUT IN YOUR effort, YOUR money, YOUR time, before you see YOUR results. If that doesn’t work for you, then this isn’t the place for you.

This blog is committed to educating and inspiring you to reach YOUR FULL FINANCIAL POTENTIAL. It’s based upon studying the greatest minds in the fields of money and success over my past 38 years, and my life experiences in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds for the past 27 years.

Day after day, week after week, I meet clients and prospects in my office to review, examine and improve their financial lives. I see the same problems over and over again. Most people have absolutely terrible money management skills. Even worse, guess what they teach their kids?! I HONESTLY FEAR FOR THE FUTURE OF MOST RETIREES!

You’d think that for something as critical as personal financial success IT WOULD BE MANDATORY TRAINING IN GRADE SCHOOL! Who isn’t going to have to deal with money and finances their whole lives? Yet, how do most of us learn about money, money management, saving, investing? From who? Our parents? Our friends? The media? We weren’t born with these skills? No! We were taught these skills, starting from a very early age, and usually by people who hadn’t a clue how to deal with money properly themselves!

Most people have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW TO WIN THE MONEY GAME. They have NO clue what they are STRIVING for financially. They have NO clue how they could CREATE wealth for themselves other than winning the lottery or receiving a large inheritance. In fact, for most people, the dreams of becoming wealthy and enjoying a prosperous lifestyle have long faded into memory, and the realities of just paying the bills have set in.

The odds are about 1 in 20 that you’ll live the lifestyle you want to live, now and into your retirement years. Only 5% will live the kind of lifestyle we’re describing here.

Understanding that the odds are stacked against you, what can you do to IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES DRAMATICALLY? How can you avoid being one of the 95% who struggle financially? How can you GUARANTEE yourself that you’ll join the top 5%?

Read the following very closely, because it all boils down to this……


Your success is all about you. It’s all about you taking full responsibility for everything in your life. Whether or not you become financially free is entirely within your control. Others, who have no more skills, talents, money or education than you do are creating massive success for themselves. It’s happening every single day, and I would suggest, that there has never been a better time in the history of the world for an ambitious entrepreneur to create financial freedom in just a few short years. IF YOU WANT TO BE FINANCIALLY FREE, LEARN WHAT FINANCIALLY FREE PEOPLE DO, AND MODEL THEM!

One of my biggest goals for 2008 is to help educate as many people as possible on how to reach their full financial potential. This blog is one way I hope to accomplish that. If you see the value of this information for yourself, please consider telling others you care about this site and the ideas and philosophies I share. You'll be helping your friends and family in one of the most critical areas of their life, their financial life.

Here’s to your awesome 2008! I hope you make it a year you’ll never forget!



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